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★ Immigration

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Not many people have heard of the Kalergi pan-European plan for Europe.  In the 1920s Freemason (in 1922 Kalergi became a member of the Masonic lodge Humanitas) Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book entitled Praktischer Idealismus (practical idealism) which set forth his views on how he believed the abolition of the right to self-determination and liquidation of European countries should be carried out with the formation of the European Union.  


After the publication of the book, Kalergi received help from the baron millionaire Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild who linked him to one of his friends Max Warburg.  Warburg financed Kalergi to help form his European movement.  Kalergi urged not only the destruction of European states, but also the deliberate genocide of indigenous peoples through forced mass migration to create a homogenous mass.  


The pan-European plan of Kalergi envisaged the use of violent and disproportionate mass immigration, especially from non-European countries, in order to bring about a common European state dictatorship and the destruction of the indigenous white population – the nationalities of Europe.  Quora online, ‘What was the Kalergi Plan?’



Immigrants?  We sent out search parties to get them to come … and made it hard for Britons to get work, says Mandelson: former minister admits Labour deliberately engineered mass immigration; Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain totalled 2.2 million … Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted.  In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet Minister and spin doctor said New Labour sought out foreign workers.  He also conceded that the influx of new arrivals meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.  Daily Mail online new article Tim Shipman 14 May 2013



There were now perhaps 20,000 men from the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia here.  George Alagiah, Mixed Britannia 1/3: 1910-1939, BBC 2011



Mass immigration meant Britain would never look the same again.  George Alagiah, Mixed Britannia 2/3: 1940-1965


Dr Harold Moody – a Jamaican born GP who’d married a white English nurse Olive in 1913.  In 1931 he’d set up the League of Coloured Peoples – Britain’s first black pressure group.  ibid.


Jake [Jacobs] was one of more than six thousand black servicemen from the colonies who came here.  They were here to help in the war effort, but they did so much more.  ibid.


About a thousand mixed-race babies were now fatherless ... A shocking number ended up in care.  ibid.


Harold Moody argued that the children should be treated as war casualties whose care should be jointly funded by the British and American governments.  ibid.


Liverpool in the summer of 1946 ... In a number of dawn raids police descended on the area – their mission to round up any Chinese seamen they could find ... A boat was ready and waiting for their journey to China.  ibid.


One thousand three hundred and sixty two Chinese men were forced to leave.  Of those some three hundred were married.  Somewhere between five hundred and a thousand children were left fatherless.  ibid.


Peggy Cripps’ groom was not some British toff – he was Joe Appiah, a Ghanaian chieftain’s son.  ibid.



Britain today has one of the most ethnically diverse populations in Europe.  George Alagiah, Mixed Britannia 3/3: 1965-2011


Between 1962 and 1971 there had been a succession of Immigration Acts.  By that time the number of south Asians stood at almost half a million.  ibid.



In the late summer of 1972 one group of British citizens were arriving from sunnier climbs ... Frightened Asian families from Uganda were seeking shelter in Britain.  Dominic Sandbrook, The 70s I: Get It On 70-72 ***** BBC 2013


Anti-immigration feelings were running high ... About 25,000 Asian Ugandans arrived in England.  ibid.



The effects of commonwealth immigration seemed uncomfortable even alarming.  Dominic Sandbrook, The 70s: The Winner Takes It All 77-79



More than two hundred years have passed since Malthus created panic about over-population.  But the topic is as hot as ever.  One reason: immigration.  This is Britain with Andrew Marr, BBC 2007



Immigration meant the nation became more diverse than ever.  Great Thinkers: In Their Own Words III: Culture Wars, BBC 2011



We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population.  It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.  So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.  Enoch Powell, speech 20th April 1968


As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding.  Like the Roman I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’.  ibid.  



America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity.  That part of America which had encouraged them most had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture and the arts.  James Madison



The cricket test – which side do they cheer for? ... Are you still looking back to where you came from or where you are?  Norman Tebbit



I never did very well as an immigrant.  I’ve lived in several countries and been a disaster everywhere.  Aravind Adiga



All immigrants do is blow up our buildings, take away our jobs and suck up our welfare.  Fuck that: that’s all bullshit.  Penn & Teller, Bullshit! s5e6: Illegal Immigration, Showtime 2007 


What’s driving this immigration insanity?  ibid.


There are eleven or twelve million illegal immigrants living in the US.  The figure goes up by about half a million a year.  ibid.


It’s about racism and bigotry.  ibid.



As a candidate he promised to fix the immigration system.  As president, Obama cracked down hard.  Frontline: Lost in Detention, PBS 2011


Critics say the ‘program’ has swept up thousands of immigrants with no criminal record.  ibid.


Tonight: how the politics of immigration are lost in detention.  ibid.


Less than 20% of those deported from Illinois had been convicted of a serious crime.  ibid.


This aggressive enforcement by ICE has been driven, according to insiders, by the Agency’s need to hit a target number of deportations, now 400,000 a year.  ibid.


A vast network of 250 detention centres.  ibid.


Immigration detainees don’t have a guaranteed right to an attorney.  ibid.


During her three months at Willacy, Mary said she endured repeated sexual assaults by a guard.  ibid.



What impact is immigration having on life in Britain?  Tonight: Truth About Immigration, ITV 2014


Is a new migrant workforce good for the economy?  ibid.



Immigration: a divisive subject.  After Brexit who’s in and who’s out? … Are we risking a talent drain? … It was the numbers that many people were really worrying about.  Tonight: Immigration: Who Do We Let In? ITV 2018 



Immigration: Are current government policies working?  Do we need immigration to boost our economy?  And what’s it really like to be smuggled into this country?  Tonight: Immigration: Where Are We? ITV 2023


2022 saw record numbers of people arriving in the UK.  ibid. 



No fiction, no myths, no lies, no tangled webs – this is how Irie imagined her homeland.  Because homeland is one of the magical fantasy words like unicorn and soul and infinity that have now passed into language.  Zadie Smith, White Teeth