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★ Wage & Wages

Every day British is discovering just how much more men are earning than women.  Nearly fifty years after equal pay became the law, could this be the year that things finally change?  Panorama: Britain’s Equal Pay Scandal, BBC 2018



‘People are struggling.  Costs are going through the roof.  And I’m not sure there’s any way of stopping it.’  Panorama: Surviving the Pay Squeeze, BBC 2023


Millions of Britons have effectively had a pay cut.  Wages aren’t keeping up with costs.  Public services are struggling too.  ibid.


Why do so many people feel so poor?  ibid.  


Some of our problems are specific to the UK.  ibid.  



Did you know in the UK women get paid on average 14% less than men? … From women on the supermarket shop floor who are earning less than the men in the warehouse to the female stars of film and TV women are still fighting for equal pay.  Why Do Men Earn More Than Women? Channel 5 2018  



Everyone knows something is wrong.  That it’s been wrong for a while now.  But the powers that shouldn’t be keep telling us that everything is going to be just fine.  Obsolete, Truthstream Media 2016, Youtube 49.48    


The economy isn’t just down, it’s imaginary.  The middle class isn’t just shrinking, it’s dying.  The wealth gap is astronomical and growing … Wages everywhere except at the executive level are stagnating …  ibid.


When did freedom get replaced by freedom of choice?  ibid.


More and more people are losing their jobs to what has slovenly been termed ‘technological unemployment’.  ibid. 


A system poised for collapse.  ibid.


Davos 2016: ‘World without work.’  ibid.



The ‘Fight for $15’ movement and various organisations across the country campaigning for a living wage so that low-wage workers who are struggling to support a family can make ends meet.  On the surface it seems like common sense … The minimum wage has a dirty secret that most economists don’t want you to know about … At the same time a barrier to employment for the least experienced.’  The Corbett Report: The Dark History of the Minimum Wage, 2019



Jeff Bezos’ resignation is a distraction  there is a bigger Amazon story we need to talk about.  The Founder of Amazon stepped down yesterday, shortly before the United States Federal Trade Commission announced that it was fining his company $61.7m:


When a magician performs a trick, audiences rarely look where they need to.  Sleight of hand and charming patter is used to divert our attention away from what is actually happening.  Misdirection comes in many forms.  Yesterday, it involved one of the richest men in the world.  Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, stepped down from his CEO position, shortly before the United States Federal Trade Commission announced that it was fining Amazon $61.7m, so the shopping giant could settle charges that it withheld delivery drivers’ tips paid by customers. 


Jeff Bezos accumulated more than $215m a day in 2019.  As you are reading this article, his wealth has likely increased nearly four times the amount of the fine his company was issued for withholding payments from its employees.


The full announcement from the FTC is astounding.  It states that Amazon regularly advertised that drivers participating in the Flex program would be paid between $18 and $25 per hour, and that drivers would receive all of their tips.  That is not what happened.


Instead, the FTC alleges that Amazon put its workers on a lower rate and used customer tips to make up the difference.  Amazon allegedly took steps to mislead drivers about this, made the change, and then lied about it. 


Rather than passing along 100 per cent of customers’ tips to drivers, as it had promised to do, Amazon used the money itself, said Daniel Kaufman, acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.


The FTC also alleges that Amazon only stopped its behaviour, which happened over a two and a half year period, when it became aware of the regulator’s investigation.  The Independent online article Adam Smith 3 February 2021



The fact that over half the population isn’t paid a living wage in the richest country on earth is a damning indictment of a predatory system that is growing worse by the year.  America’s Unemployment Problem, Youtube 11.54, Second Thought online 2020



Five families work low-wage jobs in 21st century America.  At work and at home they look for the strength to keep going.  Can these Americans, young and old, afford to dream?   Meet the Working Class: Hard Earned, Youtube 47.17, Endevr films 2023


‘When you ask what would be my dream, I don’t have one … I have worked weekends for over thirty years.’  ibid.


‘$10.50 still can’t pay my bills.  It’s overwhelming sometimes.’  ibid.  


Emelia’s credit card debt is $16,000 which is just above the national household average of $15,000.  ibid.  caption  


Only 39% of student loan borrowers are succeeding in paying down their balance.  The remaining 61% are either in delinquency, deferment or forbearance.  ibid.      


‘So where’s the money coming from?’  ibid.


Student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt.  ibid.  



Last week my total income was less than $300.  The Broken American Dream: Hard Earned, Youtube 47.22, Emilia, Endvr films


It was a huge blow when they came in our apartment and took all our stuff.  ibid.  DJ


In 2011, veterans aged 25-29 had a higher unemployment rate than non-veterans.  ibid.  caption  


Americans aged 29-34 who obtained a first-time mortgage: 2000 = 17%; 2010 = 9%.  ibid.    


A family of four in Silicon Valley needs to earn for basic expenses = $100,948.  ibid.



We’re going to have twins.  So I got a second job.  I’m working 85 to 90 hours a week.  Surviving on Minimum Wage: Hard Earned, dude, Youtube 47.03, Endevr films


The more she [Emilia] slips into credit card debt, the more she risks losing her house.  ibid.  


‘The battle over the minimum wage heated up across the country today …’  ibid.  television news    


43% of low-wage workers who complained to their employer or tried to form a union reported illegal retaliation.  ibid.    



Percy and Beverly Evans see their retirement dreams fade after losing their middle class jobs.  The Fading Dream of Retirement: Hard Earned, Youtube 47.20, Endevr films


In the last 20 years, the number of Americans age 65 and older in the workforce has more than doubled.  ibid.


Median rent for Americans has increased over the past 10 years.  ibid.  


80% of low-wage workers do not get a single paid sick day.  ibid.      



I hate walking into the job because I know there’s something gonna be said, there’s something gonna be done.  The Fight for Fair Pay: Hard Earned, Youtube 47.20, De’Juan, Endevr Films        


De’Juan [DJ] Jackson has been hired full-time by the Workers’ Organising Committee of Chicago which is leading the local campaign for $15 an hour wages.  ibid.


1 in 4 Americans rely on cheque-cashing, payday loans, pawn shops, pre-paid debit cards.  Cheque-cashing fees cost a consumer 4-5% of each pay cheque.  ibid.



Today he [DJ] delivers notices to inform employers of an upcoming strike.  The Struggle Goes On: Hard Earned, Youtube 47.20, Endevr films         


When Beth retires and starts to rely on social security, the couple’s income will fall way short of covering their bills at a time when their house is already in danger of foreclosure.  ibid. 



Wages have as much influence on inflation as my thoughts on space travel.  Play for Today: Beloved Enemy by David Leland, banker’ talk, BBC 1981