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★ Nazis: Demjanjuk, John

Nazis: Demjanjuk, John: see Nazis (I) & (II) & (III) & Nazis: Hitler, Adolf etc. & Germany & Odessa File & Operations & War & World War II & Fascism & Jew & Concentration Camp & Bomb & Rocket & Nuclear & Dictator

The Devil Next Door TV - The Last Nazis TV - Los Angeles Times online -




Cleveland, 1986: Everybody came to America for a new life.  John Demjanjuk came here for a new life, and several years into it, it was turned upside down.  The Devil Next Door s1e1: The Devil Lives in Cleveland, dude, Netflix 2019


He was a family man … a normal Cleveland guy.  ibid.


The government came along and said he was Ivan the Terrible.  ibid.  


Charges were filed today against retired Seven Hills auto-worker John Demjanjuk.  The 66-year-old Ukrainian native is accused of being the death camp guard Ivan the Terrible.  ibid.  television news


John Demjanjuk will be extradited to Israel today where he will be facing a death sentence for alleged crimes against humanity.  ibid.  


It occurred to me that the essence of the evidence against him may be very flawed … a shocking farce.  ibid.  Israeli defence dude



It’s now almost two months since the start of Israel’s biggest war crimes trial for a quarter of a century.  In the dock is John Demjanjuk: he was extradited from America.  The Devil Next Door s1e2: Nightmares of Treblinka, BBC news  


The show trial has become a national obsession.  ibid.


Ivan would push them in with a bayonet spear.  ibid.  camp barber survivor


Some of the witnesses were seniles and liars.  ibid.  Israeli defence dude


New evidence is casting doubt on the man facing trial there as the notorious Nazi death camp guide Ivan the Terrible.  ibid.  US television    



Rosenberg had written an account of the revolt at Treblinka that Ivan was killed.  He wrote that in 1947.  The Devil Next Door s1e3: The Conspiracy    


He continues to say he is the victim of mistaken identity.  ibid.  US television news 


The OSI [Office of Special Investigations] itself had doubts about the Ivan the Terrible theory from pretty early on.  ibid.  legal dude  



I was a victim of the war.  So why would you put me on trial?  The Devil Next Door s1e4: Facing the Hangman, Demjanjuk evidence    


We convict the accused with crimes against the Jewish people.  ibid.  judge


The panel sentenced Demjanjuk to hang.  ibid.



A battle in the courts … There is new evidence to suggest that Israel may have the wrong man.  The Devil Next Door s1e5: The Final Twist   


These were not the eyes of Ivan the Terrible.  ibid.  legal dude  


Five Israeli judges ruled … he was not the infamous guard known to his victims as Ivan the Terrible.  ibid.


Camp survivors simply could not believe the verdict.  ibid.  


A court in Germany this morning convicted former US citizen and accused Nazi death camp guard Demjanjuk.  ibid.



In the spring of 2009 American immigration officers entered the home of John Demjanjuk ... He is being forcibly deported to stand trial in Germany.  It’s alleged that sixty-five years ago Demjanjuk was complicit in twenty-nine thousand murders as a Nazi concentration camp guard during the Second World War.  Until now he has been the world’s most wanted Nazi war criminal.  With Demjanjuk in custody, there’s just a handful of others left of them scattered across Europe.  The Last Nazis II: Most Wanted, BBC 2009



Two grainy black-and-white pictures showing a man authorities believe to be convicted Nazi collaborator John Demjanjuk working at the Sobibor death camp were published by German historians on Tuesday  surprise findings, 75 years after Holocaust that contradict the late US autoworker’s steadfast claims that he was never there


The pictures were part of a recently unearthed collection of private photos that once belonged to the deputy camp commander and show a young man resembling the Nazi identity card picture of Demjanjuk as he poses with other auxiliary guards at the Sobibor extermination camp in Nazi-occupied eastern Poland in early 1943


We believe it is probably Demanjuk in these pictures, historian Martin Cuepers said Tuesday at a news conference in Berlin as he presented a total of 50 pictures from the camp.  He added that camp documents and modern police biometric technology played a supporting role in reaching that conclusion.  Los Angeles Times online article 28th January 2020, ‘Newly released photos suggest John Demjanjuk was Sorbibor death camp guard’