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Internet may be a passing fad as millions give up on it.  Daily Mail article 5th December 2000



During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the internet.  Al Gore, disputed & probably misreported




The day I made that statement, about the inventing the internet, I was tired because I’d been up all night inventing the Camcorder.  Al Gore



Whatever the device you use for getting your information out, it should be the same information.  Tim Berners-Lee



It is an absolute disgrace.  You can’t bug anyone’s telephone without a warrant, which is express written consent personally signed by the Home Secretary.  Why should you have less protection over the internet?  Tony Benn



Today, if you have an internet connection, you have at your fingertips an amount of information previously available only to those with access to the world’s greatest libraries – indeed, in most respects what is available through the internet dwarfs those libraries, and it is incomparably easier to find what you need.  Peter Singer



Web-Bot is a software application that automatically combs internet data in search of key words denoting trends.  It not only finds the key words, but those surrounding them, and analyses the results using linguistic tools.  Nostradamus Effect: Extinction, History 2012



Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in our society.  Kent Conrad



The internet is an elite organization; most of the population of the world has never even made a phone call.  Noam Chomsky, 1996



The NSA revelations, Edward Snowden’s revelations: commercial institutions like Google for example use it [internet] to undermine privacy and independence in all kinds of ways.  Noam Chomsky, Talks at Google 4th April 2014, Youtube 1.02.41



India’s great economic boom, the arrival of the Internet and outsourcing, have broken the wall between provincial India and the world.  Aravind Adiga



We just have to be very careful in saying the internet is everything.  It isn’t.  John Pilger, interview Melbourne 2009



I hear theres rumors on the Internets that were going to have a draft.  I dont know how many of these Internets are carrying these rumors, but theyre just wrong.  I think the problem here may be more of a question of getting rid of the bad Internets and keeping the good Internets.  You know, cause I think we can all agree … therere just too many Internets.  Will Forte impression of George W Bush, Saturday Night Live October 2004



It’s important for us to explain to our nation that life is important.  It’s not only life of babies, but it’s life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet.  George W Bush 



The internet is full.  Go away.  Author unknown



It looks like very soon everyone on Earth will have 15 megabytes of fame.  M G Sriram



The important thing to remember is that this is not a new form of life.  It is just a new activity.  Esther Dyson, The Cyber-Maxims of Esther Dyson



Like the anthropologist returning home from a foreign culture, the voyager in virtuality can return home to a real world better equipped to understand its artifices.  Sherry Turkle, Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, 1995



Don’t Be Evil.  Google company slogan



How many people are using the Web in their sex lives?  What exactly are they getting up to?  Websex: What’s the Harm? BBC 2012


Social networking has turned into sex networking.  ibid.


Grinder ... It’s claimed there are over two million users worldwide.  ibid.


There’s been quite an explosion in the amount of sites hooking up strangers using cams.  ibid.


Fake profiles and pictures are common.  ibid.


What if anything is this doing to our heads?  ibid.


The huge majority of us are into using technology for sex.  ibid.



If you are on Twitter or Facebook there is every chance you’ve seen ... a massive explosion in online hate.  Richard Bacon, The Anti-Social Network, BBC 2012


That anonymity means there’s no boundaries.  ibid.


Trolls post vicious messages on social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.  ibid.


I’d come home to find a barrage of abuse.  ibid.


The online bullies will often post anonymously.  ibid.



It was the scoop of the century.  These were cables that showed a superpower’s secret thoughts.  A quarter of a million US diplomatic messages apparently stolen by one of their own soldiers.  Richard Bilton, Wikileaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower I, BBC 2012


Bradley Manning ... had access to a world of secrets.  ibid.


The cables show a real tension in US diplomacy.  ibid.


Failed efforts to spread democracy and cosy alliances with dictators are recurring themes in the cables.  ibid.


The cables reveal a kind of moral ambivalence in US diplomacy.  ibid.


When key American interests are at stake justice counts for very little.  ibid.



Because of the Wikileaks’ reports we can all read their private thoughts.  Richard Bilton, Wikileaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower II, BBC 2012


It’s the detail that’s extraordinary.  ibid.



Julian Assange, Bradley Manning: over half a million leaked documents.  Tonight the whole story: Wikisecrets.  Frontline: Wikisecrets, PBS 2011


Video of massacre: Assange edited the material into a short presentation with a provocative title: Collateral Murder Baghdad 12th of July 2007.  ibid.


Manning had become an analyst at a time of increased intelligence sharing.  ibid.


Was Assange a passive recipient or was he more involved?  ibid.