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Federal Reserve
  Fabian Society  ·  Face  ·  Factory  ·  Facts  ·  Failure  ·  Fairy  ·  Faith  ·  Fake (I)  ·  Fake (II)  ·  Falkland Islands & Falklands War  ·  Fall (Drop)  ·  False  ·  False Flag Attacks & Operations  ·  Fame & Famous  ·  Familiarity  ·  Family  ·  Famine  ·  Fanatic & Fanaticism  ·  Fancy  ·  Fantasy & Fantasy Films  ·  Farm & Farmer  ·  Fascism & Fascist  ·  Fashion  ·  Fast Food  ·  Fasting  ·  Fat  ·  Fate  ·  Father  ·  Fault  ·  Favourite & Favouritism  ·  FBI  ·  Fear  ·  Feast  ·  Federal Reserve  ·  Feel & Feeling  ·  Feet & Foot  ·  Fellowship  ·  FEMA  ·  Female & Feminism  ·  Feng Shui  ·  Fentanyl  ·  Ferry  ·  Fiction  ·  Field  ·  Fight & Fighting  ·  Figures  ·  Film Noir  ·  Films & Movies (I)  ·  Films & Movies (II)  ·  Finance  ·  Finger & Fingerprint  ·  Finish  ·  Finite  ·  Finland & Finnish  ·  Fire  ·  First  ·  Fish & Fishing  ·  Fix  ·  Flag  ·  Flattery  ·  Flea  ·  Flesh  ·  Flood  ·  Floor  ·  Florida  ·  Flowers  ·  Flu  ·  Fluoride  ·  Fly & Flight  ·  Fly (Insect)  ·  Fog  ·  Folk Music  ·  Food (I)  ·  Food (II)  ·  Fool & Foolish  ·  Football & Soccer (I)  ·  Football & Soccer (II)  ·  Football & Soccer (III)  ·  Football (American)  ·  Forbidden  ·  Force  ·  Forced Marriage  ·  Foreign & Foreigner  ·  Foreign Relations  ·  Forensic Science  ·  Forest  ·  Forgery  ·  Forget & Forgetful  ·  Forgive & Forgiveness  ·  Fort Knox  ·  Fortune & Fortunate  ·  Forward & Forwards  ·  Fossils  ·  Foundation  ·  Fox & Fox Hunting  ·  Fracking  ·  Frailty  ·  France & French  ·  Frankenstein  ·  Fraud  ·  Free Assembly  ·  Free Speech  ·  Freedom (I)  ·  Freedom (II)  ·  Freemasons & Freemasonry  ·  Friend & Friendship  ·  Frog  ·  Frost  ·  Frown  ·  Fruit  ·  Fuel  ·  Fun  ·  Fundamentalism  ·  Funeral  ·  Fungi  ·  Funny  ·  Furniture  ·  Fury  ·  Future  

★ Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve: see Banks & Wall Street & Finance & Money & Business & Economics & Capitalism & Gold & Company & Corporation & Debt & Greed & Exports & Imports & Inflation & Fort Knox & Tax & Currency & Dollar

Ezra Pound - Ultimate Guide to the Presidents TV - Jim Marrs - Curtis Dall - Alan Greenspan - Milton Friedman - G Edward Griffin - Eustice Mullins - The Secret Plan of the New World Order - Murray N Rothbard - Money Banking and the Federal Reserve TV - Lew Rockwell - Harold Rosenthal - John Nada - Michael Ruppert - Charles Lindbergh - Louis McFadden - Ron Paul - Executive Order 1933 - Robert Reich - G D McDaniel - Anthony J Hilder - Zeitgeist & Zeitgeist addendum TV - Monopoly Men: Federal Reserve Fraud - The Big Picture - FCIC Financial Crisis Inquiry Report - Mayer Amschel Rothschild - Napoleon Bonaparte - Elizabeth Coleman - Thomas Jefferson - Andrew Jackson - Abraham Lincoln - Niall Ferguson TV - Paul Grignon & Money as Debt TV - W Cleon Skousen - Frank Vanderlip - Thomas Edison - James Jaeger & Fiat Empire: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the US Constitution TV - Bill Still & The Money Masters TV - Hugh Rockoff - Byron Dale - United States Bankers Magazine - Richard D Hall & Ian R Crane TV - Ian R Crane - Frank Farah - Robert Peston - Woodrow Wilson - Ellen H Brown - Edward Mandell House - Catherine Austin Fitts - Carroll Quigley - Webster Tarpley - Theodore Roosevelt - John Danforth - Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Alex Jones - San Francisco Chronicle - Cynthia McKinney - William E B Du Bois - Charles H Ferguson & Inside Job TV - Celente & Schiff & Paul & Faber & Rogers & Woods TV - David Graeber - John Nada - Aaron Russo - Timothy Geithner - Nomi Prins - The Corbett Report - Phenomenon: The Lost Archives TV - Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve 2013 - The Keiser Report TV - Sven Henrich - Mitch Feierstein - Frontline TV - Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis TV - Ring of Power 2008 - Alan Greenspan: The Man Who Broke America 2023 - 




