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★ Traitor

Traitor: see Betrayal & Spy & Tyranny & Crime & Trust & Judas Iscariot & War & Friend & World War II & Cold War & Nuclear & Treason & Coward & Whistleblower & Pacifism

Inside Wormwood Scrubs TV - Romanzo Criminale TV - Star Trek: The Next Generation TV - William Shakespeare TV - Michael Portillo TV - Marcus Tullius Cicero - George III - Lysander Spooner - Jack London - Noam Chomsky - Edward Snowden - Theodore Roosevelt - Wendell Phillips - Lord Byron - Aeschylus - Plutarch - Churchills Traitors TV - Traitors Within: Spies Who Sold Out America TV - Washington TV - Ben Macintyre TV - Elizabeth I’s Secret Agents TV - Simon Schama TV - Salamander TV - A Spy Among Friends TV - Four Corners TV - The Real Spies Among Friends TV - Play for Today: Traitor by Dennis Potter TV - Inside Story: Traitors to Hitler TV - Treason TV - Traitors TV -




George Blake: Britain’s greatest ever traitor … For the past decade Blake had been feeding top secret information to the Soviets.  He had betrayed the names of hundreds of British spies, resulting in many being imprisoned and executed.  Inside Wormwood Scrubs s2e2, Chanel 5 2018



A traitor is never free.  Romanzo Criminale s1e12 starring Francesco Montanari & Vinicio Marchioni & Alessandro Roja & Marco Bocci & Daniela Virgilio & Andrea Sartoretti et al, Freddo to police commissioner, Sky Cinema 1 2008



I have grown weary of bearing this dishonour.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e26: Redemption, Worf to Picard


I am not a traitor.  ibid.  Worf to Gowron



Thou art a traitor and a miscreant.  The Hollow Crown: Richard II starring Ben Whishaw & Rory Kinnear & Patrick Stewart & David Suchet & David Morrissey & Lindsay Duncan & Tom Hughes & James Purefoy & Clemence Poesy & Ferdinand Kinsley et al, director Rupert Goold, Bollingbroke, opening scene, BBC 2012



Your mistrust cannot make me a traitor.  William Shakespearem As You Like It, Rosalind, Globe Theatre, Sky Arts 2012



Thus do all traitors.

If their purgation did consist in words

They are as innocent as grace itself.  William Shakespeare, As You Like It I iii 52-54



Was my father a traitor, mother?  What is a traitor?  Macbeth 2001 starring Antony Sher & Harriet Walter et al, director Gregory Doran Roundhouse London, Boy



When our actions do not,

Our fears do make us traitors.  William Shakespeare, Macbeth IV ii 3-4, Lady Macbeth



For which you are a traitor to the people!  Coriolanus 2011 starring Ralph Fiennes & Gerard Butler & Venessa Redgrave & Brian Cox & Jessica Chastain & John Kani & James Nesbitt & Paul Jesson & Lubna Azabal & Ashraf Barhom et al, director Ralph Fiennes, bloke to Coriolanus



Traitors and spies: How the Gunpowder Plot was foiled, and how the best known conspirator confessed.  Portillo’s State Secrets 6/10: Traitors and Spies, BBC 2015


‘The structural condition of HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs presents no problem to a person determined to escape’ ... These files represent a comedy of incompetence.  ibid.  


The most damaging of all was George Blake.  ibid.



A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within.  An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.  But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.  For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.  He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to fear.  The traitor is the plague.  Marcus Tullius Cicero



A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me.  George III  



A traitor is a betrayer – one who practices injury, while professing friendship.  Benedict Arnold was a traitor, solely because, while professing friendship for the American cause, he attempted to injure it.  An open enemy, however criminal in other respects, is no traitor.  Lysander Spooner



The scab is a traitor to his God, his mother, and his class.  Jack London



People who criticize power in the Jewish community are regarded the way Ahab treated Elijah: You’re a traitor.  Noam Chomsky



Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honour you can give to an American.  Edward Snowden  



The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.  Theodore Roosevelt



Write on my gravestone: Infidel, Traitor.  Infidel to every church that compromises with wrong, traitor to every government that oppresses the people.  Wendell Phillips



There is no traitor like him whose domestic treason plants the poniard within the breast that trusted to his truth.  Lord Byron



I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.  Aeschylus  



He [Cæsar] loved the treason, but hated the traitor.  Plutarch, Life of Romulus      



William Forbes-Sempill: The Sempill [trade] mission left for Japan.  Churchill’s Traitors, Yesterday 2013


Rutland and Sempill had formed a bond with their hosts they did not want to break.  ibid.


Sempill was passing on a whole range of secret information.  ibid.


Japanese spies were now everywhere.  ibid.


Rutland had turned his technical expertise to espionage.  ibid.


Sempill also maintained his secret links with the Japanese.  ibid.


Sempill was never prosecuted.  ibid.



In the 1980s there seemed to be an epidemic of traitors who had access to America’s deepest secrets and who sold them to the Soviet Union.  Traitors Within: Spies Who Sold Out America, History 2016


1985 would become known as the Year of the Spy when four Americans committed treason … They worked for four different intelligence agencies.  ibid.  


Richard Miller: a twenty-year veteran of the FBI … Miller brought along an FBI foreign intelligence manual offering to sell it … Richard Miller was sentenced to two Life terms plus fifty years … The sentence on appeal was reduced to twenty years in prison.  ibid.


Former Navy man John Walker and his rings of spies were arrested … He had access to coded messages ... 30 years old Walker was in debt, he needed money and knew how to get it quickly … Walked into the Soviet embassy and offered his services as a spy … Many believe to be the most damaging in American history.  ibid. 


There was still a raging anger towards the CIA and in [Edward] Howard’s mind the way to get revenge was to give away what the Agency valued most: intelligence … Yurchenko defected and described the traitor in their midst.  ibid.


National Security Agency: Ronald Pelton … Three life terms plus five years.  ibid.


1985: The FBI arrested seven Americans for leaking intelligence secrets to the Soviets.  ibid.


[Aldrich] Ames … double-agents … He also had a drinking problem … Soviet Counter-Intelligence … Ames had tapped into a goldmine … Ames passed his polygraph …  ibid.  


Robert Hanssen spied on and off for the Russians for twenty years.  ibid.         



He [Arnold] stands to earn £20,000, a lifetime pension and a British officer’s commission if he can deliver West Point.  Which he plans to achieve by sabotaging the fort’s defences from within.  Washington II, History 2021



After six long years the British are striking directly at the heart of the patriot cause in a bid to finally end the war.  At the tip of the spear is the man who nearly took down the continental army with an act of betrayal.  The turncoat Benedict Arnold is now an army Brigadier-General on the front lines of their latest strategy to crush the rebel spirit and rouse a loyal army to fight the patriots.   Washington III



1963 January 11th: Two MI6 agents met in Beirut.  Their names were Nicholas Elliott and Kim Philby.  Elliott secretly recorded the conversation.  Ben Macintyre, Kim Philby – His Most Intimate Betrayal 1/2, BBC 2014


Kim Philby is the most famous double agent in history.  But a quarter century after his death he has become a caricature, the gentleman master spy ... and a ruthless killer.  He deceived everyone around him.  ibid.