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Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  
  Aardvark  ·  Aaron (Bible)  ·  Abaddon & Apollyon  ·  Abbey  ·  Able & Ability  ·  Abortion  ·  Abraham (Bible)  ·  Abroad  ·  Absence & Absent  ·  Absolute  ·  Abstinence  ·  Abu Dhabi  ·  Abuse (I)  ·  Abuse (II)  ·  Abyss  ·  Accident (I)  ·  Accident (II)  ·  Accountable & Accountability  ·  Accountant & Accountancy  ·  Accusation  ·  Achievement  ·  Acting & Actor  ·  Action  ·  Activism & Activist  ·  Adam & Eve & Lilith  ·  ADD & ADHD  ·  Addiction  ·  Address  ·  Adult  ·  Adultery  ·  Advantage  ·  Adventure  ·  Adversity  ·  Advertising & Advertisement  ·  Advice & Advise  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (I)  ·  Aeroplane & Aircraft & Airport (II)  ·  Aesthetics  ·  Affair (Romance)  ·  Affection  ·  Affliction  ·  Afghanistan & Afghanistanis  ·  Afraid  ·  Africa & Africans  ·  Age & Ageing  ·  Age & Ages (Eon)  ·  Agenda  ·  Agnostic & Agnosticism  ·  Agreement  ·  Agriculture  ·  AIDS & HIV  ·  Air  ·  Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden  ·  Alabama  ·  Alarm  ·  Alaska  ·  Albania & Albanians  ·  Alcatraz Penitentiary  ·  Alchemy  ·  Alcohol & Alcoholic  ·  Alexander the Great  ·  Alfred the Great  ·  Algeria & Algerians  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (I)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (II)  ·  Aliens & Alien Abduction (III)  ·  Allergy  ·  Alliance  ·  Almas & Almasty  ·  Alone  ·  Alter Ego  ·  Alternative Medicine  ·  Altruism & Altruist  ·  Alzheimer's Disease  ·  Amateur  ·  Amazon & Amazon River  ·  Ambition  ·  Amen  ·  Amish People & Culture  ·  Ammonites  ·  Amoeba  ·  Amphetamines  ·  Amphibians  ·  Amsterdam  ·  Amusement  ·  Analogy  ·  Anarchy & Anarchism & Anarchist  ·  Ancestor & Ancestry  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (I)  ·  Ancient Astronaut Theory (II)  ·  Ancient Egypt (I)  ·  Ancient Egypt (II)  ·  Ancient Greece  ·  Ancient Israel & Israelites  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (I)  ·  Ancient Roman Empire (II)  ·  Ancient Rome & Romans  ·  Angels  ·  Anger  ·  Anglo-Saxons  ·  Angola  ·  Anguish  ·  Animal Mutilation  ·  Animal Sacrifice  ·  Animals (I)  ·  Animals (II)  ·  Anne, Queen  ·  Anorexia & Anorexic  ·  Answer  ·  Antarctic & South Pole  ·  Anthrax  ·  Anthropic Principle  ·  Anti-Christ  ·  Anti-Semitism  ·  Antibiotics  ·  Antimatter  ·  Antiques & Antiquities  ·  Ants  ·  Anunnaki  ·  Anxiety & Anxious  ·  Apathy  ·  Ape  ·  Apocalypse  ·  Apocrypha  ·  Apology & Apologise  ·  Apostles  ·  Appeal  ·  Appearance  ·  Appeasement  ·  Appetite  ·  Apple  ·  Appointment  ·  Apprehension  ·  Aquarius  ·  Arab & Arabia  ·  Archaeology & Archaeologist  ·  Archery & Arrow  ·  Architecture  ·  Arctic & North Pole  ·  Area 51 & Area 52  ·  Argentina  ·  Argument  ·  Aristocracy & Aristocrat  ·  Arizona  ·  Ark of the Covenant  ·  Arkansas  ·  Armageddon  ·  Armenia  ·  Arms  ·  Army  ·  Arrest  ·  Art (I)  ·  Art (II)  ·  Art (III)  ·  Art (IV)  ·  Art (V)  ·  Art Deco  ·  Art Nouveau  ·  Artefacts  ·  Arthur, King  ·  Artificial Intelligence  ·  Artists: Abramovic, Marina  ·  Artists: Aitken, Doug  ·  Artists: Andre, Carl  ·  Artists: Bacon, Francis  ·  Artists: Banksy  ·  Artists: Basquiat, Jean-Michel  ·  Artists: Bazille, Frédéric  ·  Artists: Beardsley, Aubrey  ·  Artists: Bernini, Gian Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Bomberg, David  ·  Artists: Bosch, Hieronymus  ·  Artists: Botticelli, Sandro  ·  Artists: Bourgeois, Louise  ·  Artists: Bracquemond, Marie  ·  Artists: Bronzino – Agnolo di Cosimo  ·  Artists: Bruegel, Pieter  ·  Artists: Caillebotte, Gustave  ·  Artists: Canaletto, Giovanni Antonio Canal  ·  Artists: Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi  ·  Artists: