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Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet TV - The Sidemen 2024 - Cyber Hell 2023 - The BIllion Dollar Code 2021 -




I was in an argument with someone that most people would consider a hacker.  I was reading the texts on my phone.  I guess I said something that kind of, I have to assume, like, insulted his pride or his ego or something.  And this person sent the SWAT team to my house at midnight.  Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet I: Death by SWAT, Netflix 2022


Instead of having the news report on a school that got evacuated, why don’t I just evacuate the news studio itself.  ibid.  Tyler


We tied him into a number of other threats across the country.  ibid.  bomb squad investigator   


Sentenced to approximately two years in the Los Angeles county jail.  ibid.  


He was like a one-man wrecking crew.  ibid.      


My Twitter was quite popular in that scene of individuals.  ibid.  Tyler


You got a man killed.  That’s second degree murder.  You called in a false police report, with the intentions of SWAT raiding a house, potentially killing them.  That’s on you.  You’re a murderer.  ibid.  tweet against Tyler  



10 July 2016 4.20 a.m.: Seth Rich is shot in the back twice.  There appears to be some significant struggle … Web of Mark Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet II: A Murder in DC   


Slain Democratic National Committee staffer ‘wanted to make a difference’.  ibid.  online article  


Assassination Of Top US Democratic Party Official Leaders To FBI Capture Of Clinton “Hit Team”.  ibid.  Whatdoesitmean online article David Booth


His site served as a clearing house for Russian information.  ibid.  man in the know


Assange implies murdered DNC staffer was Wikileaks’ source.  ibid.  online article 10 August 2016 


Why would the Russians want to kill Seth Rich?  ibid.  interviewer to theorist 


Explosive Additional Audio: Seymour Hersh Confirms Seth Rich Wikileaks Contact.  ibid.  online article Gateway Pundit  


Fox News had just reignited conspiracy theories around Seth Rich’s murder.  ibid.  critic   



In May 2017 I was invited to go to New York to go to a pool party … I’m not a Nazi.  Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet III: I’m Not a Nazi, woman narrator


I was determined to prove him wrong.  He showed me these other websites.  ibid.


One of the ways that the far right has been able to grow online is that they have been able to post their ideologies, their videos, their thinking, to mainstream networks.  ibid.  April Glaser, tech journalist    


The Alt Right is now becoming this term and this group that is under a very large umbrella of anyone that just says they are Alt Right.  ibid.  woman  


The downgrading of white supremacy as a threat … was entirely a political calculation.  ibid.  man


All of it was chaos from start to finish.  ibid.  woman    



People don’t know that what you put out there stays out there.  Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet IV: Sextortion, victim


Seth Williams … seemed kind of cute in his profile picture … so we started chatting … He had access to my Facebook account … It was terrifying.  ibid.     


This is going to ruin your life and it’s your fault.  ibid.  perpetrator to victim  


Perpetrators can attack thousands of people.  ibid.  woman  



This individual was the most complex in hiding his identity … We had no idea who the hacker was … All we know he was hitting the IRS to the tune of millions of dollars … Clearly very very brilliant …  Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet V: The Stingray I, rozzers    


Daniel is a criminal and I’m the guy that taught him how to do that.  ibid.  mentor  


We wanted to get him off the playing board as soon as possible.  ibid.  Arizona assistant state attorney


This person is extremely intense.  ibid.  rozzer 


A huge amount of time and resources to identify the hacker.  ibid.   



The hacker filed even more fraudulent returns with the IRS directing that the refunds be now directed with the undercover account.  Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies & the Internet VI: The Stingway II, Arizona assistant state attorney


I didn’t think that they would just let me walk.  ibid.  hacker  


There is a sense of loneliness … What is the end goal?  ibid.      


David Daniel Rigby  this guy is a hacker.  ibid.  rozzer


My discovery focused on Stingray technology.  ibid.  Rigby in clink


It’s a small portable cell tower … The government uses Stingray in the vicinity of your phone.  ibid.



A huge underground bunker became home to international criminal businesses.  Cyberbunker: The Criminal Underworld, news, Netflix 2023


A data centre exclusively for criminal businesses worth millions.  ibid.  


We were hosting porn websites.  ibid.  partner


He was doing the same thing here as he was doing in the Netherlands.  ibid.  


You just wondered, What’s going on up there?  ibid.  town resident         


It was clear that Mr Xennt gave orders and others did what he said, but the role of the others wasn’t 100% clear at the beginning.  ibid.  rozzer


Wall Street Market: Multiple IP addresses and learned that they belonged to the Cyberbunker in Germany.  ibid.  FBI investigator


The server room was significantly larger than I expected it to be.  ibid.  rozzer     


The Cyberbunker bust had an enormous impact on the darknet scene.  ibid.           



If you’d have told men ten years ago that we’re going to be in this position, I would have laughed.  The Sidemen Story, Netflix 2024


It’d be cool to make a few videos online and see where it gets me.  ibid.  


The Sidemen are a group Youtubers who are just smashing it right now.  ibid.  observer


They get a billion impressions every month.  ibid.


Who the hell cares what Hollywood thinks?  ibid.


TV is dead  ibid.  Sideman         



Many victims, including minors, were blackmailed into filming sexual videos.  Cyber Hell, news, Netflix 2022


Exclusive: Sexually exploitative videos circulating on Telegram assumed to be run by teens.  19,000 child pornography links shared.  ibid.



Many victims, including minors, were blackmailed into filming sexual videos.  Cyber Hell, news, Netflix 2022


Exclusive: Sexually exploitative videos circulating on Telegram assumed to be run by teens.  19,000 child pornography links shared.  ibid.



The digital era was shaped by a handful of truly great inventions that changed our lives … One of those inventions was ours.  One that changed the way we looked at the world for ever.  But no-one knows our story.  We were cheated out of it by Google.  But we’re going to change that now.  The Billion Dollar Code I, Netflx 2021


The only thing I was really good at was programming.  ibid.  


The complete mapping of the world on computer.  ibid.  


Computers can change your life for ever.  Access to information must be free.  ibid.


Let’s be realistic, we were all a little mad.  ibid.     


Everyone that day at the conference wanted to visit their home town.  ibid.  


So when did Google release Google Earth?  So eleven years later. ibid.  deposition rehearsal   


How can Terravision and Google Earth be absolutely so identical?  ibid.  



After Kyoto we had caught the attention of the press.  The Billion Dollar Code II


There was no hierarchy any more.  Everyone had the same goal: write the best program there ever was.  ibid.  


Brian and Juri they wouldn’t be stopped … Brian and Juris were soulmates.  ibid.  deposition rehearsa


Suddenly we were a proper company.  ibid.  


Everything will be done on the internet in the future.  ibid.


Imagine if you could also travel through time.  ibid. 


They are copying us … Brian Anderson has developed has developed a demo program that looks exactly like Terravision.  Doesn’t it?  He’s collaborating with Google.  And now they’re making a PC program.  They call it Google Earth.  ibid.


‘Don’t be evil’ [Google slogan] became evil.  ibid.



The only thing that matters is if the jury wants to believe them.  BIllion Dollar Code III


Why don’t you just try for $5 million?  ibid.  Brian   


‘Without Terravision there would be no Google Earth.’  ibid.  


Google has no interest in collaborating with you.  ibid.  Google patent lawyer


Do you know why the criminals are?  It’s your employers who are.  These are the criminals.  Just like all the corporations are.  The trillion-dollar market they have control over.  Who hoard their users’ data and then they sell it to the highest bidder!  Who manipulate elections.  Who deceive people like me without even being brought to justice for their actions.  These are the criminals!  ibid.  soliloquy