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★ Forget & Forgetful

Forget & Forgetful: see Memory & Mind & Brain & Head & Psychology & Biology & Health & Humanity & Ego & Self & Forgiveness & Mental Health

Muhammad Ali - William Shakespeare - F Scott Fitzgerald - Thomas Szasz - Donald Rumsfeld - Friedrich Nietzsche - Cervantes - Thomas Fuller - Publilius Syrus - James Beattie - Psalms 13:1 - The Sopranos TV - The Mystery of Edwin Drood TV - Matthew Arnold - Lucian Freud - Benjamin Disraeli -  John Keats - Kahlil Gibran - P G Wodehouse - Sophocles - Groucho Marx - Algernon Charles Swinburne - Rab C Nesbitt TV - Pit of Darkness 1961 - How to Lose the Presidency TV - Elias Canetti - John F Kennedy - Boardwalk Empire TV - Confucius - Ray Donovan TV -




People will forget what you said, and they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.  Muhammad Ali



O, teach me how I should forget to think!  William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet I i 229-230, Romeo to Benvolio



Thou’lt forget me when I am gone.  William Shakespeare, II Henry IV II iv 279-280, Sir John to Doll Tearsheet



At the last

Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil.

With them, forgive yourself.  William Shakespeare, A Winter’s Tale V I 4&5, Cleomenes



Forgotten is forgiven.  F Scott Fitzgerald



The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.  Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin



I believe what I said yesterday.  I don’t know what I said, but I know what I think, and, well, I assume it’s what I said.  Donald Rumsfeld



Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.  Friedrich Nietzsche



Nobody is forgotten when it is convenient to remember him.  Cervantes, Don Quixote  



The pyramids themselves, doting with age, have forgotten the names of their founders.  Thomas Fuller



It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know.  Publilius Syrus



At the close of the day when the hamlet is still,

And mortals the sweets of forgetfulness prove,

When naught but the torrent is heard on the hill,

And naught but the nightingale’s song in the grove.  James Beattie 



How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord?  For ever?  How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?  Psalms 13:1



There’s plenty I’d like to forget.  The Sopranos: Wheres Johnny? s5e3 starring James Gandolfini & Lorriane Bracco & Edie Falco & Michael Imperioli & Dominic Chianese & Steven van Zandt & Tony Sirico & Robert Iler et al, Uncle Junior



To forget.  To forget the pain and to forget this place.  I hate it, Ned.  I hate the grinding monotony of it.  The Mystery of Edwin Drood I, BBC 2012



And we forget because we must

And not because we will.  Matthew Arnold, Absence, 1852



I found there was something exhilarating in being forgotten, almost working underground.  Lucian Freud



I never deny; I never contradict; I sometimes forget.  Benjamin Disraeli, of Lord Esher’s relations with Queen Victoria



And she forgot the stars, the moon, and sun,

And she forgot the blue above the trees,

And she forgot the dells where waters run,

And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze;

She had no knowledge when the day was done,

And the new morn she saw not: but in peace

Hung over her sweet Basil evermore,

And moistened it with tears unto the core.  John Keats, Isabella, or The Pot of Basil, 1820



Forgetfulness is a form of freedom.  Kahlil Gibran



He looked haggard and careworn, like a Borgia who has suddenly remembered that he has forgotten to shove cyanide in the consommé, and the dinner-gong due any moment.  P G Wodehouse, Carry on, Jeeves   



‘I read it twice,’ then I said, ‘Well, why don’t you?’


‘Why don’t I what?’


‘Why don’t you wish her many happy returns?  It doesn’t seem much to ask.’


‘But she says on her birthday.’


‘Well, when is her birthday?’


‘Can’t you understand?’ said Bobbie.  ‘I’ve forgotten.’


‘Forgotten!’ I said.


‘Yes,’ said Bobbie.  ‘Forgotten.’


‘How do you mean, forgotten?’ I said.  ‘Forgotten whether it’s the twentieth or the twenty-first, or what?  How near do you get to it?’


‘I know it came somewhere between the first of January and the thirty-first of December.  That's how near I get to it.’  P G Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves



There is some pleasure even in words, when they bring forgetfulness of present miseries.  Sophocles



I never forget a face.  But in your case Ill be glad to make an exception.  Groucho Marx



Till life forget and death remember,

Till thou remember and I forget.  Algernon Charles Swinburne, Itylus, 1864



Sometimes you can go for a month and not remember a thing.  It’s special days like that, Rab, you forget for the rest of your life.  Rab C Nesbitt: Bug, Tramp, BBC 1999



Wife: Where have you been these last three weeks? …


Husband: I woke up with a sore head on some waste ground in Wapping.  Pit of Darkness 1961 starring William Franklyn & Nigel Green & Moira Redmond & Leonard Sachs & Bruno Barnabe & Antony Booth & Nanette Newman & Bruce Beeby & Humphrey Lestocq & Jacqueline Jones & Michael Balfour et al, director Lance Comfort, wife to husband  



9th November 2011 Rochester Michigan: Rick Perry is engaged in a heated debate with seven other Republican candidates … ‘It’s three agencies of government when I get there that are gone: Commerce, education, and the er, er what’s the third one there… the er … the er … er … third one I can’t.  Oops!’  How to Lose the Presidency I, History 2017



All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams.  Elias Canetti



Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.  John F Kennedy



I drink to forget but I can’t remember what.  Boardwalk Empire s1e5: Nights in Ballygran, Nucky, HBO 2010



Forget injuries: never forget kindnesses.  Confucius 



The mark of a great in anything  golf professional, bank robber  is the ability to forget the past.  Ray Donovan s5e5: Shabbos Goy, Mickey