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★ Dentist & Dentistry

Dentist & Dentistry: see Teeth & Mouth & Illness & Health & Doctor & Health Service & Fluoride

Bernard Manning - The Office TV - US advertisement - Mad Frankie Fraser - King of Coke: Living the High Life TV - Johnny Carson - Dentist quotes - Tommy Cooper - David Cronenberg - Dispatches TV - Agatha Christie - Hardy Limeback - Gabriel Weston: Catching History’s Criminals TV - Tonight TV - Joanne Bourke: Drills, Dentures & Dentistry: An Oral History TV - Thirty-Minute Theatre: John Mortimer TV -   




I get hold of him by the goolies and I say, We’re not going to hurt each other, are we?  Bernard Manning, interview Joan Rivers: Can We Talk? 1986



First Valentine from a secret admirer: Roses are red, Violets are blue, It’s time for your dental cleaning, And maybe a check-up too.  The Office US s5e18: Blood Drive, Kelly gets Valentine’s message, NBC 2009



Dentists Advise Smoke Viceroys.  US advertisement



As long as I go down as the best dentist I dont mind.  Mad Frankie Fraser, London gangster



Philadelphia the 1980s: For the yuppie generation one drug rules them all: cocaine.  This is the world of Larry Lavin.  The drug-dealing dentist.  From a quiet dental practice Lavin draws friends and colleagues into a secret drug empire.  King of Coke: Living the High Life, National Geographic 2013


Larry still found time for his dental studies while dealing.  ibid.



Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.  Johnny Carson



Dentists are incapable of asking questions that require a simple yes or no answer.  Dentist quotes



Dentist: a man who sticks his tool in other peoples mouths.  Dentist quotes



So I went to the dentist.  He said, Say aah!  I said, Why?  He said, My dogs died.  Tommy Cooper



My dentist said to me the other day, Ive enough problems in my life, so why should I see your films?  David Cronenberg



We reveal how patients are not being told their full rights to dental work on the NHS.  How some are profiteering from the NHS system.  We hear how government underfunding is affecting children’s teeth.  We’re told how cost-cutting dentists are using unlicensed labs.  Dispatches: The Truth About Your Dentist, Channel 4 2011  


What do you get for your basic check-up?  ibid.



‘No, my friend, I am not drunk.  I have just been to the dentist, and need not return for another six months!  Is it not the most beautiful thought?’  Agatha Christie, One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, Poirot



Here in Toronto we’ve been fluoridating for 36 years.  Yet Vancouver – which has never fluoridated – has a cavity rate lower than Toronto’s.  Dr Hardy Limeback, head of Department of Preventive Dentistry for University of Toronto & president of Canadian Association for Dental Research



The 19th century saw the emergence of dentistry as a respected branch of medicine … In a stroke of luck for detectives, George Parkman had bad teeth … This was the legal birth of forensic dentistry.  Gabriel Weston: Catching History’s Criminals I: A Question of Identity, BBC 2015



Are your fillings making you ill?  Paying thousands to have the mercury banished from your mouth.  Banned abroad but mainstream in Britain.  Tonight: What’s in Your Mouth? ITV 2009  


‘The largest source of mercury exposure for most people in developed countries is inhalation of mercury vapour from dental amalgam’.  ibid.  European Commission



Waiting lists of up to five years.  Why are millions unable to see an NHS dentist?  People in pain are taking drastic measures.  The families forced to go private.  Tonight: Pulling Teeth: The End of NHS Dentistry? ITV 2022


Is there a future for NHS dentistry?  ibid.



A visit to the dentist is many people’s idea of a nightmare.  And for much of our history that’s exactly what it was.  Agonising toothaches, horrifying extractions and ill-fitting false teeth cast this dark shadow over our dental past.  Professor Joanne Bourke, Drills, Dentures and Dentistry: An Oral History, BBC 2018


Our teeth had been a constant source of agony, suffering and woe.  ibid.


Hunter’s naming and classification of the teeth is still in use around the world today.  ibid.


The teeth of the poor became a prized asset to be bought and sold.  ibid.


The arrival of sugar on British shores was a dark day for our teeth.  ibid.


The arrival of the treadle drill really did change dentistry for ever.  ibid.


117,945.  The arrival of pain relief was a major turning point in the history of dentistry.  ibid.


Another important tool for diagnosis was the X-Ray.  ibid.


In the early 1950s charges for treatment had to be introduced.  ibid.



I’ll send your bill in about two weeks’ time.  It’ll take that long to add up.  Thirty-Minute Theatre: Mill Hill starring Peter Cook, writer John Mortimer, dentist, BBC 1972


Peter: Have you browsed through at all any of the standard works on, on sexual deviation?


Denise: I was trained as a dental nurse.  ibid.