[Murder Cases here are usually filed in the name of the perpetrator, or the lead perpetrator. If the case remains unsolved or with several killers, the case may be filed in the name of the victim]
Babner, William p1 - Babysitter Killer p1 - Baden-Clay, Gerard p1 - Bagshaw, Chris p1 - Bailey, Clinton p1 - Bain, James p1 - Bailey, John murder p1 - Baker, Matt p1 - Baker, Matt p2 - Bakley, Bonnie murder p2 - Bala, Krystian p2 - Calcer, AndreBall, Danny p2 - Ballard, Andre p2 - Omar Abdul p2 - Ballard, Thomas p2 - Bamber, Jeremy p2 - Baniszewski, Gertude p4 - Banks, George p4 - Barber, Justin p4 - Baranyi, Alex & Dave Anderson p4 - Barbour, Miranda & Elytte p3 - Barfield, Velma p4 - Barker, Ma et al p4 - Barnes, David p5 - Barnes, George Kelly p5 - Barnes, James p5 - Barnett, David p5 - Barone, Cesar p5 - Barraza, Elizabeth murder p5 - Bartlam, Daniel p5 - Bass, Timothy p5 - Baumeister, Herb p6 - Baxendale, David p6 - Bayley, Adrian p6 -
P, DIRK [alias]: Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer TV -
The man drugged and then robbed his victims. Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer: A Mysterious Death, caption, Netflix 2024
This is the sort of case that made me feel we’re dealing with a monster. ibid. Katrin Faust, Staatsanwaltin
The party scene does have a dark side. ibid. DJ
Grosse Freiheit 114: Queer & Friends Bar: After the autopsy there were still some unanswered questions. ibid. Dr Sven Hartwig
A credit card belonging to the victim was used after his death. ibid. rozzer
Within the hour I had heard from the criminal investigators. ibid. Miroslaw mugged on train
Miro had been given liquid ecstasy [GHB] which confirmed the suspicion that he had been drugged. ibid. rozzer
GMB is referred to as the ultimate knockout drug … ‘liquid ecstasy’ … has nothing to do with ecstasy. ibid. autopsy doctor
Something happened inside me I couldn’t comprehend. ibid. perpetrator
The deceased’s phone had been used after his death. Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer II: A Serial Killer in Berlin, rozzer
It was all about the thrill and doing something forbidden. ibid. perpetrator
I’m a teacher’s assistant in Brandenburg … I have been living with my partner for almost ten years. ibid.
I was aware something was wrong with me. But I didn’t know who to talk to about it. ibid.
How come this one man suddenly had the urge to kill while millions of others don’t? Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer III: The Lust to Kill
This time the victim was a man named Peter. ibid. rozzer
BABNER, WILLIAM: Crime Stories TV - York Daily Record online -
Gunfire at the river’s edge: an elite team of investigators will have to search on land and underwater for clues. A horrific crime – a river deep with secrets. Crime Stories: Chance Encounter
Both teens have been shot in the face. ibid.
For his random act, William Babner was convicted of attempted murder, kidnapping and rape. ibid.
Babner has no chance of parole. ibid.
Judge Sheryl Ann Dorney listened Thursday morning as a forensic psychiatrist described how a combination of Prozac, Xanax, Ritalin and enough alcohol to render a normal human comatose robbed William Babner of his memory the night he kidnapped a man and a woman, raped the woman, shot both of them in the head and left them for dead.
The judge listened as Babner’s victims, who were 18-year-old college students when Babner entered their lives and brutalized them, described how their lives have changed, how they live in fear every single day, how they awake from nightmares of that day, how they have required numerous surgeries to heal their physical scars, how no amount of surgery could heal their psychic scars, how they have been robbed of their trust and innocence. York Daily Record online article Mike Argento 8th September 2000
BABSITTER KILLER: Dark Minds TV - Jonathan Oosting -
In the late 1970s Detroit, Michigan, was the site of unspeakable crimes: strangely, the victims were bathed and carefully redressed before they were dumped. Dark Minds: The Babysitter Killer, ID 2014
Paedophilia, questionable suicide and a possible cover-up. ibid.
In 1966 and 1967 someone snatched two boys and two girls from the streets of suburban Detroit. ibid.
The King family believes Chris Busch was involved in the murder of their loved one, Timothy King. ibid.
Roughly thirty-five years after a serial killer murdered at least four children in Oakland County, recently released documents indicate authorities have connected DNA evidence to a man recently released on parole in Kalamazoo.
The Detroit News reports Michigan State Police made a mitochondrial DNA match between 10-year-old victim Kristine Mihelich of Berkley and 50-year-old Flint native James Vincent Gunnels.
