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Nazis: Mengele, Josef
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★ Nazis: Mengele, Josef

Nazis: Mengele, Josef: see Nazis (I) & (II) & (III) & Nazis: Hitler, Adolf etc. & Germany & Odessa File & Operations & War & World War II & Fascism & Jew & Concentration Camp & Bomb & Rocket & Nuclear & Dictator

Hunting Hitler TV - Josef Mengele - Auschwitz prisoner doctor - Bettina Beech - Alex Dekel Eva Mozes Kor - Dr Ella Lingens - Hitler’s Henchmen TV - Mengele: The Final Account TV - Nazi Hunters TV - Beate Klarsfeld - Guy Walters - Hunting Down the Nazis TV - In Search of … TV - World in Action TV -       




We’ve got Mengele in seven countries and dozens of locations.  Hunting Hitler s3e7: Target: United States, History 2018



One day people will know my name.  Josef Mengele



My mood is very unstable.  I’m frightened.  Josef Mengele, diary entry 18th June 1968



He was capable of being so kind to the children, to have them become fond of him, to bring them sugar, to think of small details in their daily lives, and to do things we would genuinely admire ... And then, next to that, ... the crematoria smoke, and these children, tomorrow or in a half-hour, he is going to send them there.  Well, that is where the anomaly lay.  Auschwitz prisoner doctor, cited Lifton 1985



Mengele was known as a manic collector of things human, including dwarf corpses, gallstones, and eyes.  His fascination with eyes led to the infamous experiments in which he injected various substances into the eyes of brown-eyed Jewish children in an attempt to make them Nordic (blue).  Bettina Beech



I have never accepted that Mengele believed he was doing serious medical work ... He was exercising power.  Major surgery was performed without anaesthetic.  Once I witnessed a stomach operation – Mengele was removing pieces from the stomach, but without any anaesthesia.  It was horrifying.  Alex Dekel, camp survivor, cited Reynoldson & Lee & Taylor & Rees



I was given five injections.  That evening I developed extremely high fever.  I was trembling.  My arms and my legs were swollen, huge size.  Mengele and Dr Konig and three other doctors came in the next morning.  They looked at my fever chart, and Dr Mengele said, laughingly, ‘Too bad, she is so young.  She has only two weeks to live.’  Eva Mozes Kor, cited Rees ‘Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution’



He was an arch-Nazi with one difference: the Nazis used to say that the Jews were degenerate and physically inferior and so on, whereas Mengele thought there were two gifted peoples in the world – the Germans and the Jews – and one of these peoples had to rule the world.  Dr Ella Lingens, Auschwitz prisoner



Hitler was the idol of the Mengele family.  Also of course because he promised to support the German farmers ... But Josef didn’t want to inherit the business.  He wanted to make his own way.  Hitler’s Henchmen II: Mengele


He studied anthropology: it was intended to furnish the official proof that all non-Aryan races are inferior.  ibid.


In Germany they unfolded an unprecedented internal war in which more and more doctors became executioners.  It began with sterilisation and abortion and ended with murder.  They called it the Destruction of All Who are Unworthy of Life.  So-called Euthanasia.  Murder a hundred thousand fold.  Medicine in step with the dictatorship.  Now white coats were a uniform too.  No longer was the oath to Hypocrites, but to the absolute ruler.  ibid.


Mengele took cover amongst the millions of prisoners as a common Wehrmacht prisoner.  He had changed his uniform.  The Americans were out of their depth.  How do you identify a Nazi war criminal?  ibid.


A well-paid gang of smugglers had organised everything ... As a refugee Mengele could now go where he wanted.  ibid.


July 18th 1949: off to Argentina: four and a half years since Auschwitz.  ibid.


His new life was meant to numb the fear.  But he couldn’t get the old images out of his mind.  ibid.


In his own name the mass murderer booked a journey from Buenos Aires to Switzerland.  His plan: a holiday ... Mengele enjoyed the triumph of his return ... Mengele in Germany: legally and not challenged.  ibid.