The biggest detective story of the twentieth century.  Ezra Pound



Jackson v the National Bank of the United States ... ‘The bank is trying to kill me but I will kill it.’  Ultimate Guide to the Presidents e2: Power to the People, History 2013



There was things he [Kennedy] could have done and was doing.  He had his Treasury Secretary – they were beginning to alter federal regulations and rules allowing power to be drawn back from the Federal Reserve system – and back into the private banking system ... He really thought he was President of the United States.  Leader of the free world.  And he thought that he could make decisions in the best interests of the public, namely, issue money that was interest free ... The only other US president to issue interest-free money was Abraham Lincoln ... Both of those men were shot in the head in broad daylight.  Jim Marrs, JFK: Killed By International Bankers, with Alex Jones & Robert Groden   



For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States.  But, he didn’t.  Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations – One World Money group.  Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared ‘ammunition’ in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.


The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.


The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market ... The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the US via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.  Curtis Dall, My Exploited Father-in-Law



The Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.  Alan Greenspan



Depositors all over the country were frightened about the safety of their funds and rushed to withdraw them.  There were runs, there were failures of banks by the droves, and all the time, the Federal Reserve system stood idly by when it had the power and the duty and the responsibility to provide the cash that would have enabled the banks to meet the insistent demands of their depositors without closing their doors.  Milton Friedman



The power to determine the quantity of money ... is too important, too pervasive, to be exercised by a few people, however public-spirited, if there is any feasible alternative.  There is no need for such arbitrary power ... Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, that mistakes, excusable or not, can have such far reaching effects, is a bad system.  It is a bad system to believers in freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic – this is the key political argument against an independent central bank.  Milton Friedman



The stock of money, prices and output was decidedly more unstable after the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.  Milton Friedman



The severity of each of the major contractions ... is directly attributable to acts of commission and omission by the Reserve authorities.  Milton Friedman  



There is and has been for some time a conspiracy among some of the richest people in the world.  A conspiracy that virtually owns the money systems ... In the United States this monetary fraud is perpetuated through the Federal Reserve system ... The capitalist conspiracy in this country surfaces to public view in the form of the semi-secret Council on Foreign Relations ... On the surface the capitalist conspiracy appears to oppose communism ... There is much evidence indicating that the capitalist and communist conspiracies both are directed by a single master conspiracy which may have continuity with the Order of the Illuminati ... As for our response, we must begin to dismantle the conspiracys machine of big government ... We must reduce the Federal Reserve system to a service function of clearing cheques between banks only ... We must expose the conspiracy to public view.  G Edward Griffin, The Capitalist Conspiracy   


On December 22nd 1913 the Federal Reserve Act finally was passed into law: something known as the Federal Reserve system came being, and with it total control over the nations money fell into private hands.  The Federal Reserve system solely is responsible for creating money in the United States.  ibid.



The government had no debt when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913.  G Edward Griffin: The Creature from Jekyll Island



You must understand the Federal Reserve is a cartel made up of the major banks in America, and they are the ones running the show, not the Federal government.  G Edward Griffin



Its a grouping of the large corporations in the field of banking who have come together to create agreement between themselves, to limit competition, to preserve their profits, and to make sure no newcomers come in and take away their position.  G Edward Griffin



Prices are not going up, it’s that the value of the Dollar or the monetary unit is going down ... It’s a tax therefore: our lost purchasing power ... comes out of our pocket, comes out of our earning capacity ... Inflation, but in reality is a hidden tax ... And that is the power we have given to the Federal Reserve system.  G Edward Griffin



They created the Federal Reserve under those kinds of secrecy ... Few wars of history have ever been plotted under greater secrecy than that.  G Edward Griffin



This is how money is created in the western world, and it’s an amazing story.  G Edward Griffin



Those with the power have abused it, and have created more and more and more money at a rate much faster than the expansion of goods and services.  G Edward Griffin 



We must get rid of the Fiat money system.  G Edward Griffin



If there’s anything in the world that is an appearance that is deceiving, it is the Federal Reserve system.  G Edward Griffin, lecture ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’ *****, Youtube 1.47.04, 2010


It’s one of the greatest scams of all history … It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives; it is a cartel operating against the public interest; it is the supreme instrument of usury; it generates our most unfair tax; it encourages war; it destabilizes the economy; it is an instrument of totalitarianism.  ibid. 


Jekyll Island is a real island, off the coast of Georgia, and it was on that island back in 1910 that the Federal Reserve system was conceived at a highly secret meeting that took place there.  ibid.  


1910: Senator Nelson Aldrich sent his private railroad car to the New Jersey railroad station where there it was in readiness for the arrival of himself and six other men who were instructed to come under conditions of great secrecy.  ibid.


For the next nine days these men sat around the table and hammered out all the important details of what eventually became the Federal Reserve system … The represented approximately one quarter of the wealth of the entire world.  ibid.  


‘If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written the Banking Bill, that Bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.’  ibid.  Vanderlip      


These were competitors.  They were giants in the field … in the financial markets of the world … They were learning how to avoid competition … They formed a banking cartel and they called it the Federal Reserve system.  ibid.