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★ New Mexico

I want this place kicking harder than a Sensai when I get back.  Breaking Bad s4e2: Thirty-Eight Snub, Jesse 


Have you recently lost a loved one in an aviation disaster?  ibid.  Saul’s TV advert  



I don’t like it [CCTV].  It’s a violation of the work space.  Breaking Bad s4e3: Open House, Walter to Jesse



You might look down at the floor with remorse.  Breaking Bad s4e4: Bullet Points, Skyler’s script for justifying gambling winnings   


There’s this mystery man I’ve been chasing for the best part of a year.  ibid.  Hank to Walter


Gus won’t risk letting the police find Jesse.  ibid.  Walter to Saul



So if I’m out here in a guard-like capacity, I need a gun, right?  Breaking Bad s4e5: Shotgun, Jesse to Mike  


Nothing else happens until I get my partner back.  ibid.  Walter


Just like you wanted, the kid’s a hero.  ibid.  Mike to Gus   


This genius of yours, maybe he’s still out there.  ibid.  Walter pissed at dinner table



I am not in danger, I am the danger.  Breaking Bad s4e6: Cornered  


Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.  ibid.  Skyler to Walter



I’ll kill him [Gus].  First chance I get.  Breaking Bad s4e7: Problem Dog, Jesse to Walter


He’s [Gus] got the money to finance this operation; maybe he’s got the connections too.  ibid.



The man’s a drug dealer.  Yeah, methamphetamine … Something deep down says he’s my guy.  Just gotta prove it.  Breaking Bad s4e8: Hermanos, Hank  


My brother-in-law is on to Gus.  ibid.  Walter    



Thank you.  Please give this to your car care professional.  Breaking Bad s4e9: Bug, Skyler on till


Is this going to be a regular thing now – meth cooking and corpse disposal?  ibid.



I suggest you stop whining like a little bitch and do what I say.  Breaking Bad s4e10: Salud, Jesse to Mexican chemist


You’re staying.  You belong to the cartel now.  ibid.  Mexican gangsta  


Get us out of here, kid.  ibid.  Mike  



I think you can run the lab by yourself now.  Don’t you?  Breaking Bad s4e11: Crawl Space, Gus to Jesse


You are done.  Fired.  Do not show your face at the laundry again.  ibid.  Gus to Walter    


Saul, Gus is gonna murder my whole family.  ibid.  Walter  


Just give me an hour and then you make the phone call.  ibid.  Walter to Saul



I have lived under the threat of death for a year now … I alone should suffer the consequences for those choices.  Breaking Bad s4e12: End Times, Walter to Skyler  


I think Los Pollos Hermanos is the front for the biggest meth distributor in the south-west.  ibid.  Hank     



Do you just bring a bomb into a hospital?  Breaking Bad s4e13: Face Off, Jesse to Walter  


What kind of man talks to the DEA?  No man.  ibid.  Gus to Hector           



When this hits the news Uncle Hank is gonna be a hero.  Breaking Bad s5e1: Blood Money, Walter junior


Gus kept cameras on us at the lab and the laundry.  ibid.  Walter  


Did you actually use the word ethically in a sentence?  ibid.  Walter to Saul



I wouldn’t change a thing.  You and I working together having each other’s back is what saved our lives.  Breaking Bad s5e2: Madrigal, Walter to Jesse


You want me to kill every man on that list?  ibid.  Mike to Lydia


We could talk about the $2 million in your granddaughter’s name.  ibid.  Hank to Mike     


There is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up.  ibid.  Walter to Jesse & Saul  



He [Mike] handles the business.  And I handle him.  Breaking Bad s5e3: Hazard Pay, Walter


If you don’t like paying 20%, you shouldn’t have killed the guy [Gus].  ibid.  Mike


Like you said, we’re owners, not employees.  ibid.  Jesse to Walter  



There’s absolutely nothing for you to be afraid of any more, OK?  Breaking Bad s5e4: Fifty-One, Walter to Skyler 


Walter: What are you going to do to stop it?


Whatever it takes.  Everything in my power.  ibid.



Skyler doesn’t love me any more.  Breaking Bad s5e5: Dead Freight, Walter to Hank


Everyone sounds like Meryl Streep with a gun to their head.  ibid.  Hank   



If you knew, you’d never speak to me again.  Breaking Bad s5e6: Buyout, Skyler to Marie


Finally we have everything that we need and no-one to answer to except ourselves.  ibid.  Walter to Jesse


The Feds have been all over me … I’ve already decided – I’m out.  ibid.  Mike


My wife is waiting for me to die.  This business is all I have left now.  ibid.  Walter to Jesse  


Everybody wins.  ibid.  Walter  



Walter: You all know exactly who I am.  Say my name …


Declan: You’re Heisenberg.  Breaking Bad s5e7: Say My Name, Walter to baddies


If you leave, you get nothing.  Do you understand me?  Nothing.  ibid.  Walter to Jesse  


Shut the fuck up and let me die in peace.  ibid.  Mike      



There is no we, Jessie.  I’m the only vote left and I’ll handle it.  Breaking Bad s5e8: Gliding Over All


This is it.  This is what you’ve been working for.  ibid.  Skyler to Walter in lock-up    


I want my life back … How big does this pile have to be?  ibid.


I’m out.  ibid.  Walter to Skyler



I left a viable operation.  The rest was up to you.  Breaking Bad s5e9: Blood Money, Walter to Gretchen


When they start to whack the lawyers, that’s where I draw the line.  ibid.  Saul to Jesse


It was you all along.  It was you, son of a bitch.  ibid.  Hank to Walter  


I’m a dying men who runs a car wash … What’s the point?  ibid.  Walter to Hank



He’s a monster … You’re done being his victim.  Breaking Bad s5e10: Buried, Hank to Skyler   


Have you given any thought to sending him on a trip to Belize? ibid.  Saul to Walter    



Hank: Are you here to confess?  


Walter: There’s nothing to confess.  Breaking Bad s5e11: Confessions        


This is my confession.  If you are watching this tape, I am probably dead.  Murdered by my brother-in-law Hank Schrader.  ibid.    



Whatever it takes we’ll talk and we will fix this.  Breaking Bad s5e12: Rabid Dog  


We’ve come this far for us.  What’s one more?  ibid.  Skyler to Walter


He’s got a zero tolerance policy on threats.  ibid.  Jesse


Mr White is the devil.  ibid.  Jesse