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★ Local & Civic Government

Local & Civic Government: see Town & City & Law & Government & Politics & Vote & Election & Civil Liberties & Tax & Democracy & Policy

What We Do in the Shadows TV - Adam Smith - Yes Minister TV - Yes Prime Minister TV - George Carlin - Anthony Crosland - Homer - Jim Davidson - Rab C Nesbitt TV - Alan Bleasdale & GBH TV - Dispatches TV - The Casual Vacancy TV - Robert Tressell - George Orwell - Mark Steel - Fred Dibnah TV - Social Housing, Social Cleansing TV - All the Queen’s Horses 2018 - Horizon: Toxic Town: The Corby Poisonings TV - Jonathan Foyle: People’s Palaces: The Golden Age of Civic Architecture TV - Murdered by a Mob TV - Panorama TV - Tonight TV - Confrontation at Clay Cross 1974 TV -




It’s a smorgasborg of banality and despair.  What We Do in the Shadows s1e2: City Council ***** Colin Robinson and gang at Staten Island Council evening session, BBC 2019


Greetings, mortals.  I will make this quick.  I, Nandor the Relentless, Conqueror of thousands, Immortal warrior, who has twice turned the Euphrates itself red with blood, hereby demand complete and total subjugation of this governing body to my command!  ibid.  Nandor addresses local council   



Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.  Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations



Local democracy’s a farce.  Yes, Minister: The Challenge s3e2, Jim to Sir Humphrey, with Bernard, BBC 1982



Nobody knows who their counsellor is.  Yes, Prime Minister s2e5: Power to the People, Jim to Bernard, BBC 1988


This money isn’t like the rates; it’s spent on what people actually want it spent on.  ibid.  Jim to Annie


Once you create genuinely democratic local communities it won’t stop there.  ibid.  Sir Humphrey to Bernard


Since 1832 we have been gradually excluding the voter from government.  ibid.


I think we’re all agreed that the nation isn’t quite ready for total democracy.  ibid.  Jim to Sir Humphrey, with political adviser



You can’t fight City Hall, but you can goddamn sure blow it up.  George Carlin



The party’s over.  Anthony Crosland, 1918-77, British Labour politician, cutting back central governments support for local rates



A councillor ought not to sleep the whole night through, a man to whom the populace is entrusted, and who has many responsibilities.  Homer, The Iliad



First of all I’d like to thank the local Hammersmith Council which is probably a Labour lefty fucking Save the World two-CV driving fucking Greenpeace fucking vegetarian wallies.  Jim Davidson, on stage



It’s the council, that’s who prompted me, boy.  Local bloody Council.  Bunch of bloody wanks.  That’s who they are.  Bunch of wanks.  I mean don’t get me wrong.  I’ve nothing against wanking, you know what I mean.  See, in the past I could have wanked for Scotland.  But see these fuckers.  See these fuckers.  These fuckers are spit-washing the bloody lot of us.  Commonwealth Games is it?  Commonwealth fucking Games …  Rab C Nesbitt: Fight, Rab on local radio explaining crucifix stunt, BBC 2011


I didn’t mean to drag morals into public life you know.  ibid.  Rab to local council leader



It’s my turn now.  Alan Bleasdale, GBH: It Couldn’t Happen Here starring Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young, Michael to headmaster, Channel 4 1991


It was still a great speech, Michael.  Just like the kind your dad used to make.  ibid.  caretaker to Michael


They marched against the system.  ibid.  Michaels fathers speech


Once upon a time he tried to destroy me.  ibid.  Michael to director of education, re Mr Mellor


The truth and Michael Murray make strange bedfellows.  ibid.  Mr Mellor


It’s great being someone, Franky.  ibid.  Michael to chauffeur


Trotsky’s words on the matter of pavements: if you cannot convince a fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.  ibid.  sidekick to Michael


We believe that you will be very soon a great force in the land.  ibid.  adviser to Michael


This callous crypto-fascist Conservative government …  ibid.  Michael to Franky


Remember when we carried banners?  ibid.  Laura to Jim Nelson


If you screw up this day, I’ll screw up the rest of your life.  ibid.  Michael to Jim



I know where you live.  Alan Bleasdale, GBH II: Only Here on a Message starring Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young


Have you been in your wardrobe again?  ibid.  Laura to Jim


You’re still here, Mr Nelson.  Still in the land of the living.  ibid.  doctor


Poll Tax ... Thirty thousand people have suddenly disappeared off the face of this city.  ibid.  Nelson at council meeting


A power base is a power base, gentlemen.  So don’t knock it.  Particularly if you haven’t got one of your own.  ibid.  Michael in meeting with Militant reps



I wish I was a good man.  Alan Bleasdale, GBH III: Send a Message to Michael starring Alan Bleasdale, & Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young, Michael to Franky


I think I’m going mad, Martin.  ibid.  Jim


It’s as if I’ve always known you.  ibid.  Jim to Barbara


He killed the school’s hamsters thirty-five years ago today.  And then I beat him.  And then I saved him.  All in the same day.  ibid.  Mr Weller to Jim


We should be on the same side.  ibid.  Michael to Jim


Come on, what are they saying about me behind me back?  ibid.  Michael to Franky


Franky, don’t go!  ibid.  Michael


You are an ass-hole, Mr Nelson.  ibid.  doctor



I’m not dying; my doctor’s dying.  Alan Bleasdale, GBH IV: Message Sent starring Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young, Jim to Laura


Eileen Critchley phoned.  ibid.  hotel guy to Michael


All this politics is corrupting me.  ibid.


How much further must I descend?  ibid.  Eileen Critchley’s sister Baba


When I can be you, Eileen?  ibid.  Baba, flashback to childhood


A bloody Labour Club – what did you learn there, eh?  ibid.  Laura to Jim


If this was the case history of a kid who had been sent to me, I’d be very concerned for him.  ibid.  Jim to Laura, reading Murray’s file


Mantra?  More like bloody murder if she gets in here.  ibid.  Michael to Baba



What am I going to do with Murray’s file?  Alan Bleasdale, GBH V: Message Received starring Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young, Jim


Life is like a sleigh ride – unless you’re the lead dog, you’re always looking up someone else’s arse.  ibid.  Jim to Mervin the Militant guy


I know what it’s like to be hated and despised.  ibid.  


This Eileen Critchley – enough is enough.  ibid.  Michael to hotel manager Jeff


Sacked and blacklisted – List 99 it’s called.  ibid.  Jim to friend


Last throw of the dice – and it must be thrown properly.  ibid.  MI5 chief


This is the 1990s.  There are no revolutions left.  There are no communists left.  ibid.  Ravi to rozzer Kennedy


It’s the town hall.  You better come and see.  ibid.  Teddy to Michael



You didn’t want to let me in.  Alan Bleasdale, GBH VI: Message Understood starring Robert Lindsay & Lindsay Duncan & Michael Palin & Julie Walters & Tom Georgeson & Andrew Schofield & Jane Danson & David Ross et al, director Robert Young, Laura to Jim


They’re not CID.  ibid.  hotel manager to Jim


It’s two men of God.  Ram them, Mr Nelson!  Go on, ram them!  ibid. 


I have saved your son Michael from becoming institutionalised.  ibid.  Jim to Jim's mum