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★ Bahamas

Bahamas: see Atlantis & Holiday & Caribbean & Island

The Truth Behind: Atlantis TV - Destination Truth TV - Ancient Aliens TV - Secrets of Atlantis TV - Mysteryquest: The Lost City of Atlantis TV - Secrets of the Mega Resort TV - Edward & Wallis: The Bahamas Scandal Revealed TV - Ancient Apocalypse TV -




Here in the Bahamas just eight hundred metres off the coast of north Bimini a puzzling structure lies under the surface of the Atlantic ocean.  The is the Bimini Road.  The Truth Behind: Atlantis, National Geographic 2011


Atlantis hunters seem more gripped by its powers than ever before.  ibid.



Next, the team journeys to Andrews Island in the Caribbean chasing reports that a tentacled sea monster is terrorising the tourists. Destination Truth s3e2, Skyfy 2009


Caribbean locals call this terrifying beast the Lusca.  The Lusca is simply a monstrous octopus.  ibid.



The legend of the lost city of Atlantis ... Across the Atlantic lies the island chain of the Bahamas.  Just south-east of Florida.  Here in 1968 Archaeologist J Manson Valentine believed he’d found part of Atlantis when he discovered an unusual rock formation off the coast of North Bimini Island.  Ancient Aliens: Underwater World s2e3, History 2010



Casey predicted that proof of the existence of Atlantis would be found in the Bahamas in 1968 or 1969.  And sure enough in 1968 pilots flying over the island of Bimini spotted this structure from the sky.  One and a half kilometres of stone organised into what is now referred to as the Bimini Road.  Secrets of Atlantis



Then in 1968 biologist J Manson Valentine was scuba-diving in the Bahamas when he discovered an enormous seemingly man-made structure: the Bimini Road.   Many believed Atlantis had been found at last.  Mysteryquest: The Lost City of Atlantis, History 2009  



Around the world a new breed of holiday destination is on the rise: huge hotel complexes built to satisfy every possible desire, whether you’re a happy family or a high stakes gambler.  A mega resort wants to sell you the holiday of a lifetime.  Secrets of the Mega Resort, Channel 5 2019


The Bahamas: a chain of 700 tropical islands off the coast of Florida … Welcome to Baha Mar: a mega-resort opened in 2017.  It covers 1,000 acres and cost £3.4 billion to build … a five-star holiday park for around 7,000 guests.  ibid.  


The biggest casino in the Caribbean.  ibid.  


Every suite in this hotel has its own butler.  ibid.


It’s own animal collection for guests to enjoy.  ibid.


The resort’s three hotels … [serves] 15,000 meals every day.  ibid.



It’s 1940: The Battle of Britain is raging.  Hitler orders a full-scale attack on Britain.  But as the country cowers, the world’s most scandalous couple set sail for an island paradise.  Edward, the former king, and Wallis, the woman for whom he gave up the throne, are banished four-thousand miles to the Bahamas.  Edward & Wallis: The Bahamas Scandal Revealed, Channel 5 2024


But exile didn’t end the Edward and Wallis problem.  ibid.


Spending on a lavish scale at the height of the war; fraternising with known Nazi sympathisers; disastrous interventions in global politics; and intimate involvement in a notorious unsolved murder.  ibid.  


He [Edward] manages to find a massive Nazi sympathiser with a lot of money.  ibid.



The Bahamas.  These are the Bimini Islands.  Just under 60 miles off the coast of Miami, Bimini is separated from the mainland of America by a deepwater channel known as the Straits of Florida.  Ancient Apocalypse s1e4: Ghosts of a Drowned World              


A massive structure of carefully laid giant stones with every appearance of being a megalithic roadway or paved terrace.  ibid.  


In their excitement they announced to the world they had found the road to Atlantis itself.  ibid.  


The slabs are remarkably straight-edged and parallel.  ibid.


This part of the Bahamas has been underwater for thousands of years.  ibid.