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★ North American Union & NAFTA

North American Union & NAFTA: see United States of America & Mexico & Canada & New World Order & European Union & Trade & Globalisation

Zeitgeist 2007 - United We Fall TV - The Nation’s Deathbed TV - Steve Previs - Henry Kissinger - Robert Pastor - Stephen F Lynch - James Corsi - Ian R Crane - Noam Chomsky - The Corbett Report - 




In 2005 an arrangement between Canada, Mexico and the United States was made.  This arrangement, unannounced to the public, unregulated by Congress, merges the United States, Mexico and Canada into one entity, erasing all borders ... This isn’t some trade agreement – it’s a total removal of sovereignty from these countries, which will also result in a completely new currency called the Amero ... The American Constitution will eventually be obsolete ... You’re not told what you’re not supposed to know.  The North American Union is the same concept as the European Union, the African Union and the soon-to-be Asian Union, and the same people are behind all of them; and, when the time is right ... will be merged together forming the final stages of the plan these men have been working on for over sixty years – a one-world government.  Zeitgeist, 2007



The merger of the United States, Mexico and Canada into one super-country.  United We Fall, 2010


Thousands of protesters peacefully gathered in Seattle, Washington, to protest the World Trade Organisation, which was meeting in the city.  ibid.  


The police violently engaged the crowds using chemical and conventional weapons.  ibid.


Hundreds were arrested and injured for peacefully exercising their rights to assembly and free speech.  ibid.  caption


They have a dream to dominate the world.  ibid.


Real freedoms are eaten up a little at a time.  While government controls are slipped on.  While the real power is collected into a few hands.  ibid.


They create order out of the chaos.  ibid.



To educate the public with a unified voice of discontent about the undemocratic and sovereignty-stripping SPP [Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America].  The Nation’s Deathbed, Press for Truth 2011


‘An agreement for certain action groups to take over certain aspects of Canada’, America’ and Mexico’s society … to ‘harmonise’ them.’  ibid.  Vijar Sharma



The Amero is the proposed currency for the North American Union which is being developed right now.  Steve Previs, Jeffries International  



NAFTA will represent the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the end of the Cold War, and the first step toward an even larger vision of a free-trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere ... NAFTA is not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a new international system.  Henry Kissinger, The Los Angeles Times 18th July 1993  



The General Agreements on Tariff and Trade 1947 decided on a course that would systematically over time dismantle trade barriers.  Robert Pastor



Since NAFTA was put in place, Mexico has lost 1.9 million jobs and most Mexicans’ real wages have fallen.  Stephen F Lynch



Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American union designed to encompass the US, Canada and Mexico.  James Corsi



The original goal was to merge the North American Union with the European Union by 2015; the new goal is 2022 with global governance absolutely by the latest 2025 ... This is a global game of Monopoly.  Ian R Crane, lecture Dublin, ‘The Final Meltdown’



NAFTA: It’s a tremendous attack against democracy.  And that’s also recognised: you read over and over agains that the point of NAFTA is to lock Mexico into the current reforms as they are called, that is the policies of opening up the economy which have brought about the Mexican ‘economic miracle’ in which incidentally wages have dropped about 60% over the past decade, and the share of labour in income has dropped about 36% to 23%.  Noam Chomsky, lecture Washington 1 December 1993, ‘Clinton’s Vision’ 



The countries that you cherish are about to be destroyed … The ominous Security and Prosperity Partnership which seeks to dismantle our nation’s sovereignty and undermine our democratic rights.  The Corbett Report 008, Meet the North American Union, James Corbett online 2007