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Neil Oliver - Jeremy Clarkson - Helen Fielding - James Herriot - Brian Close - Mark Thomas Comedy Product TV - Ancient Mysteries TV - Dan Jones TV - Panorama TV - Conspiracies Decoded TV - Bradford on Duty TV - Michael Wood TV - Bettany Hughes TV - The Untold Invasion of Britain TV - York Right Freemasonry - Dan Snow TV - Vikings: The Rise & Fall TV - A Very British History TV - Play for Today TV -  




York.  Founded by the Romans, by the ninth century A.D. this was one of the great Christian cities of Anglo-Saxon England.  But York had a shock coming.  Because in 886 A.D. an entire army arrived here and turned the place Viking.  Neil Oliver, Vikings I, BBC 2012



I have had an amazingly fortunate life.  I’m a child from Yorkshire, which is sort of like Cleveland without the pretty bits.  Jeremy Clarkson



I come from Yorkshire in England where we like to eat chip sandwiches – white bread, butter, tomato ketchup and big fat French fries cooked in beef dripping.  Helen Fielding



I am never at my best in the early morning, especially a cold morning in the Yorkshire spring with a piercing March wind sweeping down from the fells, finding its way inside my clothing, nipping at my nose and ears.  James Herriot



I would have died for Yorkshire.  I suppose once or twice I nearly did.  Brian Close, cricketer



Menwith Hill is a US listening base in Britain; it’s in Yorkshire, it’s enormous, it’s the place with enormous golf balls  … It was set up in the 50s to spy on the Russians … Expanding: and the bulk of the work they do is commercial spying … A [lost] lease to an enormous Ministry of Defence site …  Mark Thomas Comedy Product s3e7, Channel 4 1999  



It remains one of the grisliest finds in ancient archaeaology.  Uncovered in York the skeletons of 80 battle-scared men, many brutally decapitated.  Their deaths were gruesome but their burials defied known conventions.  These were violent men who were respected; shackled in life but buried with treasure … So who were these battle-hardened men?  Ancient Mysteries s2e3: Headless Gladiators, Channel 5 2017



In its long history it’s witnessed all sort of malice and mayhem … a castle packed with thrilling stories that go back nearly 2,000 years.  Dan Jones, Secrets of Great British Castles s2e3: York Castle, Netflix 2015


For almost 2,000 years the Romans, Vikings, Normans, Kings of medieval England have all seized upon the strategic importance of this site.  ibid.


The Viking and English forces that rose up against the Normans in the summer of 1069 destroyed the first wooden castle that William the Conqueror had erected at York.  ibid.


York’s 150 Jews fled into the castle seeking safety and protection from the sheriff.  ibid.



Ermine Street: the Romans’ straightest road which runs north from their capital in London to what became their second city in Britain  York, founded in around 100 A.D.  Most of Ermine Street is still in use today, though we know it better as the A1.  This is Bishopsgate right in the heart of the city of London and it’s the start of Ermine Street proper.  Dan Jones, Walking Britain’s Roman Roads II: Ermine Street, Channel 5 2020   


The Romans paved this road all the way to York, making one of the straightest roads they ever built, and shared their religious beliefs with our native tribes.  Like many of Britain’s Roman roads, Ermine Street had been adapted over the passing centuries, and it’s now part of our modern road system.  ibid.



Two important roads which intersect in the north-east of Britain: Dere Street and Stain Gate.  Together they were integral to the expansion of the Roman Empire here.  Dere Street runs for 226 miles.  It heads north from York and loosely follows the route of the A1 … Stanegate: a key east-west route.  Dan Jones, Walking Britain’s Roman Roads III: Dere Street & Stanegate



Since the lockdown began almost a quarter of a million babies have been born in the UK.  I’ve come to Bradford to spend a week on the frontline of a maternity unit finding out how the pandemic has hit pregnancy and birth.  Panorama: Stacey Dooley & the Lockdown Babies, BBC 2020  


What is the new normal for babies born in 2020?  ibid.  


