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★ Nostradamus

Nostradamus: see Future & Prophecy & 2012 & Nazis & Apocalypse & Psychic & Literature & End of the World & Premonition

Alexie Sayle TV - The Sopranos TV - Nostradamus Effect TV - USA Prophecies Website - Penn & Teller TV - Richard Wiseman - Bernard Chevignard - Michael Shermer - James Randi - Nostradamus: 500 Years Later TV - Mystery Files TV - Unsolved History: Nostradamus TV - Nostradamus Decoded TV -  Nostradamus 1994 - Peter Lemesurier - Decoding the Past: The Other Nostradamus TV - Chris Everard - Vincent Bridges - Mario Reading - Ian Wilson - Jacqueline Alleman - Erika Cheetham - Pierre de Ronsard - The Next Nostradamus TV - Nostradamus: 21st Century Prophecies Revealed TV -     




How can you explain somebody like Nostradamus?  Nostradamus, a man who was writing in the 15th century and yet he made the most amazing predictions.  Like for example, he predicted that the Mini Metro would have a fifth gear option by 1989.  Alexie Sayle’s Stuff s1e1: Fun with Magnets, BBC 1988  



Quasimodo predicted all this.  The Sopranos s4e1: For All Debts Public & Private starring James Gandolfini & Lorriane Bracco & Edie Falco & Michael Imperioli & Dominic Chianese & Steven van Zandt & Tony Sirico & Robert Iler et al, Bobby, HBO 2002



The mystery centres around a manuscript in Rome called the Nostradamus Vatinicia Code.  The prophecies of Nostradamus.  Since the title bears the renowned prophets name, many believe he must be the author.  But no record exists of Nostradamus ever publishing such a manuscript.  And so the identity of the writer remains an open question.  Nostradamus Effect: Son of Nostradamus, History 2009   


Of the eighty images said to foretell our doom seven form a code specifying the time of the Apocalypse.  ibid.


Does the value in the manuscript lie purely in its provenance?  For years it was assumed the author was the most renowned seer of all: Nostradamus the Elder.  But the evidence suggests this may not in fact be the case.  The creator of this work that portends Armageddon – father or son?  ibid.



Please observe how the entire atheist movement has been crushed by the hand of Nostradamus.  USA Prophecies website



Let’s just say that Nostradamus did know any of this stuff.  To know it, and to not give the information, makes him the biggest evil that’s ever lived.  Penn & Teller



Just one of the crank nonsense things that people believe in.  There’s not even any mystery about Nostradamus.  That’s the interesting thing.  We pretty much know that everything he predicts he predicts after the fact.  Penn & Teller



Michel de Nostradamus broke down his visions of the future into a series of quatrains that some nuts claim predicted the stock market crash of 1929, the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, and the fall of the Soviet Union.  Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s1e4: End of the World, Showtime 2003


Nostradamus was nothing more than a bad poet with a paranoid streak.  ibid.



None of it’s true: but it’s just an easy way of making a living.  Professor Richard Wiseman



What I say to the supporters of Nostradamus is tell me what’s going to happen with some degree of accuracy in the future.  Professor Richard Wiseman



I’m not convinced that Nostradamus was prophetic.  Professor Bernard Chevignard, University of Burgundy



This will go on for another five-hundred years if we let it.  Dr Michael Shermer, publisher Skeptic Magazine



The rule of dropping a letter or adding a letter is something invented by the Nostradamians ... You can make it almost into anything you want.  James Randi, author Mask of Nostradamus



People will forget about the ones that miss.  James Randi



Was he really a man of profound prophetic vision or did he simply write vague cryptic poetry that could be imagined to foresee almost anything?  Nostradamus: 500 Years Later, 2003


In 1550 Nostradamus began to write almanacs; these included practical information for farmers for the year ahead.  ibid.


He gazed into a bowl of water placed on his desk, a practice reminiscent of the Oracle of Delphi.  ibid.


The majority of the quatrains deal with destruction and loss.  ibid.


In 1789 during the disruption caused by the French Revolution the tomb was broken into and desecrated by looters.  The incident spawned a legend that the perpetrators found Nostradamus’s skeleton and a medallion around its bony neck which was inscribed with the Roman numerals for the exact year that the tomb was plundered.  ibid.