June 1959: an international warrant was issued for Mengele’s arrest.  The Israeli Secret Service – Mossad – started its own search ... Paraguayan citizenship ... Mossad had come so close.  The child-murderer went unmolested in his new place of exile Serra Negra in Brazil.  ibid.


Unwelcome memories troubled him more and more.  ibid.


On February 7th 1979 Mengele had a stroke while swimming and died.  Thirty-four years after Auschwitz.  He was hunted but never caught.  His punishment was not discovery, but the fear of discovery.  ibid.



In a small cemetery near Sao Paulo buried amid these simple graves lies a not so simple story.  More than two hundred journalists were present as plot 321 was opened.  Mengele: The Final Account, 1995


Mengele reported to Auschwitz.  He was assigned to selection duty, deciding the fate of thousands.  As the trains arrived to unload their human cargo, Mengele signalled some to forced labour but most to their deaths in the gas chambers.  ibid.


But what earned him his notorious reputation was his medical experiments.  Every day he kept a lookout for twins.  ibid.


Four decades after the holocaust the Angel of Death was still at large.  ibid.


Once over the border Josef Mengele would be protected by Roman Catholic priests.  It was Easter Sunday.  ibid.


Nazis were welcomed in Argentina by dictator Juan Peron.  ibid.


Far from the fugitive existence Mengele enjoyed the good life.  ibid.


The lived openly as the Mengele family, listed in the telephone directory.  ibid.



Buenos Aires, 1958: the Argentineean capital’s old-world charm and famed night-life had made it a magnet for European ex-patriots.  It was also a magnet for Nazi war criminals.  Fugitives like Dr Josef Mengele.  The Angel of Death.  Nazi Hunters: Josef Mengele


Germany demanded that Argentina hand him over to face justice.  ibid.


For the MOSAD, Mengele along with Eichmann was at the top of their most wanted list.  ibid.


But the Nazi doctor was no longer enjoying the good life.  Josef Mengele had no idea that the MOSAD had given up their chase.  He remained terrified that like Adolf Eichmann he would be kidnapped and hanged for his crimes.  ibid.


Mengele had been on the run for almost twenty years.  ibid.


The results were definitive: the bones belonged to Josef Mengele.  The hunt for Josef Mengele was over.  The full details of how he died were revealed.  ibid.


The world’s most notorious Nazi fugitive never answered for his crimes.  ibid.



We had known that Mengele was living in Paraguay, and that’s the reason I demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Justice in order to get information about the fate of Mengele.  Beate Klarsfeld, Nazi Hunter



Mengele was known as the Angel of Death.  He wanted to improve the stock of the Aryan race.  Guy Walters



27,983.  And it did take real genetic testing in the early nineties to fundamentally prove to people that these were indeed Mengele’s bones.  Guy Walters



Mengele  the Auschwitz physician … in May 1960 the Mossad almost succeeded in getting him on the same plane as Eichmann.  Hunting Down the Nazis II, 2018



Simon Wiesenthal cannot forget … the only man who remains as a Nazi hunter.  From the beginning what drove Wiesenthal was his will to impose justice.  And from the beginning Wiesenthal’s will for justice has been matched against Josef Mengele’s will to escape it.  In Search of s3e18 … The Angel of Death, History 1979


Mengele’s life as a Nazi criminal began at Auschwitz … When people stepped off the train the man they were most likely to see was Josef Mengele.  ibid.  


Mengele found it easy to hide in Buenos Aires.  ibid.


Josef Mengele vanished from Buenos Aires … He actually returned home to German soil for his father’s funeral … He stayed here for six weeks.  ibid.


He went to the heart of the continent … a citizen of Paraguay in 1960.  ibid.



‘He was the cruellest man in the world.’  World in Action: The Hunt for Dr Mengele, Margaret Englander, survivor, ITV 1978


Dr Josef Mengele, German war criminals who are still free expect to be safe from next year, but not Mengele.  His crimes are such that the law granting freedom from prosecution after thirty years do not apply to him.  ibid.