This is Bradford Royal Infirmary.  Over 5,500 babies are born here every year.  But over the last few months maternity services have had to change radically to keep women and children safe.  ibid.



Wharram Percy: An abandoned medieval village with evidence of appalling crimes; a burial pit containing at least 10 mutilated bodies … 137 dismembered bones in 3 shallow pits … A crime was committed in this peaceful English village 500 years ago.  Conspiracies Decoded s1e2: Mystery at Alcatraz, Discovery 2022



Bradford: Many people are on the margins living in a level of poverty I think is shocking.  Bradford on Duty I: Levelling Up, woman, BBC 2022


The people we look after are the most vulnerable and it’s the ones who are often forgotten about.  They are housebound, deprived …  ibid.  community nurse


We might as well be pissing in the wind … One of the most deprived cities in the country that needs that help and support and investment.  ibid.



Over the next 4 years Bradford City Council is investing £800 million in regenerating the city centre.  Bradford on Duty II: The Greater Good


In 2021 Bradford Council reported 147 incidents of human trafficking.  ibid.  



Bradford has the youngest population of any city in the UK.  28.3% of its population is under 18.  Bradford on Duty III: The Next Generation  


Anti-social behaviour is a real blot on the landscape for us.  ibid.  council big cheese



In West Yorkshire more than 77,600 domestic abuse-related crimes and incidents were recorded in 2020/21.  Bradford on Duty III: On the Edge, caption  



West Yorkshire police dealt with 24,000 mental health incidents in 2020.  Bradford on Duty IV: Healthy at Home



The Vikings changed society and attitudes ... York = Jorvik: in this cosmopolitan city the Vikings soon took on the native culture.  Michael Wood, Great British Nation: A People’s History 2/8: Tribes to Nations, BBC 2012



A prime British target – the town of York.  Bettany Hughes, Seven Ages of Britain 410 A.D. – 1066 A.D. Channel 4 2003



Britannia Superior which had its capital in London and Britannia Inferior which was governed from York.  Bettany Hughes, The Roman Invasion of Britain III: Dominion, History 2009



York 210 A.D.  This is where Severus came to die ... Britain’s African Emperor died at York 211 A.D.  The Untold Invasion of Britain, Channel 4 2010



It is generally believed that the city of York in the north of England is the origin of what became known as modern freemasonry.  The first guilds of stonemasons were organised here, possibly as early as 600 A.D.  York Right Freemasonry



York: the ancient Viking capital of England.  For Hardrada his first target and a base from which he could conquer the whole country.  Dan Snow, 1066: A Year to Conquer England II, BBC 2017



For a long long period York is a Viking trading place.  Vikings: The Rise and Fall s1e2: The Great Heathen Army, expert, National Geographic 2022


Nothing brought wealth faster than forcing their captives into the highly profitable slave trade.  ibid.



It’s about migrants who came thousands of miles to a foreign land only to find poverty and prejudice.  A Very British History s1e3: The Jews of Leeds


The Jews who came to Leeds in the late 19th century were Ashkenazi Jews.  Their roots were thousands of miles away in the area around Vilna, now called Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.  ibid.      



This film is based on events which took place in Leeds during the winter of 1970.  Thursday February 12th 1970 … when there were twelve pennies in a shilling.  Play for Today: Leeds United, by Colin Welland, BBC 1974


I wouldn’t want my time over again not for bucket of bloody bobs.  ibid.  woman on bus    


The company has no contractual arrangements relating to incapacity to work due to sickness or injury covering your employment.  ibid.  employers’ commentary  


The company has no contractual pension scheme covering your employment.  ibid.   


I’ve got a skill.  A trade for life.  ibid.  young woman


We want a substantial increase … We want equal pay for women.  And when you see how these lasses work, they bloody well deserve it.  ibid.  union rep


Sod the union, give us a bob!  ibid.  chant of branch meeting      


We are at war with our union because they are incompetent, they are inept and at times they are downright bloody cowardly.  But the real enemy’s still up there, the bloody masters, the most ruthless, arrogant and vindictive bosses in contemporary industrial Britain.  ibid.  union rep