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Columbus noted in the log a glowing object rise out of the water and head off into the atmosphere.  Professor C Scott Littleton



This event [Columbus] is extremely important because it is the world’s first recorded event that illustrates the appearance of UFOs as objects emerging from the water.  Maximillien de LaFayette, author UFOs and the Alien Agenda



Many people believe that it’s possible that UFOs could have established bases on the sea floor.  Chris Pittman, UFO investigator



Could there be a more sinister explanation?  There is a new trail of evidence that leads back to secret Nazi technology.  And a post-war conspiracy to keep UFOs a mystery to this day.  Nazi UFO Conspiracy, Discovery 2008 


There is another theory: that what we now call UFOs got their start in World War II inside Hitler’s Germany.  A new investigation reveals that Nazi engineers were working on disc-shaped craft, vertical take-off and advanced propulsion systems.  After the war the US military secretly took the designs back the States, along with thousands of German scientists and engineers.  Two years later in 1947 the first wave of US sightings occurs across the United States, and then around the world.  ibid.


Hitler orders the deaths of sixty-two scientists working on the Bell Project.  ibid.


Wright-Patterson, headquarters of Project Paperclip.  ibid.


This confirmation of German saucer tests wasn’t the only link between the Avrocar and Nazi Germany ... Frost was leaning heavily on German know-how.  ibid.


In 1965 a UFO crashes in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.  It is reportedly bell-shaped.  ibid.



They [Nazis] used occult symbols.  And the Bell was supposedly covered in occult symbols.  Jerry Smith, author Roswell: The Nazi Connection



Good evening, we begin with shocking allegations that UFOs have interfered with missiles at US Air Force bases ... They also claim a cover up.  Larry King Live, CNN 18th July 2008



In order to contain the popular excitement the government created the so-called Project Sign, which was officially in charge of collecting and explaining the hundreds of sightings that were being reported from all over the country. – UFOs & The Military Elite


The Project [Sign] itself was renamed Grudge.  ibid.


In 1969 Grudge was terminated and published under the more appealing name of Blue Book.  ibid.  


Another group of highly credible witnesses is represented by airline pilots.  ibid.  


February 28th 1996, Flight Air Shuttle 5959 travelling from Detroit to Cleveland observed a strange object of pulsating light.  ibid. 


November 18th 1995 Flight Lufthansa 405 from New York to Frankfurt crosses an unidentified cylindrical object flying in the opposite direction and leaving a thick trail of green smoke behind.  The same object is seen by the pilot of British Airways 226 which follows the Lufthansa flight a few miles behind.  ibid.


A similar incident was registered by Flight Swissair 127 in August [9th] of the same year.  ibid.


May 26th 1995: the crew from Flight America West 564 travelling from Florida to Nevada observed a strange object with a series of flashing lights floating still in the skies of Texas.  ibid.


The Russians also began receiving visits from strange unidentified objects ... The Blue File [USSR] was eventually made public in 1990.  The Blue File described over 15,000 cases of sightings, air chases, flying accidents and shut-downs involving UFOs and Russian jets.  ibid.



Strange lights in the sky.  Objects moving at incredible speeds.  Breaking the laws of physics.  Craft from another world.  Can anyone discover the truth behind UFOs?  The Truth Behind: UFOs, 2011


UFOs are a global phenomenon.  ibid.


Area 51: according to UFOlogists this is the place where the government keeps its flying saucers.  ibid.  


In 1988 physicist Bob Lazar told friends he’d seen flying saucers when he was working on a top secret project in Area 51.  ibid.


If UFOs and flying saucers are real, and being kept in secret bases in the Nevada Desert ... what are they for?  And where and when did America get its hands on them?  ibid.


An incredible explosion of sightings across America ... The atomic age and the space-race fed an increasingly popular sci-fi genre and soon America was awash with B movies.  ibid.


At the height of the Cold War both the Soviets and Americans were building experimental machines ... America’s Avrocar was one such experiment.  ibid.



Bob Lazar ... has passed lie detector tests.  Richard D Hall, Richplanet online



The extraterrestrial phenomenon is being played down and hidden from the population at large.  Richard D Hall, Richplanet online: UFOs II


Anti-Gravitation: Many flying saucer-shaped craft are reported to have a rotating outer ring; some have two counter-rotating rings.  ibid.  


Massive acceleration and speed, a large electric field, a glowing aura caused by the electric field, and totally silent operation.  ibid.  


Another characteristic of UFOs is their ability to make themselves invisible.  ibid.


The magnetic field disrupter generates a magnetic vortex field which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity en masse.  ibid.


Aztec, New Mexico, 1948: the American military recovered another flying saucer  This time it was completely intact.  ibid.



Who are the perpetrators of this cover-up?  Richard D Hall, RichPlanet online: The UFO Cover Up


In 1947 following the Roswell incident he [Truman] set up top secret MJ-12 group; his group of twelve men reported directly to Truman on a need-to-know basis.  ibid.


He [Churchill] asked the Flying Saucers Working Party what was going on.  ibid.


The cover-up was being orchestrated by the Americans.  ibid.


Mountbatten spoke of a UFO recovered by British scientists and ...‘small men from another planet’.  ibid.


Could it be that it is the aliens themselves that are orchestrating the cover-up?  ibid.