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★ UFO (I)

A Mexican recovery [team] searched for the downed craft.  Across the border American Intelligence was listening in.  ibid.


The saucer’s surface had the appearance of polished steel.  It had no makings, no lights and there were no bodies inside.  It did however appear to be damaged in two spots.  ibid.


American surveillance revealed that the Mexicans had placed the UFO on a flat-bed truck but something had gone wrong.  ibid. 


27th August 2.38 p.m.  Unsure of what happened US officials sent out their rescue team.  Four helicopters departed from Fort Bliss.  But nothing had prepared the Americans for what they found ... All the Mexicans dead.  There’s no evidence of what killed the Mexican team.  ibid.


The disc was lifted and taken back to the US.  ibid.


1991: That year not one, not two, but dozens of UFO sightings were reported over Mexico.  What gave the 1991 sightings credibility was that strangers reported seeing the same thing at the same time on the same day yet they were hundreds of miles apart.  ibid.


From all corners of Mexico came videos showing a strange metallic-looking object just east of the eclipse.  ibid.


Captured on tape ... 10 June 2004: Guadalajara, Mexico: An amateur photographer captures unknown objects in the sky.  21st June 2004 ... Another fleet caught on tape.  30th March 2005 ... Yet more unexplained objects dot the Mexican sky ... In June 2005 a fleet sighting had people believing.  ibid.



A series of frightening UFO encounters … on the island of Colares at the mouth of the Amazon river in Brazil … Some even say they have been wounded by the lights … The locals become so alarmed that many of the women and children leave town … Someone or something is attacking the people of Colares.  UFO Files s2e14: Brazil’s Roswell


The patients appear to display radiation burns as well as unusual puncture marks.  ibid.  



The men drove into Rendlesham Forest.  Suddenly Stevens noticed a strange light in the woods just off the road.  Burroughs felt nervous.  Alarmed, the men sped back to the gate to call the Flight Desk from a secure phone line.  UFO Files s2e15: Britain’s Roswell


Within minutes Penniston and his driver arrived at the East Gate.  Burroughs and Stevens directed his attention to the woods ... Sergeant Penniston approached within ten feet of the object.  And the bright light dimmed ... Penniston took photos with his military-issue camera ... He then circled the object making descriptions in a notepad.  bid.  


Two nights later the UFO returned.  And this time the deputy base commander [Charles Halt] made a chilling record of his own encounter.  ibid.



For as long as there have been eye-witness sightings of UFOs in our skies there have been similar reports of so-called USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects, in our seas.  UFO Files s3e2: Deep Sea UFOs


14th June 1992 10.24 p.m.  For almost two minutes the waters of the Pacific Ocean explode with light as hundreds of bright disc-like craft are witnessed flying out of the water together … in complete silence.  ibid.


Late USO researcher Ivan T Sanderson’s 1970 book Invisible Residents was the first to analyse the USO phenomenon.  ibid.


The 11th October 1492 sighting was not an isolated occurrence.  Over the two-month journey Columbus’s log shows a consistent pattern of cryptically reported peculiar incidents including unexplained sightings and unusual events in outer space.  ibid.


Shag Harbour: According to government records, the object travelled from south to north along the Nova Scotia coastline.  At one point it stops and hovers, then at approximately 11.20 p.m. it enters the water at a forty-five degree angle three hundred yards offshore.  ibid.


In late 1969 while conducting their regular operations  deep-freeze ice-breaking exercises near Antarctica  US Navy sailors aboard the USS Calcaterra apparently witnessed an unidentified submerged object with some extraordinary capabilities.  A large submarine-shaped object at least one hundred feet long was seen bursting out of the frozen ocean passing through several yards of solid ice at incredible speed.  This case is one of many similar incidents reported by navies around the world.  ibid.


Four images of a saucer-shaped object taken in 1965 by Rex Heflin in Santa Anna, California, and sited by many as a hoax on the basis that Heflin could not possible have shot three Polaroids in just twenty seconds with his old 1950s camera.  ibid.



Suppose an alien spacecraft had crashed in the desert and we had recovered it.  Our job is to discover how it works.  With the help of leading physicists, astronomers and engineers we’ll decipher UFO technology.  UFO Files s3e3: Alien Engineering I


Few of the reported sightings mention wings, tails, jets or propellers.  But an object lacking these essentials could still stay in the air.  ibid.


