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★ Titanic RMS

Titanic RMS: see Ship & Boat & Survival & Iceberg & Jesuits & Accident & Disaster & Poetry & Drown & Engineering

Thomas Hardy - The Evening Sun - Ian R Crane - Mankind: The Story of All of US TV - Satanic Vatican - Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster TV - Strange But True? TV - Eric J Phelps - Titanic: The True Story TV - Paul Louden-Brown - Timewatch TV - Titanic: Birth of a Legend TV - Titanic: The Aftermath TV - Titanic Conspiracies with Bernard Hill TV - Daily Sketch - Tim Maltin TV - Titanic: The Final Secret TV - Louis Garrett - Titanic: Answers From the Abyss TV - Last Mysteries of the Titanic TV - Secret History: Titanic: The New Evidence TV - Clydebuilt: The Ships that Made the Titanic TV - History’s Greatest Mysteries with Lauraunce Fishburne TV - Titanic’s Tragic Twin: The Britannic Disaster TV - Conspiracies Decoded TV - Who Controls the World TV - Titanic: A Dead Reckoning TV -    




In a solitude of the sea

Deep from human vanity,

And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.


Steel chambers, late the pyres

Of her salamandrine fires,

Cold currents thrid, and turn to rhythmic tidal lyres.


Over the mirrors meant

To glass the opulent

The sea-worm crawls — grotesque, slimed, dumb, indifferent.


Jewels in joy designed

To ravish the sensuous mind

Lie lightless, all their sparkles bleared and black and blind.


Dim moon-eyed fishes near

Gaze at the gilded gear

And query: ‘What does this vaingloriousness down here?’ …


Well: while was fashioning

This creature of cleaving wing,

The Immanent Will that stirs and urges everything


Prepared a sinister mate

For her — so gaily great —

A Shape of Ice, for the time far and dissociate.


And as the smart ship grew

In stature, grace, and hue,

In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too.


Alien they seemed to be;

No mortal eye could see

The intimate welding of their later history,


Or sign that they were bent

By paths coincident

On being anon twin halves of one august event,


Till the Spinner of the Years

Said ‘Now!’ And each one hears,

And consummation comes, and jars two hemispheres.  Thomas Hardy, Convergence of the Twain 1914



All Titanic Passengers Are Safe; Transferred In Lifeboats At Sea.  The [Baltimore] Evening Sun



Very powerful opponents to the establishment of the Federal Reserve.  And J P Morgan was also a major shareholder in a shipping line called White Star … J P Morgan arranged for all those opponents to be given a free ticket across the Atlantic and to be sailing back to America on the Titanic.  Ian Crane, lecture Alternative View Economic Slavery: Your Children’s Future Explained  



Titanic 14th April 1912 RMS Titanic bound for New York.  Mankind puts its faith in technology.  Mankind: The Story of All of Us XI, History 2012


The new international distress signal: SOS ... 2.28 a.m.  Titanic, the unsinkable ship, sinks.  ibid.



The Jesuits planned and carried out the sinking of the Titanic.  Satanic Vatican documentary


The unsinkable ship, the floating palace, was created to be the tomb for the wealthy who opposed the Federal Reserve system.  ibid.  



On the night of April 14th 1912 the RMS Titanic slipped beneath the ocean waves.  Her disappearance is riddled with rumour and speculation.  What happened on that terrible night to cause the death of 1,523 men, women and children?  Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster, Discovery 1997


During her maiden voyage to New York City a glancing blow with an iceberg started a chain reaction that was to lead to a catastrophe few thought possible.  ibid.


In the collision the Titanic’s hull plating had been pierced by the iceberg ... There was damage in all of the first six compartments.  ibid.   


Naval architect Edward Wilding worked for the shipyard that built the Titanic.  Wilding proposed that the key to understanding the damage could be found in the nature of the flooding.  The Titanic had flooded unevenly in six compartments.  He believed that each compartment may have suffered in its own unique way.  ibid.



Fourteen years before, this book came out: it told of the largest ship afloat, rich and famous characters, a collision with an iceberg, a sinking and not enough lifeboats.  The ship was called the Titan.  Strange But True?



Here is Jesuit treachery at its finest.  The Provincial [Father Francis Browne] boards Titanic, photographs the victims, most assuredly briefs the captain concerning his oath as a Jesuit, and the following morning bids him farewell.  Eric J Phelps, Vatican Assassins p427



She is the most magnificent, the most famous, ship of all time.  But her name alone spells disaster and high drama.  This is the Titanic ... What’s true and what’s made up?  Titanic: The True Story, 2012


It’s precisely at 11.40 that passengers who are still awake hear and feel something odd.  ibid.


It was men in second class who suffered the highest death rate of all.  Only 8% survived.  ibid.



Captain Smith was really too old to be in charge.  He was brought in to take Titanic for one last voyage.  He had had a couple of near misses in other ships.  Paul Louden-Brown, Titanic historical adviser



Captain Smith wasn’t a hero that night.  He was the architect of the disaster.  Paul Louden-Brown



Captain Smith failed everyone on that ship.  Paul Louden-Brown



When Titanic and her sister ship Olympic were built in 1911 they were the largest and safest ships afloat.  And yet Titanic sank on her maiden voyage.  Timewatch: Myths of the Titanic, BBC 2


There were fifteen water-tight bulkheads.  ibid.


There were over eight hundred officers and crew.  ibid.


The ice warnings were an irritating interruption.  ibid.


The iceberg has sliced clean through five water-tight bulkheads.  ibid.


More men from first class survived than children from third class.  ibid.


Lifeboats quarter even half empty.  ibid.


Some 10,000 third-class passengers and crew were trapped below.  ibid.


As for Mrs [Ida] Straus of Macey’s stores she refused to leave her husband.  ibid.


Why did no-one come to the rescue?  ibid.


The Board of Trade had allowed the Titanic to go to sea with only twenty lifeboats.  ibid.



A century ago this grave Belfast quayside witnessed a legend in the making.  This was the birthplace of the most famous ship the world has ever seen – Titanic.  Titanic: Birth of a Legend, Youtube 2005


The true forgotten Titanic story is that of the workers who built the world’s most luxurious ship with their bare hands.  ibid.


1,500 died.  ibid.


Almost 15,000 men worked in the Harland & Wolff Shipyard in Belfast.  ibid.


The deal was made in Belgravia.  But it was Belfast where Titanic would be built.  ibid.


The kings of the yard with the toughest job were the riveters.  ibid.


Robert Welch would capture every phase of Titanic’s construction.  ibid.


Titanic had begun with a gentlemen’s agreement.  ibid.


Three million rivets.  ibid.


Samuel Joseph Scott, aged 15, was the first to die on Titanic.  17 would lose their lives building these ships.  ibid.


The boilers dwarfed the men building them.  ibid.


Those watching the launch had to forfeit their pay.  Today Olympic had the limelight.  ibid.


The eight workers who would earn themselves a trip on the maiden voyage.  ibid.


The disaster: Titanic’s sister ship Olympic was holed in a collision with a Royal Navy cruiser.  ibid.


The man responsible was the skipper who would soon also command the Titanic – Captain Smith.  ibid.


Unsinkable: Captain Smith had long argued that.  ibid.