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★ Nazis: Hitler, Adolf (II)

Nazis: Hitler, Adolf (II): see Nazis: Adolf (I) & Nazis (I) & (II) & (III) & Nazis: Himmler, Heinrich etc. & Germany & Odessa File & Operations & War & World War II & Fascism & Jew & Concentration Camp & Bomb & Rocket & Nuclear & Dictator

Hitler’s Most Hated TV - Charles Wheeler: The Road to War TV - James Holland: World War Speed: The Drugs that Won WWII TV -  Mysteryquest: Hitler’s Escape TV - Hans D Baumann - Rochus Misch - Artur Axmann - Erich Kempka - Heinz Linge - Ulrich de Maiziere - History’s Conspiracies: The Hunt for Hitler TV - A Fourth Reich in the Sun? TV - The Observer online - Associated Press - Steve Remy - Le Bunker 1981 - Hitler: Germany’s Fatal Attraction TV - Conspiracy: The Nazis TV - Secret History TV - Albert Speer - Hunting Hitler TV - The Life of Adolf Hitler 2016 - History’s Greatest Hoaxes TV - Secrets of War TV - Jamie Theakston TV - Secrets of World War II TV - 13 Minutes: The Plot to Assassinate Adolf Hitler TV - Kill Hitler! The Luck of the Devil TV - Hitler Was My Neighbour TV - 42 Ways to Kill Hitler TV - Hitler’s Most Hated TV - Hitler’s Last Secrets TV - Nazis: Ultimate Evil TV - Nazis on Drugs: Hitler & the Blitzkrieg TV - Project Nazi: Blueprints of Power TV - World War II: The Apocalypse TV - Elsbeth Ebertin - Third Reich: The Rise TV - World War II: The Complete History TV - Night of the Long Knives TV - Fritz Reck-Malleczewen - Chronicle of the Third Reich TV - Great Crimes & Trials TV - The Rise of the Nazi Party TV - Nazis: Evolution of Evil TV - Evolution of Evil TV - Hitler’s Circle of Evil TV - Nazi Victory: The Post-War Plan TV - Hitler’s Secret Sex Life TV - How the Nazis Lost the War TV - Rise of the Nazis & Dictators at War & Downfall TV - Conspiracies Decoded TV - Hitler: Uncovering His Fatal Obsessions TV - Hitler’s Last Year TV - Tyrant: The Rise of Adolf Hitler TV - WWII: Countdown to Victory TV - Hitler's Coup 1923 - History's Greatest Mysteries TV - The Gentlemen 2024 - Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial TV - Inside Story: Traitors to Hitler TV - Hitler & Churchill: The Eagle & The Lion TV - 




Adolf sold his paintings on the streets.  It is interesting that he only painted landscapes, never people.  Two years in a row, Hitler applied to and was rejected from the prestigious Academy of Fine Arts … The Academy told him he had no aptitude for painting.  History’s Most Hated s1e4: Hitler & Stalin   



More than any other man, Adolf Hitler was the cause of the Second World War.  Charles Wheeler, The Road to War 2/8: Germany, BBC 1989


Hitler could have been stopped.  ibid.


Curiously, it was a series of general elections that brought the Nazis within reach of government.  ibid.


Hitler now put the country to work.  ibid.



It’s long been known that German soldiers used a form of Methamphetamine called Pervitin during the Second World War.  But have tales of Nazis on speed diverted attention away from the other side of the story  the widespread use of stimulants by British and American troops?  Did WWII unleash the world’s first pharmacological arms race?  James Holland, World War Speed: The Drugs that Won WWII, BBC 2019


Many Nazis including the Fuhrer himself were heavy drug users. ibid.



Is the official account of his death accurate? ... Adolf Hitler was out of sight hidden beneath the streets of Berlin.  When Berlin finally fell he was gone.  The fate of one of the most evil men in history became a baffling mystery.  Mysteryquest: Hitlers Escape, 2009


No-one saw Hitler pull the trigger.  No photographs were taken.  And no body was ever produced.  But some facts are beyond dispute.  German officials announced Hitlers death on the 1st May [1945].  Twenty-four hours later Russian forces capture the bunker and claim that Hitlers body was nowhere to be found.  Even more mysteriously Joseph Stalin always maintained right up until his own death that Hitler had escaped.  ibid.


They [Russians] revealed that they had actual proof of Hitlers death hidden away in Moscow, including a sofa supposedly stained with Hitlers blood, a portion of his jaw bone, and even more significantly a piece of skull with a bullet hole in it.  ibid.


The Fuhrer had ordered to aides to burn his and Evas bodies.  He had secretly feared the Russians would display his dead body.  Unable to completely burn the corpses the aides allegedly buried them in the grounds.  ibid.


