Accused: Guilty or Innocent? TV -
[Danita Tutt] faces allegations of medical child abuse including lying about her son’s safety … of starving her son Colby. Accused: Guilty or Innocent: Attempted Murder or Protective Mother? news, ITVX 2022
Danita is alleged to have starved and attempted to murder Colby during his time in hospice care. ibid. caption
Colby had 3 surgeries within 8 weeks to help him swallow, digest food, and eliminate waste. But they caused further complications. ibid.
In 2016, Colby was removed by Child Protective Services. A week later, Colton was also removed. Danita and her husbant Clint fought a legal battle for custody of their children. After 9 months, the court ruled in their favour, and the children were returned to the parents. ibid.
The Prosecution alleges Danita’s Facebook activity may indicate that she is suffering from a mental illness known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. ibid.
We have this little flood of Munchausen by Proxy cases coming from Cook’s County Hospital … ibid. defense
The defense call 17 witnesses over 5 days. ibid.
Found guilty of starvation and attempted murder … Danita was sentenced to five years in prison. ibid.