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Nazis (II): see Nazis (I) & (III) & Nazis: Hitler, Adolf etc. & Germany & Odessa File & Operations & War & World War II & Fascism & Jew & Concentration Camp & Bomb & Rocket & Nuclear & Dictator

Exterminate All the Brutes TV - Niall Ferguson TV - The SS TV - Ian R Crane - Bill Moyers - The Nazi Killers TV - Great Crimes and Trials TV - Justice Robert Jackson - Dusty Rhodes - Karl Jaspers - Nazi Hunters TV - Uki Goni - Guy Walters - John Loftus - Steve Rambam - Best Evidence: Fugitive Nazis TV - Secrets of the Dead: The Hunt for Hitler’s Scientists TV - Efraim Zuroff - Alien Files Unsealed TV - Conspiracy Test: Fugitive Nazis TV - The Last Nazis TV - David Baddiel and the Missing Nazi Millions TV - Conspiracy 2001 - This Must Be The Place 2011 - The Boys From Brazil 1978 - Fatherland 1994 - Oliver Stone TV - Americas Book of Secrets TV - Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail TV - The Rape of Europa TV - Hunting Hitlers Stolen Treasure TV - The Rise of the Nazi Party TV - Ancient X Files TV - Raiders of the Lost Past: The Nazi Hunt for Atlantis TV - Darcy Bussell TV & Audrey Hepburn - Kampfstoffe 1940 - Hitler’s Hunting Experiment TV - Anne Frank: The Nazi Capture TV - Codes and Conspiracies TV - Nazis on Drugs TV - Nazi Death Ray TV - Nazi Killer Bugs TV – Secrets of the Nazi Occult TV - Last Days of the Nazis TV - Dan Snow TV - Rusty Steel 2014 - Adam Curtis TV - Dispatches TV - Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick 2014 - SS-GB TV - The California Reich 1975 TV - Welcome to Leith 2015 - Louis Theroux: Louis and the Nazis 2003 - Panorama TV - Nazis: Evolution of Evil TV - Secrets of War TV - Hunting Down the Nazis TV - Jamie Theakston’s Forbidden History TV - Hitler’s Circle of Evil TV - UFO Hunters TV - Inside the SS TV - Antony C Sutton - Secrets of the Nazi Treasure 2017 - In Search of … TV - Hitler’s Secret Underground Factory aka Nazi Megastructures TV - Rise of the Nazis TV - Rise of the Nazis: The Downfall TV - Rise of the Nazis: The Manhunt TV - Conspiracy: The Nazis TV - Hitler’s Last Secrets TV -




Renowned industrialist Henry Ford gave the Nazi party all the profits from cars sold in Germany.  And every year an additional $350,000 was allocated for Hitler’s birthday.  Exterminate All the Brutes I: The Disturbing Confidence of Ignorance, Sky Documentaries 2021   



For the Germans annihilating a race was only part of the objective.  The camps would also play a more constructive role.  They would justify the genocide by advancing the cause of a corrupt medical science.  Niall Ferguson, Civilisation: Is the West History? 2011



The infamous Death’s Head’s units of the SS ran the Nazi concentration camps.  These 40,000 guards were responsible for slaughtering millions.  They were trained to commit acts of barbaric cruelty in Hitler’s name.  The SS specialised in turning ordinary men into monsters.  Without the Death’s Head uniform there was little to distinguish these practitioners of Nazi violence from anyone else.  The SS: Death’s Head, Military Channel 2012


From 1934 the SS Death’s Head units were fully responsible for the concentration camps.  ibid.


In the camps the SS promoted those who could kill without hesitation.  ibid.



At the end of World War II many members of the SS – the main perpetrators of Nazi terror – became wanted criminals.  Those who escaped are thought to have been helped by a powerful network of SS veterans and sympathisers codenamed Odessa.  The SS: The Mystery of the Odessa


Every SS man had a tattoo of his blood group under his left arm.  ibid.


Skorzeny is thought to have found his way through Austria to Italy and on to fascist Spain.  ibid.


In Rome the Vatican Secret Service is thought to have played a key role in securing SS men a safe passage to freedom.  ibid.


His [Bishop Alois Hudal] support for SS war criminals was confirmed by his secretary.  ibid.  


Rumours persist of secret SS accounts.  ibid.


Many SS men headed for Argentina.  ibid.


Tried in Jerusalem, Adolf Eichmann maintained his innocence to the very end.  In May 1962 he was hanged.  ibid.


