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Nazis: Goering, Hermann
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★ Nazis: Goering, Hermann

Nazis: Goering, Hermann: see Nazis (I) & (II) & (III) & Nazis: Hitler, Adolf etc. & Germany & Odessa File & Operations & War & World War II & Fascism & Jew & Concentration Camp & Bomb & Rocket & Nuclear & Dictator & Addiction

Rise of the Nazis: The Downfall TV - Hermann Goering - Adolf Hitler - Berliners’ response - William Jackson - Hitlers Henchmen: Goering the Marshal TV - Goering: A Career TV - Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial TV - Hjalmar Schacht – Goering’s Secret TV - Nazi Hunters TV - Hitler’s Circle of Evil TV -  Nazis: Ultimate Evil TV - Rise of the Nazis TV -    




While Goering is behind bars, Himmler is on the run.  Rise of the Nazis: The Downfall s1e3, BBC 2022   



Naturally the common people dont want war, but after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine its policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.  Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  This is easy.  All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifist for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.  It works the same in every country.  Hermann Goering, Hitlers Reich-Marshall, address Nuremberg trials



Those who do their duty in the service of the state, obey my orders and ruthlessly use their guns when attacked can rely on my protection.  A bullet fired by a policeman is a bullet that belongs to me.  Hermann Goering, address to SA troops



I joined the party because I was revolutionary, not because of any ideological nonsense.  Hermann Goering



I shall sweep clean and remove from office all communists and Catholics who are opposing our national endeavours.  Hermann Goering



Marriages between Jews and Germans of German or related blood are forbidden.  Hermann Goering



I herewith commission you to carry out all preparations with regard to … a total solution of the Jewish question in those territories of Europe which are under German influence.  Hermann Goering



I have no conscience.  Hermann Goering



The victor will always be the judge; the vanquished the accused.  Hermann Goering, defence submission



I decide who is a Jew.  Hermann Goering



We want no useless mouths to feed.  Those who can work will work for the Reich.  The rest will die.  Those that work will give everything they have until they themselves die.  Hermann Goering



Should anything happen to me in this battle, my first successor is Party comrade Goering.  Adolf Hitler



I looked at him across the dining table and then I knew that what they say was true: that pigs eat the flesh of their own.  Adolf Hitler vegetarian, re hunting-carnivore Goering



Hello, Mr So and So.  How’s the hat?  Berliners’ response to Goering’s tour of ruins, following promise he would change his name if Soviet bombers ever flew over Berlin



A master of deception.  Very resourceful.  Very vain.  William Jackson, US prosecutor at Nuremberg



In all Goering amassed artworks to the value of several hundred million Marks ... Trains rolled into Germany full of stolen art treasures.  Hitler’s Henchmen: Goering the Marshall


He [Goering] took a huge number of tablets.  In a downward spiral of addiction grey reality turned into a rose-coloured illusion.  But reality kept catching up with him.  ibid.


280,000 soldiers waited in ice and snow for supplies in vain.  Too few planes flew too few missions.  It was a hopeless undertaking.  ibid.


Total loss of contact with Reality.  ibid.


In a telegram to Hitler he suggested he become Hitler’s successor ... He was immediately stripped of all his officers.  ibid.


No remorse.  No regret.  No understanding.  Even now the same senseless persistence.  ibid.


Goering availed himself of a capsule of cyanide.  ibid.  



Films from his private collection long thought lost reveal how he saw himself.  Goering: A Career: Seduction of Power, Military Channel 2012


Hitler’s second-in-command ... He claimed he never wanted the war but it was his Air Force who made it possible in the first place.  ibid.


This [morphine] addiction would haunt him all his life.  ibid.


According to his doctors Goering was suicidal, depressed, egocentric, anti-Semitic and a brutal hysteric with a brutal character.  ibid.



In March 1938 with the annexation of Austria Hermann Goering was at the peak of his power.  Goering: A Career II


The attempt to gain air superiority over England had failed.  ibid.


Goering was now in full flight from reality ... Hitler accused Goering of living in a world of his own.  ibid.


Goering’s reputation hit a new low.  ibid.



Hermann Goering: the former flying ace had become Hitler’s chief henchman.  His Luftwaffe had spearheaded Hitler’s blitzkrieg.  Goering: A Career III


He promised to protect the cities of Germany from enemy air-raids.  ibid.


Hitler berated Goering – called him a complete failure.  And yet the Fuhrer never dismissed his designated heir.  ibid.


Goering presented himself in Baroque splendour.  ibid.


The trial of the main war criminals turning into a media spectacle followed around the world.  ibid.


Goering had eluded the executioner.  How had Goering managed to smuggle the poison past all the checkpoints into his cell?  ibid. 



Unrepentant and ruthless the most fanatical was Hermann Goering – Hitler’s chosen successor.  The trial was a huge gamble for the allies.  Nuremberg – Nazis on Trial: Hermann Goering, BBC 2006


In power Goering was brutal – he created the Gestapo, the feared secret police.  He drafted laws against the Jews.  ibid.


On 20th November 1945 the world’s first international war crimes tribunal opened in Nuremberg.  ibid.



I can regard Goering only as immoral and criminal.  The most egocentric being imaginable.  His greed knew no bounds.  Hjalmar Schacht, Nuremberg evidence



These reels of film were missing for decades.  Nobody guessed that Hitlers second in command had a secret passion ... He watches films like this in his home cinema.  Goerings Secret, Yesterday 2015


Thus begins a life-long drug addiction.  ibid.


Frances defeat means rich opportunities for plunder.  ibid.