The Twin Towers attack is a recent example of the writings of Michel Nostradamus being linked to modern events.  This prolific astrologer drew up thousands of predictions.  But his fame has endured because of this single book: Les Propheties.  Within it are 942 strange predictions.  Mystery Files: Nostradamus, National Geographic 2010 


He was born in 1503 in this small rural village St Remy-de-Provence in southern France.  He does not start his working life as an astrologer, but as an apothecary travelling the countryside peddling his cures.  It is only in his late 40s that he turns to a career in astrology.  No-one knows exactly why Nostradamus starts predicting the future.  ibid.


His prophecies seem to be a patchwork of ideas copying from old predictions and by recycling historical events.  ibid.



In 1555 in an obscure corner of France Nostradamus began to write a series of mysterious verses full of strange ideas.  Now it’s claimed these were astonishingly accurate predictions of future events.   Unsolved History s2e9: Nostradamus – The Truth, Discovery 2003


Stricken by grief Nostradamus set out on a journey through Europe.  For over a decade he travelled, absorbing the ferment of occult and new ideas spreading across the continent.  ibid.


In 1555 the book appeared which would in turn make Nostradamus famous across the world – The Prophecies.  ibid.


There is one thing that unites all these claims: they have all been made after the events happened.  No-one has been able to use Nostradamus to make a successful prediction before an event has happened.  ibid.  


In an apparent age of science and reason Nostradamus is more famous today than ever.  Perhaps there’s a psychological explanation for his enduring popularity.  ibid.



Many people believe Nostradamus predicted our darkest moments in history.  Did Nostradamus really see into the future, and is that future now?  Nostradamus Decoded, Discovery 2009


Undeterred, Nostradamus bravely treated the sick when the plague devastated France.  ibid.


Nostradamus settled in the tiny village of Salon where he began his writing career.  He made use of a relatively new invention – the printing press.  For the first time the written word would become more available.  ibid.


Even a note scrawled in a margin has various interpretations revealing how difficult it is to translate the true meanings of every line.  ibid.


His vagueness was most likely deliberate to avoid the attention of the Inquisition.  ibid.



I’m a man of God, sir.  We are building a new church – one without idols.  We’re building a new world.  Nostradamus 1994 starring Tcheky Karyo & F Murray Abraham & Rutger Hauer & Amanda Plummer & Julia Ormond & Assumpta Serna & Anthony Higgins & Diana Quick & Michael Gouch & Maia Morgenstern & Magdalene Ritter et al, director Roger Christian



We know he wrote at least 7280 prediction; most of those are in his almanacs.  Peter Lemesurier, author The Unknown Nostradamus



There are 942 predictions in the book: weve traced about 655 of them back to earlier books.  And of those, 139 are taken from a really important anthology of prophecies from the time called The Mirabilis Liber.  Peter Lemesurier    



Nostradamus based his prophetic work on the idea that history repeats itself.  Peter Lemesurier  



Vagueness was part of Nostradamus’s stock-in-trade.  His prophecies needed to be catch-all so that a whole range of events could be seen to apply to them.  Peter Lemesurier



Primarily a physician, Nostradamus was a renaissance man in many ways.  Over five-hundred years after his birth he is chiefly remembered for his book Les Propheties, a collection of one thousand visionary quatrains that he wrote between 1555 and 1558.  Decoding the Past s1e20: The Other Nostradamus, History 2005



Gaze into bowls of water reading the reflections as messages from nature spirits: this technique was used by the famous medieval Dr Nostradamus, who would drug himself with nutmeg power, thorn-apple and belladonna, sitting for hours staring into bowls of water which revealed apocalyptic events.  Chris Everard, Spirit World II



Dr Nostradamus wrote a book of prophecies called Centuries which was published in 1555.  He describes events from the mid-1500s through to the end of the world which is predicted to come in the year 3797.  Chris Everard, Illuminati III



He is a mystery.  A very enigmatic subject, very enigmatic writer.  Vincent Bridges, author and historian