The double also added to the confusion surrounding Hitlers death.  ibid.


So ground-breaking new evidence has been uncovered that calls into question the historical account of the death of Adolf Hitler.  Using 3D animation has shown that the eye-witness accounts historians had relied on are unreliable and probably wrong.  And the experiments performed on the skull have shown that far from being definitive proof that Hitler died in his bunker, it probably belonged to a woman.  ibid.



First of all nobody found the corpse of either Hitler or Eva Braun.  All the testimony of the key witnesses are very contradictory.  Hans D Baumann, author Hitlers Fate




He said, ‘The war is lost and nobody is obliged to do anything.  Everybody is free to go.  Only those who are needed have to remain.  That was us.   The ones who had to execute their duties to the end.’  Rochus Misch, Hitlers bodyguard & telephonist



Of course I was curious.  I took a look inside.  I will never forget this.  Hitler by the table his head on the table.  And Eva lay on the couch, her head towards him.  Rochus Misch



We were all quiet.  Everyone just listened.  And then somebody called, I think it is time.  After the door was opened I saw Hitler and Eva – she was lying on the couch.  I still remember this image today.  Rochus Misch  



His head was leaning to one side so that a rivulet of blood had run down the side of his head – left the head at about this point here and trickled down to the right of the sofa.  There was a small pool about the size of a saucer.  Out of this pool splatters had splashed on to the sofa and on to the wall.  I already showed and described all this to the Russians in ’46 when they took me from Moscow to Berlin for a reconstruction of the incident.  Artur Axmann



I can testify that Hitler is dead.  Namely that he died between two and three o’clock on the afternoon of April 30th.  No, I didn’t see him die.  I carried Adolf Hitler’s wife out of the bunker and I saw Hitler himself wrapped in a blanket.  Erich Kempka, Hitler’s chauffeur, Nuremberg trials



When I entered the room I saw to my left Hitler sitting on the right-hand side of the sofa.  His head leaned forward, and I could see a bullet hole approximately the size of a penny on the right temple.  Heinz Linge, interview 10th February 1956



Hitler was by that time already a sick man with a severe shaking paralysis in his right arm.  A shuffling gait.  Blue glasses.  He had poor eyesight, so everything had to be written in large letters.  But he had lost none of his demonic charisma.  He was a man who was mentally ill, to the extent that he suffered from excessive identification with the German people.  And he really lived out this identification with the German people.  Ulrich de Maiziere, General Staff Officer, Hitlers headquarters 1945



A reign of terror ended and an enduring mystery began.  As Russian troops swarmed over Berlin, Adolf Hitler took his own life.  Or did he?  Could Hitler have dodged the red army and escaped at the last moment?  Historys Conspiracies: The Hunt for Hitler


Is it possible Hitler could have escaped?  What really happened to Hitler at the Wars end?  ibid.


But where was the warmonger behind it all?  The first reports stated Adolf Hitler was dead.  It appeared to be Hitlers hour of reckoning.  But almost immediately conflicting accounts dashed the worlds hopes.  The Russian press scoffed at the notion Hitler had died fighting and insisted he had committed suicide.  Americans claimed Hitler was merely ill.  Only one thing could solve the mystery: Hitlers corpse.  ibid.


The reports of the double only heightened suspicion that the real Hitler had in fact escaped.  And that the unidentified man was a plant to allow him to flee.  ibid.


On his orders workers had turned a central Berlin boulevard into an air-strip.  On 29th April three days before the City fell Soviet troops were shocked to see a small two-seater appear.  The plane taxied within firing range of dozens of enemy soldiers but they did nothing to stop it.  ibid.


A German U-boat pulled into a foreign port.  Not in Japan or Spain but in the South American nation of Argentina ... Two months after the war ended Argentina and Peron fell under intense scrutiny when a pair of U-boats appeared off the coast.  ibid.


By the wars end according to these witnesses Hitler was a very different man from the omnipotent saviour he claimed to be.  He stumbled and his arm twitched violently.  ibid.


Then on the 5th May, day three of the search, a soldier spotted a charred shred of blanket in a shell-hole, and below it he found a corpse burned beyond recognition.  The only way to know if this was Hitler was the teeth ... The assistant drew this picture of Hitlers teeth from memory.  It matched ... The teeth prove that Adolf Hitler is dead.  ibid.


A fragment of skull.  The Russians still have that too.  ibid.


Hitlers last orders called for the destruction of his body.  Aides now deceased described what happened: the men carried Hitlers corpse to the garden above the bunker.  They soaked it with around two hundred litres of petrol.  Their orders were to cremate it completely so that Stalin could never put in on display.  ibid.