The World at War TV - Destination Truth TV - Singapore 1942: End of Empire TV - The Fall of Singapore: The Great Betrayal TV - Noam Chomsky - Storyville: The PM the Playboy and the Wolf of Wall Street TV - Britain’s Forgotten Wars TV - The Proof is Out There TV - Man on the Run 2023
‘The plan for the defence of Malaysia was based entirely on the air force.’ The World at War 6/26: Banzai, General Sir J G Smyth VC, ITV 1973
The Japanese secret weapon in Malaysia was the bicycle. ibid.
Josh responds to Bigfoot sightings in the jungles of Malaysia. Destination Truth s1e4, Skyfy 2007
The Bigfoot Legend – in Malaysia he has been big news. ibid.
There have been sightings all over the Malaysian peninsula. ibid.
I’d gathered enough evidence to believe that there is something big roaming the jungle. ibid.
We hoped that the cast we made would provide some answers. ibid.
This haunted mosque was in the thick jungles of Malaysia. Destination Truth s2e7
Many local Malays began to help the Japanese. Singapore 1942: End of Empire I, BBC 2012
The bicycle brigades were a vital asset of the Japanese army, and the routes were planned long before they invaded. ibid.
Penang fell unopposed to the Japanese. ibid.
There were less than a hundred Argyles who hadn’t been killed or captured. ibid.
Over three years in captivity. 30,000 British, 15,000 Australian and 40,000 India troops joined 30,000 POWs already taken in Malaysia. ibid.
The Japanese promised the Malays independence but it never came. Instead they increasingly behaved like a harsh new Colonial power. Singapore 1942: End of Empire II
Britain finally granted Malaysia independence on 31st August 1957. ibid.
On this shore just after midnight on 7th December 1941 Japanese troops invaded the British colony of Malaysia. The Pacific War had begun. The Fall of Singapore: The Great Betrayal, BBC 2012
US and other foreign corporations forced the Labour Ministry in 1988 to continue the government’s long-standing prohibition of unions in the electronics industry by threatening to shift their jobs and investments to another country. Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy
In February 2013 I started an investigation into illicit money flow coming into the United States. The money was coming into high end real estate and it was coming through companies where the owners could be hidden. I decided to focus on the Time Warner centre. The PM, the Playboy and the Wolf of Wall Street, BBC 2019
Riza Aziz … was running Red Granite Pictures … Riza Aziz was the stepson of the prime minister of Malaysia, and friends with them all … In September 2014 I wanted to see if Jho and Majin would meet up in New York … The Story of 1MDB and the Money Trail … ‘He came up with this idea to set up this investment fund call 1MDB; the trust fund that brings returns for the future of the people.’ ibid.
‘Why was 1MDB not subject to the same oversight as the rest of the companies?’ ibid. Brother of Najib
It came to my attention 1MDB had raised bonds, public debt with Goldman Sachs. Debt that the people of Malaysia would have to pay back. ibid.
I knew that there were documents that were available for sale that purported to show details of money moving between 1MDB and Jho Low. ibid.
‘$700 million had been taken from the fund under the guise of being sent to a joint venture with a Saudi Arabian oil company.’ ibid.
The best and the most expensive party Las Vegas had ever seen … security, the foods, the drinks, the gifts, the stars, the celebrities – that must have cost $100 million. ibid.
‘A political slush fund.’ ibid.
The Malayan Emergency is a forgotten conflict … a communist uprising that tied commonwealth troops down for almost a decade … The conflict is hardly ever talked about. Tony Robinson, Britain’s Forgotten Wars IV: Malaysia, Channel 4 2021
Over 10,000 people were killed and at least 400,000 were forced into internment camps. ibid.
Internment camps became known as ‘new villages’. ibid.
Malaysia 2017: a man is about to step into his sister’s bathroom when he notices something crawling out of the toilet. The 28-year-old immediately rushes out to tell his sister who whips out her camera and captures this video: the footages shows a strange slithering creature emerging out of the bathroom with its head poking out of the door … The Proof is Out There s2e5, History 2022
The funds that were stolen from 1MDB were used to fund Jho Low’ and his family’ and friends’ lavish lifestyle. Man on the Run, woman Netflix 2023
Between 2009 and 2018, a man name Low Taek Jho, better known to the world as Jho Low, stole upwards of $5 billion from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund called 1MDB. An international consortium of bankers, lawyers, accountants, politicians and celebrities aided and enabled his scheme. ibid. captions
Malaysian investigators scrutinizing a controversial government investment fund have traced nearly $700 million of deposits into what they believe are the personal bank accounts of Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, according to documents from a government probe. ibid. The Wall Street Journal 2 July 2018