Caro, Anthony  ·  Artists: Cassatt, Mary  ·  Artists: Cézanne, Paul  ·  Artists: Chadwick, Helen  ·  Artists: Chagall, Marc  ·  Artists: Chapman Brothers  ·  Artists: Close, Chuck  ·  Artists: Colquhoun, Ithell  ·  Artists: Constable, John  ·  Artists: Courbet, Gustave  ·  Artists: Da Vinci, Leonardo  ·  Artists: Dadd, Richard  ·  Artists: Dali, Salvador  ·  Artists: David, Jacques-Louis  ·  Artists: De Kooning, Willem  ·  Artists: Degas, Edgar  ·  Artists: Delacroix, Eugene  ·  Artists: Deller, Jeremy  ·  Artists: Dobson, William  ·  Artists: Duchamp, Marcel  ·  Artists: Durer, Albrecht  ·  Artists: El Greco  ·  Artists: Emin, Tracey  ·  Artists: Epstein, Jacob  ·  Artists: Ernst, Max  ·  Artists: Etty, William  ·  Artists: Francesca, Piero Della  ·  Artists: Freud, Lucian  ·  Artists: Gainsborough, Thomas  ·  Artists: Gauguin, Paul  ·  Artists: Gentileschi, Artemisia  ·  Artists: Giacometti, Alberto  ·  Artists: Gilbert & George  ·  Artists: Giotto, di Bondone  ·  Artists: Girtin, Tom  ·  Artists: Goya – Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes  ·  Artists: Grimshaw, John Atkinson  ·  Artists: Guardi, Francesco  ·  Artists: Hals, Frans  ·  Artists: Haring, Keith  ·  Artists: Hepworth, Barbara  ·  Artists: Heron, Patrick  ·  Artists: Hirst, Damien  ·  Artists: Hockney, David  ·  Artists: Hogarth, William  ·  Artists: Holbein, Hans  ·  Artists: Homer, Winslow  ·  Artists: Hopper, Edward  ·  Artists: Impressionists  ·  Artists: Kahlo, Frida  ·  Artists: Kandinsky, Wassily  ·  Artists: Klee, Paul  ·  Artists: Klein, Yves  ·  Artists: Klimt, Gustav  ·  Artists: Knight, Laura  ·  Artists: Koons, Jeff  ·  Artists: Lanyon, Peter  ·  Artists: Lawrence, Thomas  ·  Artists: Le Brun, Christopher  ·  Artists: Lewis, Percy Wyndham  ·  Artists: Lorrain, Claude  ·  Artists: Lowry, Laurence Stephen  ·  Artists: Lucas, Sarah  ·  Artists: Magritte, Rene  ·  Artists: Manet, Edouard  ·  Artists: Matisse, Henri  ·  Artists: McGill, Donald  ·  Artists: Michelangelo, di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni  ·  Artists: Minton, John  ·  Artists: Miro, Joan  ·  Artists: Modigliani, Amedeo  ·  Artists: Monaco, Lorenzo  ·  Artists: Mondrian, Pieter Cornelis  ·  Artists: Monet, Claude  ·  Artists: Moore, Henry  ·  Artists: Morisot, Berthe  ·  Artists: Munch, Edvard  ·  Artists: Nash, Paul  ·  Artists: Nevinson, Christopher  ·  Artists: Nicholson, Ben  ·  Artists: Obata, Chiura  ·  Artists: Palmer, Samuel  ·  Artists: Perry, Grayson  ·  Artists: Picasso, Pablo  ·  Artists: Piper, John  ·  Artists: Pissarro, Camille  ·  Artists: Pollock, Jackson  ·  Artists: Pop Art  ·  Artists: Pre-Raphaelites inc. Millet & Hunt & Rossetti et al  ·  Artists: Raphael  ·  Artists: Rego, Paula  ·  Artists: Rembrandt  ·  Artists: Renoir, Pierre-Auguste  ·  Artists: Reynolds, Joshua  ·  Artists: Rodin, Auguste  ·  Artists: Rothko, Mark  ·  Artists: Rubens, Peter Paul  ·  Artists: Sargent, John Singer  ·  Artists: Schiele, Egon  ·  Artists: Seurat, Georges  ·  Artists: Sickert, Walter Richard  ·  Artists: Sorolla  ·  Artists: Spencer, Stanley  ·  Artists: Stubbs, George  ·  Artists: Sutherland, Graham  ·  Artists: Tekle, Afewerk  ·  Artists: Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista  ·  Artists: Tintoretto  ·  Artists: Titian  ·  Artists: Turnbull, William  ·  Artists: Turner, Joseph Mallord William  ·  Artists: Tuymans, Luc  ·  Artists: Twombly, Cy  ·  Artists: Van Dyck, Anthony  ·  Artists: Van Eyck, Jan  ·  Artists: Van Gogh, Vincent  ·  Artists: Velázquez, Diego  ·  Artists: Vermeer, Johannes  ·  Artists: Wallis, Alfred  ·  Artists: Warhol, Andy  ·  Artists: Wei-Wei, Ai  ·  Artists: Whistler, James Abbott McNeill  ·  Artists: Whiteread, Rachel  ·  Artists: Wood, Christopher  ·  Arts & Crafts  ·  Asherah  ·  Asia  ·  Aspartame  ·  Assassinations  ·  Assassinations: