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★ Iraq & Iraqis (I)

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We know he armed Iraq.  I wondered about that too – during the Persian Gulf War those intelligence reports would come out – Iraq incredible weapons, incredible weapons.  How do you know that?  Well, we looked at the receipt.  But as soon as that cheque clears we’re going in.  Bill Hicks, Revelations, Dominion Theatre London


Every one of your papers says you guys sold Iraq ‘machine tools’ which Iraq then converted ... Our papers in the States have the same thing: we sold Iraq ‘farming equipment’ which Iraq then converted ... It was a chicken coup; it’s now a nuclear reactor.  ibid.



If Bush had been the one who had died, there’d be no loss of innocent life.  That would have saved us a hundred million dollars.  The media – everyone in the government and media – called it [suicide bomb] a cowardly act on the Iraqians’ part, because some Iraqian guy was going to drive a Toyota car-bomb and blow himself up in the process of trying to kill the President of the United States.  Because that’s all they can really do since we are the imperialists of the New World Order – and we call that a cowardly act.  Meanwhile, we’re launching Cruise missiles two hundred miles away from floating iron islands – who are the cowards again?  Bill Hicks



It’s not that I disagree with Bush’s economic policy or his foreign policy, it’s that I believe he was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet Earth ... There’s a quote from Saddam Hussein, ‘We have nothing against America, we just want to see George Bush beheaded and his head kicked down the road like a soccer ball.’  I’m thinking, that’s what I want to see!  Bill Hicks, 1993



Those guys were in hog heaven out there.  Bill Hicks, Operation Desert Storm, 1991



My son hes gonna be deployed in September to Iraq.  Pray … for this country, that our leaders … are sending [US soldiers] out on a task that is from God.  Thats what we have to make sure that were praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is Gods plan.  Sarah Palin, June 2008



One of the charges at the time of course was that in some way I must have known because I had been the chancellor, because I had been the foreign secretary, because I had been the prime minister.  And therefore I must have known what was going on, but I didn’t.  John Major, response to Scott Inquiry into Arms Sales to Iraq



My life is seeing everything in terms of How would I handle that?  Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that were in.  I would never have handled it that way.  Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county?  C’mon.  Two minutes after we leave, theres going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over.  And hell have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didnt have.  What was the purpose of this whole thing?  Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed.  And what about the people coming back with no arms and legs?  Not to mention the other side.  All those Iraqi kids whove been blown to pieces.  And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong.  All this for nothing!  Donald Trump, Esquire magazine August 2004



We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts ... The Kuwait issue is not associated with America.  April Glaspie, US Ambassador, cited Empire of Oil: The Hidden History of 9/11



Saddam has a great deal to thank the CIA for.  For bringing about power, for keeping the balance of power, for helping him personally, for providing him with financial aid during the war with Iran, for protecting him against internal coups-d’etat.  It’s a continuing relationship from the very early 1960s until now, and it’s a love-hate relationship.  Said Aburish, author Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge



What they leave out are several other things.  One is that Saddam Hussein was CIA.  He was put in by the CIA.  And CIA backed Saddam’s right-wing of the Ba’ath Party, and the Ba’ath Party went and murdered every democrat, every progressive, every communist that was in Iraq.  And then went and murdered the left wing of their own party.  So they killed, tortured these people.  They did all that.  It’s true what they say about him that he did do these terrible things.  What they leave out is that when he was doing them he was Washington’s poster boy.  And they couldn’t have more praise for him.  But then he turned round and did something else.  And that was he nationalised the oil reserves.  Michael Parenti



The secret plots that led to the start of the Iran/Iraq War ... The war that cost over a million lives.  The Edge of War: Saddam & the Ayatollah, 2012


Saddam Hussein hopes the fall of the Shah plays into his hands.  ibid.


1979: Iranian students overrun the American embassy in Tehran.  ibid.


For Saddam Hussein, Khomeini’s violent purge is an incredible turn of events.  ibid.


September 22nd 1980: Saddam Hussein unleashes his military might.  ibid.


A bitter and seemingly endless war along the border.  ibid.



Should military action be required, this will not be another Vietnam.  George H W Bush



I have said to the people of Iraq that our quarrel was not with them but instead with their leadership.  And above all with Saddam Hussein.  You, the people of Iraq, are not our enemy.  We do not seek your destruction.  George H W Bush



Were dealing with Hitler revisited.  George H W Bush



It’s a proud day for America.  And by God we’ve kicked Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.  George H W Bush



He [George W Bush] would now have enough military might to force Saddam to withdraw.  George H W Bush III, PBS 2008


President Bush announced the start of the Gulf War.  ibid.



He would forge an international coalition to battle Saddam Hussein.  George H W Bush IV



I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.  Alan Greenspan 



It is somewhat puzzling I think that you can have a 100% certainty about the weapons of mass destructions existence, and zero certainty about where they are.  Hans Blix, Chief UN Weapons Inspector



Blix Says War Motivated By Oil.  Associated Press



The US also knew that its sales to Iraq of dual-use material like helicopters and chemicals could well have facilitated Saddam’s mass-murder campaign.  But apart from issuing an official statement that denounced the gassing of the Kurds when it became public knowledge, what did the US do to stop its ally Saddam?  Absolutely nothing.  In fact the next year American financial aid to Iraq went up.  The Fifth Estate: The Lies that Led to War, CBC 2007



I ordered destruction of all chemical weapons.  All weapons – biological, chemical, missile, nuclear, were destroyed.  Hussein Kamel, 1995



George Herbert Walker Bush created the enemy which he fought in 1991.  Mike Ruppert, The Truth & Lies of 9/11