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Bill Hicks - ITN News TV - John Danforth - Robyn Bunds - Dick J Reavis - Recorded conversations - David Koresh - Newsweek magazine - Protest sheet - Dick DeGuerin - Derek Lovelock - David Hardy - Rick Sherrow ATF - Vince Foster - FBI - Henry J Hyde - Natalie Nobrega - Ben Steward - Carol Moore - Waco: The Inside Story TV - Conspiracies: Waco Massacre TV - Killer Cults TV - Children of Waco TV - Nostradamus Effect TV - Waco: A New Revelation TV - Inside Waco TV - Criminal Behaviour: David Koresh TV - Bill Clinton - Alex Jones - Waco: The Survivors Story TV - Waco Cult: Crimes of the Century TV - Waco: The Rules of Engagement TV - Waco: Madman or Messiah? TV - Waco Inferno: The Untold Story TV - In Defence Of: Waco: Clive Doyle TV - America’s Book of Secrets TV - Waco: American Apocalypse TV - Seconds from Disaster TV -         




Just like every home in America.  Bill Hicks, interview at Wako



There’s going to be hell to pay when David Koresh, aka Jesus, aka Vernon Howell, makes his final move for the lord.  Bill Hicks, interview at Waco



They’re killing children!  How many children were at Waco?  They’re killing children!  Bill Hicks



The Branch Davidians did not start the fire: they were murdered.  Bill Hicks



So the major news said that the Branch Davidians started the fire ... Yet I’ve seen with my own eyes the Bradley tanks shooting fire into the compound.  Isn’t it odd that no major news source picked that up?  You’d think that’s newsworthy.  That basically means that the government, from the FBI, the ATF, up to Janet Reno, including Clinton, are liars and murderers.  Ha ha ha ha ha.  Bill Hicks, Rant in E Minor



I’m like Koresh, only without the guns and pussy.  Bill Hicks



Good evening.  The Waco Cult Siege in Texas ended this evening in a devastating inferno in what appears to be mass suicide.  ITN News at Ten with Trevor McDonald



The first question is, Was there a cover-up?  And the second question is, Did federal officials kill people?  John Danforth, former Senator, appointed by Janet Reno to investigate



The first thing Sean remembers about his father is his father beating the living hell out of him.  Robyn Bunds, fourth wife of David Koresh



He was actually God.  And he would start to speak in the first person.  Robyn Bunds



David Koresh had a very unusual ability which was key to the heart of people who take the Bible seriously.  He claimed that God had planted in his head the texts of the Bible.  Dick J Reavis, author The Ashes of Waco



Branch Davidian: There are 75 men around our building and they’re shooting at us and there are children and women in here and to call it off!  Recorded plea



Negotiator: I’ll tell you straight forward, I’m so concerned about those children’s well-being and to get them, we just don’t need harm to happen to them or to you or anyone else.  Recorded message



Negotiator: No-one is now authorised to come out of there for any reason ... The patience of the bosses is no longer where it was earlier.  ibid.



Negotiator: I am assuring you the FBI still stands for what this country is all about.  ibid.



Loud-hailer announcer: This is not an assault ... We are introducing non-lethal tear-gas.  ibid.  



Children of Waco playing: We are soldiers in the army.  We’ve gotta fight.  Someday we have to die.  ibid.



David Koresh: Who do you believe in?


Girl: David. 



The Decoded Message of the Seven Seals of Revelation.  David Koresh, manuscript 19th April 1993



You had better watch out.  I am God.  David Koresh, advice to member



I do not beat children.  Yes, I spank children.  I spank my children when they do wrong.  David Koresh



I know where I came from: I come from God.  David Koresh



I’m in trouble because I teach people the Seven Seals; for people are out to get me because they say, He says he’s Christ.  David Koresh



We’re not trying to be bad guys.  The thing is this.  I know it sounds crazy to you but you’re gonna find out sooner or later.  There are Seven Seals.  The question of theology has overstepped.  I’m gonna open that book; now that’s what I’ve done.  Now there are some things in that Bible that have been held as mysteries about Christ ... Theology is life or death.  David Koresh, conversation with FBI negotiator



Secrets of the Cult.  Newsweek front cover with photograph of David Koresh



Rodney King We Understand.  Sheet draped from window at Mount Carmel during siege



The ATF first tried to say that he [Koresh] hadn’t been spotted outside of the compound in several weeks.  Well that’s a lie.  He had been outside the day before.  Almost every day he ran three or four miles in the countryside by himself.  Dick DeGuerin, David Koresh’s lawyer



I saw in the ceiling bullet-holes; now they were bullet-holes that had been shot from above into the room.  Dick DeGuerin



They played rabbits being slaughtered.  Stuff like, These boots are made for walking ... I’ve got a brand new box of matches ... to keep us awake.  Derek Lovelock, Branch Davidian



Every year, just before the House of Representatives Appropriations cycle starts, which determines how much money the Agency gets, they would have one big publicity-grabbing raid.  Well, when I first heard of the raid at Waco, my first reaction literally was, When does the House Appropriations cycle start?  As I recollect, it was ten days after the raid.  David Hardy, Waco researcher  



Nine days before the bloody raid he [Koresh] went shooting with the ATF agents.  David Hardy



Every one of those video tapes vanished.  David Hardy



He had a goodly number of guns.  David Hardy



Why items of evidence have disappeared.  Why the crime scene was destroyed before it could be evaluated.  These areas.  Especially the evidence disappearing.  Rick Sherrow, former ATF fire expert



The FBI lied to me.  Vince Foster, presidential counsel, committed suicide



FBI: We didn’t have anything to do with their deaths.  Press conference



FBI Tape: Is there a way to spread fuel in there?  Well, that’s the fuel.  We should get more hay in there.  FBI ‘Bug Tape’ overheard 7:23 a.m. approx



Oklahoma City has some connection because it was done on the anniversary of Waco.  Henry J Hyde



I loved it.  To me it was like a holiday camp.  That’s what it felt like to me.  It wasn’t a cult.  It was a normal place and they were normal people.  Natalie Nobrega, aged 10, emigrated with mother from north London



In July of 1995 two committees of the United States House of Representatives met to investigate the Waco Tragedy.  Those committees found the Davidians had started the fires on April the 19th and had killed themselves.  Their reports have been filed.  No further action has been taken.  Ben Steward, Esoteric Agenda