Aguilera, Jaime Roldos  ·  Assassinations: Alexander of Yugoslavia  ·  Assassinations: Arafat, Yasser  ·  Assassinations: Bin Laden, Osama  ·  Assassinations: Caesar, Julius  ·  Assassinations: Calvi, Roberto  ·  Assassinations: Castro, Fidel  ·  Assassinations: Collins, Michael  ·  Assassinations: Colosio-Murrieta, Luis Donaldo  ·  Assassinations: Cooper, Bill  ·  Assassinations: Dando, Jill  ·  Assassinations: Danny Casolaro  ·  Assassinations: De Gaulle, Charles  ·  Assassinations: De Menezes, Jean Charles  ·  Assassinations: Erzberger, Matthias  ·  Assassinations: Ferdinand, Archduke Franz of Austria  ·  Assassinations: Ford, Gerald  ·  Assassinations: Gaddafi, Muammar  ·  Assassinations: Gaitan, Jorge  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Indira & Rajiv  ·  Assassinations: Gandhi, Mahatma  ·  Assassinations: Garfield, James  ·  Assassinations: Gibraltar 3  ·  Assassinations: Gongadze, Georgiy  ·  Assassinations: Guerin, Veronica  ·  Assassinations: Guevara, Che  ·  Assassinations: Hammarskjold, Dag  ·  Assassinations: Hampton, Fred  ·  Assassinations: Hoffa, Jimmy  ·  Assassinations: Jackson, Andrew  ·  Assassinations: Jara, Victor  ·  Assassinations: Kelly, David  ·  Assassinations: Khalaf, Hevrin  ·  Assassinations: Khashoggi, Jamal  ·  Assassinations: Kim, Jong-nam  ·  Assassinations: Kinahan, Daniel  ·  Assassinations: Lennon, John  ·  Assassinations: Litvinenko, Alexander  ·  Assassinations: Markov, Georgi  ·  Assassinations: Marley, Bob  ·  Assassinations: Marwan, Ashraf  ·  Assassinations: Maxwell, Robert  ·  Assassinations: McKinley, William  ·  Assassinations: Moro, Aldo  ·  Assassinations: Mountbatten, Louis Lord  ·  Assassinations: Mussolini, Benito  ·  Assassinations: Navalny, Alexei  ·  Assassinations: Nemtsov, Boris  ·  Assassinations: Olson, Frank  ·  Assassinations: Palme, Olof  ·  Assassinations: Patton, George  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul I  ·  Assassinations: Pope John Paul II  ·  Assassinations: Princes in the Tower  ·  Assassinations: Rabin, Yitzhak  ·  Assassinations: Rasputin, Grigori  ·  Assassinations: Reed, Dean  ·  Assassinations: Rohwedder, Detlev  ·  Assassinations: Sadat, Anwar  ·  Assassinations: Sikorski, Wladyslaw  ·  Assassinations: Sindona, Michele  ·  Assassinations: Skripal, Sergei  ·  Assassinations: Smalls, Biggie  ·  Assassinations: Stewart, Duncan  ·  Assassinations: Trotsky, Leon  ·  Assassinations: Tutankhamun  ·  Assassinations: Verwoerd, Hendrik  ·  Assassinations: Yushchenko, Viktor  ·  Assassinations: Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad  ·  Assyria & Assyrians  ·  Asteroid  ·  Astrology  ·  Astronaut  ·  Astronomy & Astrophysics  ·  Atheism & Atheist  ·  Athlete & Athletics  ·  Atlanta  ·  Atlantis  ·  Atmosphere  ·  Atom & Atomic Energy & Atomic Weapons  ·  Attitude  ·  Auction  ·  Audience  ·  Australia & Australians  ·  Austria & Austrians  ·  Author  ·  Authority  ·  Autism & Asperger Syndrome  ·  Autobiography  ·  Autograph  ·  Autopsy & Post-Mortem  ·  Autumn & Fall  ·  Avarice  ·  Awake  ·  Ayahuasca  ·  Azerbaijan  ·  Aztecs  

★ Apprehension

Apprehension: see Fear & Afraid & Anguish & Anxiety & Expectation & Alarm & Worry & Understanding & Reality & Nerves


William Shakespeare - Seneca - Isaac Newton - Herbert Read - Saint Augustine -




O no, the apprehension of the good

Gives not the greater feeling to the worse.  William Shakespeare, Richard II I iii 263-264, Bolingbroke to John of Gaunt



There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.  Lucius Annaeus Seneca



A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.  Isaac Newton



Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience  by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence.  Herbert Read



To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal.  Saint Augustine