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★ News

News: see Communication & Truth & Television & Media & Press & Newspaper & Magazine & Journalism & Message & Telegraph & Telephone & Internet & Radio & BBC & Poster & Broadcast

Noam Chomsky - Spitting Image TV - Bill Hicks - Walter Lippmann - BBC News TV - Goldeneye 1995 - Star Trek: Voyager TV - The Story of British Pathe TV - Bananas 1971 - William Shakespeare - Amy Goodman - Matthew Green - Douglas Adams - Jeremy Paxman - Michael Drayton - Seamus Heaney - Michael Jackson - Proverbs - Billy Graham - Voltaire - Michael Moore - Elayne Boosler - Noel Gallagher - Ogden Nash - Bertolt Brecht - John le Carré - Lawrence M Krauss - Henry L Stimson - Rory Bremner - Lord Northcliffe - Charles Bukowski - Arthur C Clarke TV - Edward W Said - George Orwell - Orwell Rolls in His Grave 2003 - Edward R Murrow - Lance Morcan - Henry David Thoreau - Charles Anderson Dana - Marshall McLuhan - Andrew Marr TV - Oliver Goldsmith - John Milton - John Dryden - Anna Buchan - Joss Whedon - Evelyn Waugh - A J Liebling - Richard Salent - Richard Cohen - Tom Fenton - Thomas Griffith - James Murdoch - Eric Alterman - Thomas Sowell - The Office UK TV - John Pilger - George Carlin - Adam Curtis TV - Rab C Nesbitt TV - The Corbett Report - Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism 2004 - V for Vendetta 2005 - Divide & Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes TV - Ian Hislop’s Fake News TV - After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News TV - Storyville: Whirlybird: Live Above LA TV - James Murdoch - Project Censored: The Movie 2013 - Four Corners TV - Good Night & Good Luck 2005 -




Its basically an institutional analysis of the major media – what we call a Propaganda Model.  Were talking primarily about the national media, those media that set a general agenda that others adhere to ... The elite media are the agenda-setting media ... And they do this in all sorts of ways: by selection of topics, by distribution of concerns, by emphasis, by framing of issues, by filtering of information, by bounding of debate within certain limits, they determine, they select, they shape, they control, they restrict in order to serve the interests of dominant elite groups in society.  Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent



Qatar-based Al-Jazeera, the most important news channel in the Arab world, was harshly criticized by high US officials for having ‘emphasized civilian casualties’ during the destruction of Falluja.  The problem of independent media was later resolved when the channel was kicked out of Iraq in preparation for free elections.  Noam Chomsky



Some wonderful news just through  a terrible disaster has occurred overseas so we won’t have to bother reporting it.  Good night.  Spitting Image s8e5, ITV News, ITV 1990 



Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.  There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.  Here’s Tom with the weather.  Bill Hicks, Sane Man



The news and truth are not the same thing.  Walter Lippmann



American astronomers say they have made the discovery of the century.  They’ve found evidence to confirm how the universe developed.  Data from a NASA satellite has revealed immense faint ripples in the level background radiation on the edge of space.  BBC News 23rd April 1992



The sporting legend Michael Phelps of course who has announced his retirement from professional swinging …  BBC Business News 5.44 a.m. 15th August 2016



Unlike the American government we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN.  Goldeneye 1995 starring Pierce Brosnan & Sean Bean & Judi Dench & Robbie Coltrane & Izabella Scorupco & Famke Janssen & Joe Don Baker & Gottfried John & Desmond Llewelyn et al, director Martin Campbell, M



54208.3: Last month’s data-stream from Star Fleet never arrived so the crew is looking forward to this one with even more anticipation than usual.  We could all use some news from home.  Star Trek: Voyager s7e6: Inside Man



100 years ago a new kind of film burst on to British cinema screens.  This sensational creation was the newsreel.  The Story of British Pathé I: The Birth of the News, BBC 2011


Early stories included a Suffragette demonstration in London and the first flight to take a passenger across the Channel ... The unfolding drama at Sydney Street.  ibid.


Buried in the Pathé archive are remarkable films which bear witness to the brutal trauma of war on an industrial scale.  ibid.


By the 1930s the rivalry between newsreels reached fever pitch.  ibid.


Pathe’s archive contains striking images of the 1936 Jarrow March, but it never screened these at the time.  ibid.


The burning issues of the day were being dissected and debated on screen.  ibid.


The 1953 Coronation was a high water mark for Pathé.  ibid.


Shocking images of mass starvation appeared on British TV screens.  ibid.


It couldn’t compete with television.  ibid. 



The newsreel was the ideal film medium to get a morale-boosting message across to the largest possible audience.  The Story of British Pathé II: The Voice of Pathé



Good evening, I’m Roger Grimsby with the news at six.  Today’s top stories: the United States government brings charges against Fielding Mellish as a subversive impostor.  New York garbage men are striking for a better class of garbage.  And the National Rifle Association declares death a good thing.  Bananas 1971 starring Woody Allen & Louise Lasser & Carlos Montalban & Natividad Abascal & Jacobo Morales & Miguel Angel Suarez & David Ortiz & Rene Enriquez & Jack Axelrod & Howard Cosell & Roger Grimsby & Don Dunphy & Charlotte Rae et al, director Woody Allen, News at Six



Do not seek to stuff

My head with more ill news, for it is full.  William Shakespeare, King John IV ii 133-134, King John to Bastard



Yet the first bringer of unwelcome news

Hath but a losing office, and his tongue

Sounds ever after as a sullen bell,

Remembered knolling a departed friend.  William Shakespeare, II Henry IV I i 100



There is no composition in these news

That gives them credit.  William Shakespeare, Othello I iii 1-2



I have heard strange news.  William Shakespeare, The History of King Lear II i 87, Cornwall



Expecting Fox News to report real news is about as silly as waiting for George Bush and Dick Cheney to tell the truth ... Americans care, but it’s tough to care when you don't know what’s going on.  That ignorance is what the warmakers count on and what the corporate media delivers.  Amy Goodman



Or to some coffee-house I stray

For news, the manna of a day.  Matthew Green, The Spleen, 1737



One of the problems has to do with the speed of light and the difficulties involved in trying to exceed it.  You can’t.  Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.  Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless