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★ UFO (I)

One of the UK’s most dramatic UFO cases occurs RAF Binbrook, England, 8th September 1970: American pilot captain Schaffner flies out over the north sea in search of an unidentified flying object then disappears without trace.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e6


Captain Schaffner makes visual contact and pushes on to make the interception … They’ve lost all contact with his aircraft.  ibid.


His aircraft is later recovered but the body has vanished.  ibid.


2004: A Sicilian fishing village experiences a series of shocking events: a fireball is observed shooting out of the ocean, and glowing UFOs are spotted moving across the horizon.  But events rapidly descend into chaos.  Over the space of weeks electrical appliances spontaneously combust causing a series of mysterious house fires.  The Italian government records more than 400 incidents in the village.  Residents are ordered to evacuate.  ibid.  


Canneto di Caronia, Sicily, January 2004 4 a.m. and a local fisherman is working in the bay.  Suddenly, a dazzling objects bursts through the waters but in seconds the object disappears … This sighting isn’t the first mysterious event to happen in the village.  ibid.


So what are these strange fireballs?  ibid.


Even with no power supplied to Canneto the mysterious fires continue.  ibid. 


Oldenburg, Germany, 30th July 1952: [Sergeant] Hughes takes off on a routine training flight … one of four aircraft from 20 Squadron … The object keeps perfect pace with Hughes’s plane … The UFO is confirmed on radar.  ibid.



The wave of UFO sightings that hit Belgium like an epidemic.  Eupen, Belgium 29th November 1989: It began that night.  But then the sightings go on and on … seen by hundreds of witnesses … So many sightings they became known as the Belgium Wave.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e7


In the skies over Sweden four pilots see something they cannot explain.  Soderhamn, Sweden, 18th August 1985: Whatever the mysterious object is it seems to be coming straight at them.  The UFO is like nothing they’ve ever seen before.  It approaches quickly and shoots past below … The four friends are baffled.  ibid.  


When a UFO appears over France the only witness is astounded as a mysterious craft comes to Earth.  And after it leaves, physical marks are found on the ground that spark one of the biggest UFO inquiries in French history.  ibid.


‘The analysis of particles in the soil samples showed that the surface of the ground was heated up to 500 or 600 degrees … [and] modified the amino acids in these plants.’  ibid.  lab dude



Several crews saw objects.  David Baker, Apollo 11 senior scientist



Why did NASA repeatedly fake lunar images and photographs?  Why did NASA stage lunar expeditions which did not happen?  The answer will surprise you.  It can be summarised in two words: Money and UFOs.  Chris Everard, Secret Space 


NASAs investment in studying UFOs on the moon was money well spent.  Two ex-NASA mission specialists exposed in the 1970s that NASA astronauts had informed mission control that they had seen alien space-ships on the lunar surface.  ibid.  


Astronaut John Glenn reported UFOs like fireflies to mission control; astronaut Scott Carpenter reported critters to mission control; astronaut Story Musgrave filmed a space serpent on two occasions; NASA’ astronaut Cady Coleman reported a UFO.  ibid.



More than twenty space-shuttle missions have returned from space with video footage of unidentified flying objects ... Since the 1950s more than fifteen NASA astronauts have reported UFOs to mission control.   Chris Everard, Secret Space II


If you study the legends of the North American shamans, the mythologies of ancient Europe, the creation histories of the Australian Aborigines, or the ancient Vadic texts of India, and especially the Sumerian clay tablets from ancient Iraq, we find that all great civilisations on the face of planet Earth tell one similar story: that is in the distant past people from the stars visited planet Earth and displayed fantastic technology.  Sometimes they genetically engineered humans.  Sometimes they directly interbred with humans.  These so-called sky-gods always visited in spectacular flying vehicles.  ibid.  


These pearls of the sky are mentioned in ancient Tibetan scriptures.  More than one leading Tibetan author suspects that these spherical UFOs are actually alien probes monitoring the evolution of mankind.  ibid.  ibid.


British author Matthew Hurley has collected dozens of pieces of ancient art which all show UFOs and aliens.  In addition to dozens of paintings there are also hand-printed newsletters from the medieval era which report UFOs, luminous balls of lights and even an alien invasion in the Mediterranean.  According to a medieval manuscript in 1608 reptilian aliens landed on the shores of Genoa and Nice, causing panic and fear among the inhabitants.  ibid. 


