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★ Illuminati (I)

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George Orwell: 1984 - Jordan Maxwell - Felix Dzerzinski - Fritz Springmeier - Stephen Dollins - Nubius 1818 - Penny Woolcock - David Icke - Benjamin Disraeli - William Jenner - David Rockefeller - Alex Jones TV - Bill Cooper - William T Still TV - Juri Lina - Nesta H Webster - John Todd - Ted Gunderson - Adam Weishaupt - Albert Pike - William Guy Carr - Aleister Crowley - Timothy Dwight - Manly Palmer Hall - Henri Martin - Gaylon Ross - Texe Marrs - Jim Marrs - Simon Cox - Foster Bailey - Robert Anton Wilson - Josephus Willard - John Robison - Keith Thompson - Myron Fagan - Benjamin Disraeli - Reverend G W Snyder - George Washington - Christian Science Monitor 1920 - Winston Churchill - Greg Hallett - Senate Investigating Committee 1953 - Stephen Flowers - Mysteries of the Freemasons TV - Paris - Tupac Shakur - A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - Anthony J Hilder - Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order - G Edward Griffin - Ben Stewart - Illuminati a Myth? Wolvoman80 - Richard D Hall TV - Tony Gosling - Michael Barkun - America’s Book of Secrets TV - Fundamental Laws: A Report of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order - Gamma Ray - Jamie Theakston: Forbidden History TV - Death Squad 2014 - John Pilger - New Word Order: One World Government Conspiracy 2016 - Conspiratus Remake - The Truth About the New World Order - Eye of the Illuminati - JoyCamp online - Huffington Post online - Illuminati: The Real Story - The Illuminati & The Depopulation Agenda - Secret History of the Illuminati 2018 - Adam Curtis TV - Illuminati: The Movie: The Midnight Screening 2022 - Secret Societies: In the Shadows TV - Chris Everard: The Illuminati I II III IV inc Jordan Maxwell, David Icke et al - Ring of Power 2008 - John Nada: Wake Up Call: New World Order TV - 




Winston: Does the brotherhood exist?


O’Brien: That, Winston, you shall never know.  George Orwell, 1984



We need to wake up and find out what freedom is all about.  And start asking some very serious questions about who is leading us and where are they taking the human family.  We are in serious trouble on this Earth.  And the people who are guiding the destiny of this world are profoundly evil.  Their agenda is so profoundly evil most men are not even able to perceive it.  Jordan Maxwell, Forbidden Knowledge



The Hanseatic League is extremely important to the Illuminatis story today.  And connected to the Hanseatic League ... is something called Teutonic Zionism ... Its a whole secret order that has been in operation for a thousand years.  It is the whole story behind America, England, and the things that are going on in the world today.  Jordan Maxwell, interview Alex Jones 23rd June 2008



May 1st was the founding date of the Illuminati in Germany in the year 1776.  Jordan Maxwell, Lucifer 2000



Man is of no importance.  Look at what happens when you starve him.  He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive.  Man is only interested in his own survival.  That is all that counts.  All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish.  Felix Dzerzinski, Polish aristocrat



These different types of aliens are participating in Illuminati rituals.  Fritz Springmeier



As Satanists we were told that the Illuminati were very powerful satanic spiritual beings, which is not entirely false because the Illuminati is possessed by these beings.  Stephen Dollins    



The complete annihilation of Catholicism, and even ultimately of Christianity.  It is necessary to seek a remedy.  Very well a remedy is at hand.  The Pope ... will never enter into a secret society.  It therefore becomes the duty of the secret societies to make the first advance to the Church and the Pope with the object of conquering both.  Nubius, 1818



The government's having a party – and they’re calling it Illuminati.  Penny Woolcock, One Mile Away, rap lyric, Channel 4 2013



There are a network of interbreeding bloodlines – what they call themselves the Illuminati which comes from the Illuminated Ones, have come through history and as people began to reject overt in-your-face dictatorship, they became the people who ran the system.  It’s all about genetics to these people.  They’re like horse-breeders.  Diana basically called herself the Windsor’s brood mare.  She was brought into the web merely to be the vehicle to give birth to William ... This is what the Illuminati bloodlines really are: they are vehicles for other-dimensional entities to manipulate this reality.  David Icke   



They are agencies of this network – Illuminati.  David Icke



The most obvious symbol of the Illuminati through history has been the torch or the lighted torch of the flame – the illuminated ones, the Illuminati.  Now the most famous illuminated torch in the world is the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.  David Icke



The world is governed by personalities very different to what people that cannot see further than their eyes believe.  Benjamin Disraeli



Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President or the people.  Outwardly we have a constitutional government.  We have operating within our government and political system another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.  William Jenner, Senator 1954



Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.  If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.  David Rockefeller, Memoirs



Damn it, I’m tired of it.  I don’t want to go along with it.  I don’t want to commit my children to it.  Let me tell you something – I’m not going to bow down to you ... You scum!  Alex Jones, cited Illuminati, Our Secret Master   


They give members questionnaires: Would you kill?  Would you steal?  Would you do this for a greater good?  And if you say, No I wouldn’t, they say, Oh you’ve passed; you’re the good person we want.  You’re going to stay at this level.  But if you do show you’re sociopathic and a control freak, you then move into the higher levels of the Illuminati.  ibid.



They don’t want your soul to be free and happy and creative.  They want you dumbed-down and hateful and evil and unhappy like they are.  Alex Jones, televised broadcast



And yes, my friends, there really is an Illuminati, there really are thirteen families, they own the big banks, print the money, and they have stated publicly that they plan to hit all of us ... to engineer a servant class, and totally take control of the development of the human species.  Alex Jones, American Dictators



For the religion of the Mystery Schools they believe that man was held prisoner in the Garden of Eden by an unjust and vindictive God.  And that man was not told by this unjust and vindictive God that he could have the same powers.  And man was set free from the bonds of ignorance by Lucifer ... And that through the gift of intellect man himself will become God.  Bill Cooper



How are they going to get you to join the new economy?  They’re going to say we have a solution.  You see, one of the tricks of the Illuminati is they create a problem, and then they provide a solution when you beg them to.  Bill Cooper



The core of the Trilateral Commission is certainly Illuminati – the Council on Foreign Relations and many other groups.  Bill Cooper