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Father Ted TV - Angry White and Proud TV - The Party of Duke: Rise of the Alt-Right 2016 - rEVILution: The Rise of Reich-Wing Terrorism 2017 - David Potorti - Norman Mailer - Noam Chomsky - Jan Schakowsky - Shane Smith - Tony Benn - Stacey Dooley TV - Panorama TV - Angry, White and American TV - Exposure: White Right: Meeting the Enemy TV - Get Me Roger Stone 2017 - Field of Vision: Dancing with Le Pen 2018 - Sleeping with the Far Right TV - White Right: Meeting the Enemy TV - White Supremacy: Going Under TV - Divided States TV - Ray Donovan TV - White Supremacy: Going Under TV - Storyville TV - John Avlon - William Shirer - Mussolini: The Rise of Italian Fascism TV - Dave Hunt - Christopher Hitchens - Louis Theroux TV - Pele, Argentina & The Dictators TV - Adam Curtis TV - Dispatches TV - Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet TV - esias - Defiance: Fighting the Far Right TV - Play for Today TV - Bad Faith 2024 - Against All Enemies 2024 - America's New Female Right TV - Good Night and Good Luck 2005 -   




Funny how you get more right wing as you get older.  Father Ted s3e1: Are You All Right There Father Ted? Ted to Nazi priest, Channel 4 1998



The far right are re-emerging and are back on the streets of Britain.  I’ve spent a year building their trust.  Getting to know them.  To explore their prejudices.  What drives them.  And what fuels their intense anger.  Angry, White and Proud, Channel 4 2015


Scores of confrontational new splinter groups now exist on the far right.  ibid.



‘Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.  You’re such a nice looking boy.’  The Party of Duke: Rise of the Alt-Right, Duke on television, 2016


‘Order was only restored in LA when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.’  ibid.  Ron Paul political report June 1992


‘My party is full of racists.’  ibid.  Lawrence Wilkerson


‘Small numbers of White Supremacists have infiltrated most parts of the military.’  ibid.  CNN news  


In 2009 three police officers were killed by White Supremacist Richard Poplawski after his mother called 911.  Poplawski feared his guns would be taken from him by Obama.  ibid.



1933 Gen. Butler Bares ‘Plot’ By Fascists.  rEVILution: The Rise of Reich-Wing Terrorism, 2017  


6 People, Including a Child Shot and Killed in Arizona.  ibid.  television news


In the Spotlight tonight  Guns, Paranoia and Hatred.  According to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Centre the crazies are on the rise.  We now have more groups who believe that ‘the federal government is conspiring to take Americans’ guns and destroy their liberty as it paves the way for a global one-world government’.  ibid.  news


Nine members of a Michigan-based Christian militia group have been charged in connection with an alleged plot to spark a war against the federal government.  ibid.  Democracy Now report


44% of Republicans think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years.  ibid.  television news   


24th October 2008: White Supremacists Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman are arrested in Tennessee for allegedly plotting to assassinate Barack Obama and murder more than 100 black people.  ibid.



In a media universe where you’re likely to find right-wing conservatives on ABC, Fox, or NPR, the facts don’t matter; only the framing.  And in the hands of biased pundits posing as objective journalists, the framing is always going to be the same: pro-military, pro-government, and pro-war.  David Potorti



Ever since the Cold War ended there were people who were fuming on the Right thinking this is the golden opportunity now that Russias out of the way for America to take over the world.  Were not doing anything about it.  Those damned liberals, those soft-heads, are keeping us from doing what is our godly mission.  Norman Mailer, author



The spectrum is basically from centre to extreme right, extreme right, way off the spectrum.  Noam Chomsky, interview Abby Martin, The Empire Files: The Empire’s Election Extravaganza’, Youtube 2015


Both parties shifted to the right as everywhere in the world, and the Republicans just went off the spectrum.  ibid.


Obama is running a global terror programme of a kind that has never been envisioned before.  ibid.


The right to use force and violence at will is accepted pretty much across the spectrum.  ibid.


About 70% of the public, the lowest 70% of the income scale, are pretty much disenfranchised; their attitudes have no detectable influence on the policies of their own representatives.  ibid.


A plutocracy with democratic forms.  ibid.



The drift of both political parties to the right  the Republicans by now off the spectrum of traditional politics  that’s an aspect of the neoliberal assault; it’s turning the United States into a plutocracy.  Noam Chomsky, lecture 8th July 2017, ‘The Corporatization of the Universities, Youtube 1.39.35



[The Right] lie with impunity.  Lets face it.  Theyre liars.  They lied about the reason they took our sons and daughters to war.  They spend millions of dollars in campaign ads saying they are for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare while they work to destroy Medicare and replace it with private plans and HMOs.  They call their dirty air legislation Clear Skies and their plan to give the timber companies our trees, Healthy Forests.  They call their job-killing economic program a jobs program.  They say they are for peace when they are for war.  Millions of children are left behind under their miserly No Child Left Behind education bill.  They tout a child tax credit for working families and then silently drop it in favor of more tax cuts for millionaires.  Jan Schakowsky



The greatest propaganda coup of the American Right has been to convince its citizens that we are in the grip of a liberal conspiracy.  Shane Smith



I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias.  Tony Benn



Luton: Now I’m coming home to find out if it’s true that Muslim extremists are taking over my town.  And if this is why the wide right-wing are on the rise here.  Stacey Dooley, My Hometown Fanatics, BBC 2012


‘I think you look naked on the street.’  ibid.  Muslim protester to Stacey


‘All non-Muslims are destined for the hell-fire.’  ibid.  Muslim  



This 26-year-old German man is on trial for attempted murder and for leading a right-wing terrorist group.  He’s one of a new and growing breed of German far-right extremists.  Motivated by the migration crisis, they’ve been carrying out a record number of violent attacks.  Panorama: Germany’s New Nazis, BBC 2017


Why are taboos held since the end of Hitler’s Third Reich now being broken?  ibid.


The migrant crisis hit Germany in 2015 … The migrant crisis was rapidly turning Germans against each other.  ibid.


Refugee shelters were being burnt down by far-right extremists.  One every third day.  There were thousands of attacks against migrants, and yet only a quarter of attacks against asylum seekers resulted in prosecution.  ibid.



‘The UK has a lot of potential.  We want to build our numbers up there.’  Panorama: Hunting the Neo-Nazis, neo-Nazi, BBC 2020


I speak to a family torn apart by their violence.  And police here who say right-wing extremism is the fastest-growing terror threat.  ibid.  


An international collaboration of journalists trying to expose their right-wing groups.  ibid.



This summer in Charlottesville, Virginia, hundreds of far-right demonstrators including the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi militias left violence and death in their wake.  And beliefs once thought buried are now being resurrected … White America is in pain.  Angry, White & American, Channel 4 2017


It’s easy to forget that America was a slave state for two hundred years.  An apartheid state where segregation was enforced by law for a hundred years.  ibid.


[Richard] Spencer coined the term alt-right.  ibid.


So long as there has been racism there’s been seemingly intelligent people desperate to lend it an intellectual veneer.  ibid. 


Across White America there is a sense of loss and despair.  ibid.  


Entire communities are dying.  I want to discover how economic desperation is undermining the basic idea of what it means to be a white working-class America, and how that in turn is fuelling racial resentment.  ibid.


That sense of white entitlement is grounded in another American ideal: capitalism.  ibid.


His appeal to poor whites is a product of their desperation.  ibid.