Genoa was the home town of Christopher Columbus.  On October 11th 1492 whilst halfway across the Atlantic on his voyage to discover America Columbus saw a UFO and recorded the event in his ships log.  At the same time Columbus recorded a UFO hovering above the Atlantic sea, the Aztec civilisation of Central America carved figurines of men with reptilian bodies.  ibid.  



And we were only out of the car maybe more than a minute at the most, and all of a sudden just north of us the cloud began to open up ... the size that the moon would appear in the night-time sky, two white glowing objects came in very slow – they were not flying as such, they appeared to be electronically or magnetically floating.  And as they floated overhead five more came in behind them, and at that point they radiated a fear off of them, and you could feel it.  Jordan Maxwell, televised interview



Have We Visitors From Space?  Life magazine, 1950s article (Marilyn Monroe front cover)



Why would they appear only to cranks and weirdos?  Stephen Hawking, TED lecture, ‘Asking Big Questions About the Universe’



This subject has more to do I think with religion and superstition than with science ... All there are are stories.  Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan, Cosmos: Encyclopedia Galactica, BBC 1980



What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to?  What can it mean?  What is the truth?  Let me have a report at your convenience.  Winston Churchill, memo M.412/52 to Lord Cherwell, Secretary of State for Air 1952



This event should be immediately classified as it would create mass panic among the general population, and destroy one’s belief in the Church.  Ministry of Defence war-time report received & classified by Winston Churchill



Top 5 UFO Sightings: 1) Hat-shaped object (1990) reportedly seen by 10,000,000 people; 2) Oval-shaped object (1954-2001) 6,500,000 reported sightings; 3) Cigar-shaped object (1967-1998) 1,300,000 reports; 4) Bright luminous object (1963-1984) 109,000 reports; 5) Formation of Lights (1950) 100,000 reports.  Ripleys Believe It Or Not! 2006



I never have tried to identify what I saw.  It was, you know, a light in the western sky that was very unique ... I’ve never seen it before.  There were about twenty of us who saw it.  Jimmy Carter, National Enquirer interview 1976



Ships, dim-discovered, dropping from the clouds.  James Thomson, The Seasons, 1746



Throughout history, looking at many cultures around the world, we often hear of beings coming down from the sky.  And we often read of imagery of UFOs.  They would have arrived in their ancient spacecraft.  They would have had an unusual appearance.  They would have spoken with a lot of wisdom and knowledge, so primitive man would have been overwhelmed by these experiences, and fell into the trap of worshipping them as gods ... We have depiction of UFOs in artwork.  Matthew Hurley, The Alien Chronicles



We have to have an open mind.  Open your mind to the possibility that a civilisation could exist that is a million years ahead of us.  I say, find me a law of physics that prevents contact between civilisations that are a million years ahead of us.  Professor Michio Kaku



There are all kinds of problems with this classic flying saucer shape.  For a start there aren’t any wings ... It turns out spinning is crucial to keep these discs stable.  Michio Kaku, Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible s1e11: How to Build a Flying Saucer, Science 2009


Using super-conductors I should be able to get my saucer to hover in perfect silence.  ibid.



No Government agency is currently responsible for investigating UFOs because there is no factual evidence that alien life exists on other planets or that UFOs are related to aliens.  NASA letter to President Clinton



I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that revealed things.  If there were, they were concealed from me too.  And if there were, well I wouldn’t be the first American president that underlings have lied to, or that career bureaucrats have waited out.  Bill Clinton



UFOs are real, burgeoning and not going away.  L A Marzulli



The UFO phenomenon is not necessarily flesh and blood beings but are a race of highly evolved spiritual entities who have attained what we refer to as godhood and power over the elements of Nature and Physics.  Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Orderm 2012



To my way of thinking, there is every bit as much evidence for the existence of UFOs as there is for the existence of God.  Probably far more.  At least in the case of UFOs there have been countless taped and filmed and, by the way, unexplained sightings from all over the world, along with documented radar evidence seen by experienced military and civilian radar operators.  George Carlin, When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?