Gunnels was recently paroled in Kalamazoo after serving five stints in prison for crimes ranging from larceny to breaking and entering. Gunnel’s DNA sequence matched one of two hair fragments removed from Kristine’s shirt. Gunnels was a childhood friend of one of the nephews of Christopher Busch, a convicted pedophile suspected of being involved in the killings ...
According to Michigan State Police records, the match is the first physical DNA evidence in the case. A mitochondrial DNA sequence, however, is not a perfect match, and the sample is 34 years old. The results of the testing were made known to investigators in March 2009.
In an interview with The Detroit News last month, Gunnels insisted he was a victim of Busch and that he has ‘no idea’ how his DNA could have wound up on Kristine’s body. Jonathan Oosting article 20th May 2011, ‘Looking for ‘The Babysitter’ DNA Evidence Links Parolee to Oakland County Child Killer Case’
BADEN-CLAY, GERARD: Crimes that Shook Australia TV -
In April 2012 in a quiet suburb on the western fringes of Brisbane a 43-year-old woman went missing leaving her husband and children and whole community praying for her safe return. The discovery of her body ten days later revealed the secrets and lies that kept her hidden and unveiled the double life of her killer. Crimes that Shook Australia s2e8: Gerard Baden-Clay, CI 2016
In the early hours of Friday 20th April 2012 Gerard Baden-Clay, a local real estate agent from Brookfield, reported his wife Allison missing. ibid.
On the right-hand side of Gerard’s face were a number of distinct and possibly incriminating deep scratch-marks. ibid.
When Allison discovered her husband’s infidelity in September 2011 and demanded the couple seek counselling, Gerard ended the affair briefly. ibid.
BAGSHAW, CHRIS: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones TV -
A 15-year-old girl [Annie Kasprzak] with a troubled past is murdered in the dead of night. Who wanted Annie dead? And what was she hiding? Can a rookie detective untangle years of secrets and lies to expose a killer? True Crime with Aphrodite Jones s6e10: Too Young to Die, ID 2016
The prime suspect – Annie’s on-again off-again boyfriend Chris Bagshaw. ibid.
Chris Bagshaw pleads guilty murder. ibid.
BAILEY, CLINTON: The Suitcase Murders TV -
Cliffe, Kent: Her remains were discovered by a dogwalker in a suitcase near a dried-up pond in Rochester. The Suitcase Murders s1e5, news, Discovery Plus 2024
‘The police have a breakthrough – one fingerprint … They find a potential victim: Leah Questin, aged 37, from Cricklewood.’ ibid. criminologist
‘Her bank account has been systematically drained.’ ibid.
‘So police are wondering, Who is Clinton Bailey?’ ibid.
BAIN, JAMES: James Bain - Penn & Teller TV - CNN online -
My name is Jamie Bain and was wrongly convicted and spent thirty-five years in prison. James Bain
In 1974, 19-year-old Jamie was accused of the horrible crime of raping a nine-year-old boy. The police were looking for an African-American teenager with bushy sideburns ... And forensics also played a part in the case ... The Prosecution brought in an FBI expert who testified that Jamie could not be excluded because of this [blood type] evidence. Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s8e7: Criminal Justice, Showtime 2010
Bartow, Florida (CNN) – After more than three decades in prison, a man in Florida was set free Thursday after a DNA test showed he did not kidnap and rape a 9-year-old boy in 1974.
James Bain, 54, was 19 when he was convicted on charges of kidnapping, burglary and strong-arm rape. Now he will be allowed to go home for the first time in 35 years.
‘Mr Bain, you are a free man,’ the judge said in a Bartow, Florida, courtroom. Bain was serving a life sentence. CNN online article 17th December 2009
BAILEY, JOSH murder: Twisted Killers TV -
Chapel Hill, North Carolina: A group of kids turn into a group of sadistic murderers. Twisted Killers s1e4: Kill or Be Killed, comment, Sky Crime 2022
Josh Bailey was led to a wooded area to a fallen tree. ibid. rozzer
BAKER, MATT: True Crime with Aphrodite Jones TV - ABC News online -
She said her preacher seduced her. And murdered his wife. The records say women complained about him everywhere he went. He said it’s all a pack of lies. Was it murder or was it suicide? True Crime with Aphrodite Jones s2e5: Matthew Baker, ID 2011
April 8th 2006, Kerry Baker, the thirty-one-year-old wife of a popular Baptist minister in Waco, Texas, was pronounced dead. The case was quickly ruled a suicide. ibid.
In 2010 pastor Matt Baker was convicted of his wife’s murder. ibid.