Odessa’s existence is still unproven.  ibid.


The evil of the SS did not die in 1945.  ibid.



At the heart of their advance was a new military elite – the Waffen-SS.  The SS: Waffen-SS


Hitler’s most loyal military force.  ibid.


The soldiers of the Waffen-SS were servants of the Nazi regime.  ibid.


Altogether, the Waffen-SS killed 185 captured British soldiers during the retreat to Dunkirk.  ibid.


The Waffen-SS starved thousands of prisoners to death.  ibid.


The Waffen-SS was 900,000 strong ... a multinational army.  ibid.



The SS as part of the National Socialists under Himmler had a group called the Ahnenerbe.  The Ahnenerbe was that group within the SS that was responsible for esoteric research.   The National Socialists were very very conscious of the fact that there was some esoteric technology available – all they had to do was go find it, and of course use it for their own purposes.  And they had a number of forays into Tibet ... The Ahnenerbe were very very successful in their research.  Ian R Crane, lecture Glastonbury July 2007, ‘Fool Me Once’


He [Patton] was instructed to make a bee-line for the Skoda factory just across the border in Czechoslovakia.  Because that was where a whole bunch of the scientists were based who were working on a lot of the esoteric projects.  And these scientists were smuggled back to America under an operation called Operation Paperclip.  ibid.



The Russians had been our allies against the Nazis, an expedient alliance for the sake of war.  Now they were our enemy.  To fight them we turned to some of the very men who had inflicted on humanity the horrors of Hitler’s madness.  We hired Nazis as American spies.  We struck a secret bargain with the devil.  Bill Moyers, The Secret Government: Constitution in Crisis, 1987  



This is the true story behind inglorious bastards.  Jewish Americans who were refugees of Nazi Germany: theyd go back behind the lines for vengeance.  The Nazi Killers, Channel 5 2013



On 30th April Hitler shot himself ... Among the henchmen to follow his example were Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, who swallowed a cyanide capsule.  And propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels ... So the most senior Nazis on trial were Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess and Joachim von Ribbentrop.  Great Crimes and Trials: Hitler and the Nuremberg Trials


Although Adolf Hitler had not been able to face the humiliation of a trial he was present in spirit at every moment of it.  He was the man who had given the orders; every indictment was an indictment of him.  ibid.


Three defendants were acquitted.  ibid.



The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating that civilisation cannot tolerate them being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated.  Justice Robert Jackson, opening address for prosecution, Nuremberg trials



We had a job to do and that was to bring these people to justice.  CSA Dusty Rhodes, SAS



One of the women on being pushed into the furnace regained consciousness.  And at that instance she clawed Stroud on one side of his face.  And he still had the marks of the fingernails.  Dusty Rhodes



That which has happened is a warning.  To forget it is guilt.  It was possible for this to happen and it remains possible for it to happen again at any minute.  Karl Jaspers, German philosopher



In 1944 the Nazis unveiled a deadly new weapon  a supersonic rocket capable of massive destruction  the V2 ballistic missile.  But it hid a dark secret.  Thousands of slave labourers were worked to death in the hellish conditions to make Hitler’s ultimate vengeance weapon … Behind the V2 was one man  Wernher von Braun, gifted figurehead of the Nazi rocket programme … The Americans, the Russians and even the British would hunt Wernher von Braun.  Nazi Hunters s1e1: Hunting the Nazi Rocket Scientists, National Geographic 2009  


It set a template for many modern rockets.  ibid.



In October 1944 over thirty SAS soldiers were trapped behind enemy lines in eastern France.  Against all the rules of war many of them were tortured by the Nazis, brutally executed and thrown into mass graves.  In the same area four special operations agents captured while undercover suffered an horrific death injected with carbolic acid by a Nazi doctor.  SAS Major Bill Barkworth was the brilliant intelligence officer dispatched after the war to find out what happened to the missing soldiers.  Nazi Hunters e3: Justice  SAS Style


When a second Nazi hunter – Vera Atkins – went looking for her girls in Special Operations, Barkworth helped her track down the evil doctor who had murdered them.  ibid.


Out of the original thirty-two SAS on his list, he now knew ten had been murdered, just three killed in action.  The fate of the remaining nineteen was still a mystery.  ibid.


By early 1946 Barkworth’s investigators had made scores of arrests across occupied Germany.  They did their job well.  ibid.