Saucers aren’t that stable or easy to control at least for us humans.  ibid.


Some radar reports indicate an object going from rest to nine thousand miles per hour almost instantaneously.  ibid.


A gravitational force-field: this must be exactly how the alien inertia-canceller works.  ibid.


To decipher the propulsion system – our experts believe it’s either a force-field generator or an anti-gravity drive.  ibid.


Since gravity bends space the aliens might be utilizing that phenomenon to jet across the galaxy.  ibid.  



Antimatter: the highest octane fuel in the universe.  UFO Files s3e4: Alien Engineering II


Maybe that’s the wrong question.  Maybe what we should be asking is, Why do we care if they’re out there or not?  Why do we seem to be reaching out to them?  ibid.



There are dozens of eye-witnesses but few explanations.  UFO Files s3e5: Canada’s Roswell


But an investigation twenty-five years later produced declassified government documents and some startling revelations.  ibid.


4th October 1967: something unusual was happening in the skies over Nova Scotia, Canada ... The night of the UFOs.  ibid.


The object drifted across the harbour.  ibid.


Other calls started pouring in.  The calls came from nearby Bear Point, Cape Sable Island and Maggie Garon’s Point all reporting the same thing.  ibid.


The fishermen realised the strange foam was connected to whatever had crashed in the harbour.  ibid.


Even more puzzling than the foam was the lack of any debris at the site.  ibid.


The Shag Harbour Incident had become a military matter.  ibid.


The diver informed Styles that a flotilla of US Navy and Canadian ships had anchored over the two objects at Shelburne.  ibid.



UFO cults: The synthesis of mainstream religion and cutting edge science fiction.  The belief in these technological angels comes from a long history of mankind’s faith in a divine plan for the universe.  UFO Files s3e6: UFO Cults


39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult committed suicide in Rancho Santa Fe, California, in 1997.  ibid.  


Marshall Applewhite, the leader of the Heaven’s Gate cult, told his followers there was a UFO in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet.  ibid.


They turned their New Age and Christian ideologies into a business and went searching for followers.  ibid.  


He [Marshall] asked the men to join him in castration.  ibid. 


The students of the Unarius academy attend classes in past-life therapy, inter-dimensional physics and the psychology of consciousness.  In 1954 Earnest and Ruth Norman founded Unarius in Glendale, California.  Ruth prophesied that so-called ‘space brothers’ were coming to Earth in the year 2001 to build a university, where solutions to world problems would be discovered.  ibid.  


The ‘space brothers’ were a no-show in 2001.  Unarius students believe that the landing will happen when the majority of Earth’s people become open to the idea of contact with interplanetary beings.  ibid.



In the Santa Catalina channel where coincidentally at 9.37 p.m. the night before, witnesses reported seeing several disc-shaped silver USOs diving into and out of the channel.  UFO Files s3e8: Deep Sea UFOs: Red Alert


USS Franklin D Roosevelt: One of the great USO mysteries of the 20th century: bright USO-like craft rose from the water and remained relatively silent over this 45-second event before flying away.  ibid.



Do these sightings offer evidence of top-secret military and defence technology or do they hold clues to something more mysterious?  UFO Files s3e9: An Alien History of Planet Earth I II s/a Nick Cook, Are UFOs Real? I II  


There were hundreds if not thousands of these [foo-fighters] unexplained phenomena.  ibid.


This is a journey into a world of mystery and deceit, a fantastical place full of UFOs, strange encounters and stories of alien abduction ... I want to know what really has been flying through our airspace.  Do these sightings offer evidence of top-secret military and defence technology?  Or do they hold the clues to something more mysterious?  ibid.


Allied air crews described strange glowing balls of light that tracked their aircraft, and even coined a name for them – Foo Fighters.  ibid.  


We do know from Sporenberg’s evidence that the Bell was a revolutionary device.  And the Fly Trap designed as its test-rig was fed with underground cables running to the heart of the structure ... Is it possible that the UFO sightings over Nazi Germany were related to this quest?  ibid.